Without a doubt one of the most thoughtful blockbusters of our generation.
Without a doubt one of the most thoughtful blockbusters of our generation.
Cavill and Routh are relentlessly handsome.
Truly on of the worst films of the previous decade.
The level of delusion required to consider this “film” good at any level above terrible is absolutely mind boggling, an absolute disaster of film making. This dreck is a disgrace to the meaning of cinema.
Stick to Endgame pajeet
here come the disney shills
You'll never be white no matter how much you pretend pajeet
>so basically, they had the same named mother, which means that the felt this deep connection. martha, it's not a popular name y'know.
Nah I'm a24 chad
I love the part where the entire film stops at it's most crucial moment so the film can advertise all the other capeshit flicks they will release soon after in the form of on-screen email attachments
truly breathtaking stuff
Could you please stop spamming Hack Snyder's capeshit on this board? Who the hell is this autist?!
I rememver that Snyder defended Batman killing people when BvS came out, pointing out how he killed people in other movies, now he's saying Batman as a killer was him "becoming as bad as the bad guys"
The cartoon did it better
I love the part where Snyder says that because Batman just shoots the car they're in and makes it explode then he isn't killing people directly. Nobody has killed anyone directly if you use his retarded logic. What a fucking dumbass.
The only Batman who's never killed is Clooney.
That wasn't the point
Why is Batman a fat man?
Art style, he's very broad and square, and he is wearing a beast of an armour to both keep him alive (he's old and injured here) and take on Supes.
The cartoon really did do it better.
Batman literally says we we're never the good guys to Alfred user
the point is Snyder is joking he said the same shit multiple times during the commentary in jest Batman isn't a good guy
>the point is Snyder is joking
He was serious the first time he said it in an interview. Now he's just kidding because people have pointed out how retarded he is.
he clearly wasn't he's just autistic and can't understand why people don't realize Batman willing choose to do what he did or why he did it even though its clearly laid out for you in the movie
I tried to do it by proxy. Shoot the car they're in, the car blows up or the grenade would go off in the guy's hand, or when he shoots the tank and the guy pretty much lights the tank [himself]. I perceive it as him not killing directly, but if the bad guy's are associated with a thing that happens to blow up, he would say that that's not really my problem.
A little more like manslaughter than murder, although I would say that in the Frank Miller comic book that I reference, he kills all the time. There's a scene from the graphic novel where he busts through a wall, takes the guy's machine gun...I took that little vignette from a scene in The Dark Knight Returns, and at the end of that, he shoots the guy right between the eyes with the machine gun. One shot. Of course, I went to the gas tank, and all of the guys I work with were like, 'You've gotta shoot him in the head' because they're all comic book dorks, and I was like, 'I'm not gonna be the guy that does that!'
He was clearly serious you dumbass. He is as retarded as your grammar is atrocious. Don't talk about what happened in the movie when you've already shown you didn't understand it in the previous thread you moron. He doesn't even know Batman never kills in the comic he references. His brain is as small as yours.
He's old and wearing power armor.
DKR's art style is just kind of like that anyway. Even Joker is drawn really broad.
I think this is more WB's fault than anything, they wanted to try to catch up to the MCU as quick as possible and shove a bunch of characters into a movie that they didn't belong in. Snyder would've done well if he just made a Dark Knight Returns movies.
one of best films of decade
Get 'em user!
Poor Snyder has to explain to capeshit manchildren what most people with normal IQ got from the trailer
time to rangeban snyder cultists
>Poor Snyder has to explain himself to audiences who don't speak his retard language only he and his pajeet fans understand
If you're a manchild sure
People have been telling you literal marlel cocksuckers the very thing he just said for years now. It's only groundbreaking when you have to be spoonfed story in the form of clumsy Whedonesque exposition and quips
>rent free
based pajeet speaking Snyder's retard language
Why do marleltards oust themselves so easily? No matter, the MCU is in an even worse position now than DC Films. Endgame was that shit.
>keeps on bringing marvel into the discussion because his movies are so shit
based retard
>keeps on crying his guts out that his quipshit universe died with deus ex machina-Game
top kek at this pajeet coping that endgame made more money than all 3 of snyder's movies combined
>has to defend his cringe time travel quip filler episode with box office
predictable, but still sad..
Woah did you just admit to crying when your Snyder universe died 3 movies in? You keep bringing Marvel into this even when no one mentioned them though. Are you jealous they actually got to finish their story while you couldn't even set up yours?
>can't even defend his universe since it died a long time ago
predictable, but still sad..
