Who will play him in the inevitable biopic and who should direct it?
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic and who should direct it?
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>I invented a new character where I call myself a simp, which means I'm not really one, haha!
>the movie makes fun of SJWs for two hours, that means you should watch it and focus on it and breathe in their farts.
i want to die so much
This isn't your average everyday simping.
This is... advanced simping.
>its just a pussy bro
So he wouldnt object if i got to use it either?
This haha I'm an ironybro!
just go to a black neighborhood yelling nigger and when some come keep yelling it but now louder
Bryan Cranston
Or a shaved Jesse Eisenberg to make another film like the Social Network
Where are they
It's our pussy now, bro.
As long as he gets to watch from the closet, I'm sure he'd have no problem.
>that mustache
>that hair
Why does Idubbz always try to make himself look stupid as possible? No wonder his girl is becoming a camwhore, soon she’ll be banging other guys
Let me get this straight
>Person A makes great youtube videos and rakes in shitloads of money
>Person A meets Person B, and what do you know, they hit it off, they're a couple now
>Neither has signed an exclusivity agreement
>Person B decides to open an OnlyFans and rake in money too
Person A is somehow a loser for this??? It's called a dual income arrangement
If he was smart, he would've done what True Geordie did, which was not try and justify himself, but just roll with it and say "fuck you, it's my life". But he's not smart.
You're a whore
>t. i dont care if my girlfriend fucks other guys for money because shes coming home to me at night
Ah yes the galactic brain of True Geordie.
hi Ian
Literally the same language Iceberg Slim uses in 'Pimp'.
Leafy needs to come back and make a video mocking idubbbz.
Alright Yas Forums, make a better argument than idubbbz for having your girlfriend being a whore as a living.
That user is an autistic retard who doesn't understand relationships and has never and will never be in one. Just ignore him.
Compared to this guy, he's a lot less insecure and a lot less immature.
Selling softcore pictures
Same as literally fucking other guys
Being a simp can lead to crippling depression.
Yeah sure if you understand relationships on the level that porn-actors do.
wtf does simp mean? I thought it was a orbiter but apparently it means cuck as well?
To show people he isn't bothered by anything. Only to make it obvious he's bothered by this.
The type of women that get onlyfans accounts are pornstars, insta sluts, and e thots. Any man that lets his woman whore herself out is a spineless beta
How long until she dumps him? Bitch clearly has no respect for himself
My girlfriend doesn't have to stoop so low that she sells pictures of her tits on the internet, so I dunno what youre on about.
Thats the slope, and it's always been the slope. Most of her pics look like they are professionally done, which means shes "networking." One thing always leads to another in that industry
He's losing his hair so he decided to shave it.
Nothing wrong with a moustache my dude.
She's shoving dildos up her and simps are jerking it
It's not too far off
t. incel virgin
Sex work is sex work. Yeah some shit is worse than other but it just has no place in a real relationship.
>What, you don't want your gf to sell pictures of her tits on the internet? Are you a virgin
The projecting is palpable
>crippling depression.
The simps defending him are hilarious.
Its a white knight. A little different than a cuck but people are using it wrong.
Paul Dano
Back to r*ddit tripnigger
It's the internet, dude, you can't expect anyone to abide by the same dictionary definitions of terms, especially newly-produced meme words.
Simp should mean "a man who is willing to bend his back backwards just to appear more attractive to a woman, including lying to her or changing himself in ways he would normally prefer not to". But again, don't expect everyone to comply with this.
Idris Elba unironically
Post BMI
Intimacy is for people that don't have sex which makes perfect sense
He would've been fine if he didn't go on a near-10 minute rant where he's clearly angry and upset.
He should've just made a normal video but at the start or end just address the gf thing and say he doesn't care.
Wanting monogamy is incel now? You HAVE to expect that your GF will send nudes to other men sooner or later in your relationship?
I still can’t believe men pay hundreds of dollars to jerk off to random sluts they’ll never fuck
>b-b-but at least she said my name
Kek, zoomers are the most beta generation
Okay so you won't let your "girlfriend" open an OnlyFans
Does this extend to everyone else close to you?
Your sister?
Your mother?
Your cousins?
It's literally eminem all over again
>Cultivate an edgy, toxic fanbase but reveal you hate BLOMPF
My girlfriend is on Onlyfans and MyDirtyHobby, we are also swingers.
I love group sex, it's great.
>Intimacy is for people that don't have sex
Soon, and then the redemption arc will begin.
Your girlfriend is your right hand you autistic liar.
iDubbbz bending backwards to let his GF send nudes to other men for payment just so she'd stay with him is pretty simpy.
Honestly every guy thats in love with an "e-girl" is a simp. Doesnt matter if he gets to fuck her or just jerks it to her pics.
Are you implying that everyone engages in sexual intimate relationships with their female family members?
Apparently if you want someone to be intimate with just you in a relationship that means you never have sex according to that genius user
sup Ian
Or just that people in actual loving, committed relationships never have things like "selling nude pics online" cross their mind
>the angry teenager literally cannot imagine a life where girls aren't resorting to selling their bodies
You are honestly pathetic, even for this website
No bro, if you don't let your mother, sister, or cousins open OnlyFans, you're an incel.
>Dude gets rich
>Whore is suddenly interested in him
I wonder why...
No I would not allow my mother or my sister to become a whore, a cousin is outside my jurisdiction however.
im not who you were replying to. that statement you made, i was guessing you just made a mistake when writing it, but thats the wording you wanted? Ok.
Put your trip back on SJW Spider-Cuck.