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more room to fit anymore dead commies in the trenches

John Lennon was a homophobic anti-semitic racist wife beater



bourgeois democracy, which is even worse than the greek democracy

the bourgeois democracy is pure shit for anybody not a bourgeois,

but the republic is a system where the bourgeois has managed to make the plebeians believe that getting an allegedly bourgeois education like rich daddies did and commenting on the rules, lives and mores created by the bourgeois is actually meaningful, and then when from time to time the plebeans figure out the lack of any power their views have on the politics, they go in the streets wreaking havoc.
This is why so many soccer moms and drones try to earn virtue points on posting comments online. The first thing to do online is to comment. See a message on the internet? there is a little box to comment on it.

This is the greatest feat of the bourgeois republic: to turn commenting publicly and privately and reporting comments into a meaningful life .
This is why when you let females talk they talk about sex and they find a devoted audience.

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>the bourgeois democracy is pure shit for anybody not a bourgeois



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Based! He was Yas Forums disguised as Yas Forums

Capitalism. Under capitalism there are no real "liberties" for the exploited, nor can there be, if for no reason than that the premises, printing plants, paper supplies, etc, indispensable for the enjoyment of "liberties" are the privilege of the exploiters. Under capitalism the exploited masses do not, nor can they ever, really participate in governing the country, if for no other reason than that, even under the most democratic regime, under conditions of capitalism, governments are not set up by the people but by the Rothschilds and Stinneses, the Rockefellers and Morgans. Democracy under capitalism iscapitalistdemocracy, the democracy of the exploiting minority, based on the restriction of the rights of exploited majority and directed against this majority.

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kill yourself, weakling scum.

>kill yourself, weakling scum.
Brainwashed bootlicker

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kek that FAS retard really lost influence when a non-imaginary threat materialized

>wants a state sponsored life
>calls others bootlickers

Seeing as you're an unemployed fucking loser, if you actually had a real job you would know the workers divide themselves regardless of a boss. Crane operators think truck drivers are lazy retards, truck drivers think crane operators are lazy retards, machinist think truck drivers and crane operators are lazy retards, etc. Kill yourself immediately.

I want to punch a child in the face.

>Brainwashed bootlicker
>ah save me stalin, I have to pay rent!
how's bernie doing, pal? you better send him another check

Honestly I feel like this song was deliberately written in a way that could be esily subverted. I bet he was waiting for people to make a racist version. It's so easy to turn it that way I'm pretty sure it was intentional. Starting with "imagaine there's no ..." and ending with "living in harmony" sounds like a racist wet dream.

It's funny how this looks like it could be both England and Russia.

the woman would be attractive if it was Russia


Impotent coping from little dick bootlicking incels. Kys brainwashed subhumans

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I feel like it was two chord garbage scribbled on the back of a napkin that only caught on because of its childish message and the fame of the man singing it

Why do Jews hate Christianity so much?

She’s actually right on string theory.

>no retort other than doubling down on his retardation

Spoken like a true 19 year old prissy bitch. Go dye your hair, faggot

i hope you reply to them for an hour

>little dick bootlicking incels
>brainwashed subhumans
the projection here is hitting levels that weren't previously considered possible

Why do you post dead gooks?

n words

did she really say that? pretty based if true

It's not mutually exclusive.

>imagine anworld where there is absolutely nothing to live or die for.

Haha yeah cant wait, sounds great....

Don’t know about Jews but I don’t like it because it’s bluepilled unlike say, Islam

Keep defending this slaves good boy

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They think Jesus caused their downfall, the expulsion from the holy land and later 'persecution'. In fact they caused their own downfall by rejecting their messiah, they didn't like his teaching, they wanted to keep money laundering and being good with romans. In fact it's them who persecuted the early christians until the tables turned.

This, I sense a redemption arc on the horizon. She's even starting to look more feminine and attractive. The estrogen from her delayed puberty will make her turn 360° and walk away from her childish greentardation

You have to realize that your entire ideology just got btfo in 2 minutes by some randos on the internet, and now you've been reduced to parroting some gay ass elementary talking points instead of trying to compose an actual defense. You have none, weak communist pussy.

yeah dude I'm such a slave seating here in my comfortable house shitposting on Yas Forums
just like the slaves did
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh life is so hard, I have to pay my reeeeeeeeeeeent uuuuuuuuuuuuuh hahahahahaha

The Beatles actually had a alternate version of “Get Back” which was about deporting Pakistanis
I swear, look it up

>This, I sense a redemption arc on the horizon. She's even starting to look more feminine and attractive.
Sure, homo

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You will die in your 50s or early 60s having lived a mundane, unfulfilling life. You will NEVER be truly happy.


Bernie voters are the biggest bourgis of them all

They want you to worship their movie idols

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>not real communism

It's clearly bongland

>if for no reason than that the premises, printing plants, paper supplies,
ah yes I an american middle class worker can relate to 18th century industrial life

No clue what you're talking about schizo. There is no defense for capitalism. It's very easy to destroy liberals. If you defend capitalism you are a liberal (conservatives and lolberts are variations of liberalism)
Doesn't mean youre not a fucking delusional idiot, brainwashed tax slave. The fact that you defend capitalism and hate on socialism says a lot especially seeing how western capitalist countries have utterly failed in preparations and response to covid19.

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Sex gifs

idk I'm feeling pretty truly happy atm aggravating your silly ass on Yas Forums, is it merely an trick played on me by the monopoly man (jeff bezos)?

>heligoppter rides
>'not real gommunism'
>ben shapiro
You are not even grasping what we are saying (protip we are not commies) and you are running out of buzzwords soon.

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>There is no defense for capitalism.

My family's property begs to differ, weakling. And we make MONEY, and expand on it too. Bitch.

American middle class is the most disgusting class. They are complacent, as decadent as the rich, lazy, and retarded