Was it Kino?

Was it Kino?

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One of the last good parody films that actually had something to say about its genre, rather than being a series of completely unrelated pop-culture references.


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Undeniably so


well said.


I never understood the bike scene where the guy almost runs him over whilst yelling for 3$

deconstruction so good it literally kills the genre it parodies

They're perky, yes.

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No. That scene with the girl talking about shitting on guys' chests got me into scat. This movie ruined my life.

It didn’t help that I was twelve when I first watched this movie and my mom and just gotten remarried and my step sister was HOT.




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really? for me it was the scene where the guy's hot sister wants to bang him

>Only 1 black guy is allowed in the party

I don't get this joke as a Europoor.

Chris Evans and Tom Holland and Ty Simpkins and Jake Gylenhaal are relentlessly handsome.

Jesus christ they got bad fast, but morons kept going to see them. Took years for the parody movie franchise to die.

Typical stupid eurotrash

lmao she's now a feminist "journalist" who contributes to shit rags like The Mary Sue and Buzzfeed

“Mom I got a part in a big Hollywood movie”

Also peak Pressly gettin' an entire generation of dicks hard.


women btfo


Damn that shit is whack!


could it be made today?

Is that the one where she masturbates and squirts the dildo unto a birthday cake?


never watched this, should I?

Yes, she squirts a dildo unto a birthday cake. Plus, the hero redneck from independece day is her father.

the good independence day?

It's a reference to Better Off Dead


They made a sequel? Yowsers.


It's possibly the greatest teen movie ever made. Its biggest flaw is that you only fully appreciate it by seeing all the films it's parodying.

I know it was never addressed in the movie, but I think they stole the routine.

Hell yeah they did.
If you were ever thinking, "Independence Day is alright, but I'd like to see the same thing again but stupider, with empty callbacks and without Will Smith" then boy are you in for a treat

my high school english teacher said this was his favorite film, so it must be kino

is there a list?

on wikipedia

The main ones are
>10 Things I Hate About You
>She's All That
>Bring It On
>American Pie
And then there's like 4 or 5 more films that are referenced in minor amounts

She's All That (1999)
Can't Hardly Wait (1998)
American Pie (1999)
Bring It On (2000)
Rudy (1993)
Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)
Cruel Intentions (1999)
Risky Business (1983)
Just One of the Guys (1985)
American Beauty (1999)
Jawbreaker (1999)
10 Things I Hate About You (1999)
Varsity Blues (1999)
Pretty in Pink (1986)
Never Been Kissed (1999)
Dude, Where's My Car? (2000)
Detroit Rock City (1999)
Sixteen Candles (1984)
Airplane! (1980)
Drop Dead Gorgeous (1999)
Heathers (1989)
Grease (1978)
Can't Buy Me Love (1987)
The Breakfast Club (1985)
Almost Famous (2000)
Road Trip (2000)
Porky's (1982)
Clueless (1995)
Unbreakable (2000)
Election (1999)
Save the Last Dance (2001)
Pleasantville (1998)
Better Off Dead (1985)
License to Drive (1988)
The Karate Kid (1984)
Lucas (1986)
Dazed and Confused (1993)
Three O'Clock High (1987)
My Bodyguard (1980)
The Faculty (1998)
Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo (1999)


Wasn't there a quick scene about that alien high school movie with Robert Patrick and Famke Jansen

i''m not sure thats why i asked for the list
that one i got from wikipedia

God, I wish I had gotten the chance to put my dick inside a young Jaime Presley.

Cruel Intentions is a pretty big influence dude

I'd settle for a mature one, to be honest.

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Yeah, I realised that I forgot it after I saw the bigger list above. It's a bad omission too since it's probably the most referenced film other than 10 Things
And it's probably my favourite teen film that isn't a parody

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rewatched it for the first time probably since it came out and i saw it in the cinema. it holds up really well and you can enjoy it without the references it is making but you're missing the majority of the experience in that case.

Why has it taken you this long to give it another watch?


She looks like Margot Robbie. Not Another Teen Movie with Margot when?

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