Fantastic article. It confirms not only what DChads have been saying for years, but also brings up new things that even they missed.
Marvelcucks keep seething
I'd rather story end by BvS than getting the insulting literal bloody diarheea that was Endgame. Hey literallly nothing matters now because Tony Stark pulls a literal deus ex machina and we get to replay all the older movies because we have no story. Also Gamorra is now back because we can't have anyone actually dying and the villain dies ten minutes in. Brilliant storytelling right there. What did the other characters that weren't Iron Man or Captain Marvel even do? Just drop lame quips.
This but endgame and infinity war. And civil war
What's Snyder's story? Oh wait. He couldn't tell it because it was so shit that nobody was interested.
He mentions that in his Sunday night commentary. It was fucking great.
>has to keep bringing up marvel unprovoked
>rent free
It really vindicates DChads altogether. They were accused of pulling shit from nowhere but then the literal director had the same exact intent as fans already figured out without having it spoonfed to them.
We know for sure it didn't suck as much balls as Tony Stark inventing a time machine from his overpaid ass to undo the entirety of the 20 movies series.
Yeah it's hilarious how stupid he is. He even based the movie on a comic he didn't understand.
Time to suck Mickey’s cock some more.
>Still bringing up marvel
>We know for sure
You don't know anything about it other than it was so shit that audiences decided it didn't need to be told.
>still crying his guts out that Snyder in one film told a more elaborate story than 20 quipshit turds combined
He says it flatly in his commentary - he saw what he saw. If you were old enough to have read TDKR when it was first released, you too would know that fans were shocked to see Bats straight-up shoot a guy. Snyder didn’t even go that far.
Why are marlel pajeets intentionally these disingenous scum?
>still bringing up marvel
How's it feel that you need to compare yourself to another company just so there's something to talk about since yours got aborted early?
>Another idiot that has no idea what he's talking about.
Maybe read the comic so you'll know that he doesn't kill anyone in it. That's if you're not as dumb as Snyder and you can actually comprehend what you're reading. It's in English though and not in pajeet.
I read it when it was released. Maybe actually read it instead of watching the cartoon and claiming you have.
This proves India is based
You've read it? So you know that Joker kills himself to frame Batman of murder because he didn't actually kill anyone right? You know that Batman even uses rubber bullets against the thugs way after the machine gun page because, as he himself says, he doesn't want to break his no killing rule? Or are you just as retarded as Snyder?
I really enjoyed his commentary on the decisions they made concerning Lex. Good, good stuff.
What do you get from being such a massive cocksucker?
>he didn't kill anyone
>everyone that got run over by a literal tank is just fine guise
You tell me since you're the one with Snyder's dick in your mouth
You can remove that mouse dick from your face any time now pajeet
>Comic literally lists the crimes Batman is accused of
>Murder is missing
>Joker kills himself to frame Batman
>Comic makes a point of showing that murder is added to the list because of Joker
>Batman keeps on saying he is never going to break his rule right until the end
So you literally have zero reading comprehension huh? No wonder you like Snyder. You're both too dumb to understand something that the comic itself keeps on repeatedly trying to tell you.
I’m talking about the same thing Snyder was talking about, dipshit - the part where he rescues the kid from the Mutants. He shot that guy.
>pajeet calling others pajeet
You're only move is to accuse me of being a Marvel fan because you've got nothing else huh? They're both shit but Snyder's is so much shittier that it almost killed the franchise.
Nah I got that. It's just that Miller is such a huge Batman cocksucker that in multiple times he ignored logic in favor of Batman wank. The fact that Batman kan roll in with a literal tank and get nobody called is laughable, as agreed by Snyder.
You’re the moron who can’t distinguish between killing and murder - one is occasionally justified, the other never is. You’ve neither grown nor changed at all since this conversation first began four years ago, which is as appalling as it is sadly predictable.
>nobody called
We're arguing with literal mental illness. I'm just glad we have definitive proof that what we said all those years ago actually turned out true. It's over. The pseudo manchildren lost.
He shot him but didn't kill him. The comic literally spells this out for you. Are you that dense?
The point is that the comic itself shows you that he didn't kill anybody so anyone reading it and thinking he did clearly has comprehension problems like Snyder.
>You’re the moron who can’t distinguish between killing and murder - one is occasionally justified, the other never is.
Are you an idiot? How is this relevant to the discussion? The comic itself showed that he didn't murder or kill anyone but you and Snyder still didn't understand that because you're brainlets.