real life horror films
Real life horror films
kek imagine being up to year 9 of being her male best friend and like y'all be finna "doooooo what *dabba* nae nae up in dis..."
her pussy must be nigger by now
wheres the niglet
Is this supposed to be English?
jesus christ thats a rough 23
Lol I did this to my current wife. Before we got married we were best friends for 5 years or so. I knew she was into me the entire time. I hooked up with almost every girl in our friend group over the years and she still loved me and didnt sleep with anyone(she was the only non slutty, traditional girl in our big friend group, from a good family)
Once I got tired of partying and got a good job, I was 28 and decided I wanted to settle down with 1 girl who wasnt a crazy slut and we finally got to together. Its awkward sometimes because our friend group still all hangs around
epic mang
based liar
22, technically.
She was fucking other dudes 100%
If you look like that at 23, a 31 year old mother of 2 is probably the best you can get.
This girl's name? Albert Einstein
not true
he could easily get a hideous shy wholesome autistic girl instead of a hideous coalburning mother of 2 mutt freaks
based polynesian poster
and then you woke up to school
>hideous shy wholesome autistic girl
something you wanna tell the class user
probably earns way above her paygrade and she's hitting 30 soonish and fucking some chad looking wagie on the side
>hideous shy wholesome autistic girl
literally garbage
>Know one of these "I was friends with him for nearly 10 years and now we are together" couples.
>Dudes a full on looking sperg but has a good job.
>She was hot, now shes busted looking.
>Turns out she is busted looking cause a really good lookin dude fucked her over and broke her self confidence.
>Cuck lad who marries her with the good job, builds her back up.
>She then proceeds to divorce him after 4 years and finds herself a Tyrone.
>Cuck lads payin out the nose for everything.
>She strings him along every so often when he starts moving on with another woman by saying "I still love you, I just need to find myself."
>She is doing this because as she said to her friends in what she thought was a private conversation "He would make a good fall back plan if things go south again."
>Cuck lad is holding out hope.
He looks older than her
>wants a pure girl
>slept around himself
poor girl
the same story repeats every day, its so fucking simple and these spergs keep taking the bait
fuck them
>my current wife
This, if you want a pure woman you need to be pure yourself.
there are no rules
cope harder
>legit look fucking 60
I'm speechless
>hideous shy wholesome autistic girl
Have you ever lived with a person on the spectrum? Have you ever lived with a girl? Not even in a romantic sense, just a roomie? If you had, you wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
>he finally got that job and i just...fell in love! haha :)
based from 950 years in the future poster
>heh actually im not a virgin loser i chose to be pure! in my mind im redpilled and those chads fucking hot girls are bluepilled af :.)
mmmkay lad
>looks like a 58 year old mortgage broker
what the actual fuck
Your wife was getting destroyed by jamal and the homies whilst you were busting little nuts into becky thinking you were hot shit.
>mother of two
>both are nogs
>imagine being up to year 9 of being her male best friend
She ran out of backup men.
Her fucking around days are over (late20s?).
The big catches slipped out of her fingers.
Wtf I love my beta orbiter now.
How is it possible that a grown man doesnt know about the cock carousel?
Can you imagine the horror of being the woman in this pic? To be so undesirable? To be the ugliest thing on the planet? I bet her "happy ending" is just because she's actually rich and the guy is just using her to get to her wealth.
Must be truly horrible for her.
beta thread?
Based paradigm shift poster
but youre the one using "purity" 2 cope with your own virginity
you have to understand, women are insane.
One of my female friends fucked all the guys in our friend group later got some weird, shrewd insecure boyfriend who went on an autistic rampage when he found out. It was bad.
>there's no place like home
Jesus Christ this woman must've taken ~200 miles worth of cock, most of them black. At least it's not "Live Laugh Love" because those are at 500 at least.
Is there any movie that deals with what this screencap explains?
things that totally happened, for 100
I bet 500$ it was you who was the boyfriend
I bet he's a bernie supporter
imagine making shit like this up as a weird power fantasy coping mechanism
Why don't you help your friend and tell him to ditch the cunt instead of telling a bunch of strangers on a Laotian basket-weaving forum about his plight
I'm sure she didn't date ANYONE else.
Anyway, you sound like a faggot.
Wait 22 years ago? Those kids should be atleast 22 too, unless....
I don't think anyone actually can pity women since they can be as retarded as possible and still lead better lives than hardoworking men. A women can be the most useless trashbag whore for her whole live and at 40 still get married to a guy who's well off.
What's worse, to do this, or never get married?
It's easy to tell it's fake because he's one of the main parts of the story
When shit like this ACTUALLY happens, either:
a) it doesn't get posted about online
b) somebody mostly uninvolved but saw it happen posts it online
I'm 99% sure that's how Yas Forumstards convince themselves it's fine that they're lonely losers.