Live action adaptation when?
Live action adaptation when?
That last Tintin was supposed to be a trilogy. It bombed everywhere not called Europe. Not happening :(
>t. Tintin fan
>the rocket is a V2
kino; it shows up briefly in the opening of the spielberg film
I was very disappointed with spielberg when he made CGI fest instead of taking up the opportunity to take traditional animation to the next level.
So traditional animation movie for me please.
fan fact: tin tin means pee pee in Japanese
they actually still intend to make a next one that will be directed by peter jackson
They would cast Idris Elba as Haddock and make Tintin a homosexual.
Hi! I watched all the Tintin cartoons and the Asterix cartoons too. They are a part of my childhood. 12 works of Asterix and Asterix versus Caesar are GOAT!
Actually that's chin chin.
I knew he was making the next one but I just assumed that was never getting made or coming out. It's been so long.
>red herring bad guy in the comics, turns out he didn't do anything wrong
>becomes bad guy in the film
>the actual bad guys of the two unrelated stories that make the film either are erased (the Sparrow brothers) or become good guys (the Sparrow Brothers' enforcer, Omar Ben Salaad)
I hate Hollywood so fucking much
You forgot to add that while Europeans did watch it, they didn't really like it.
The reason Hergé named Spielberg as his ideal director is because he always thought Tintin was made for live action, not animation be it 2D or 3D.
redpill me on Professor Calculus
You're right. I'm not Euro, but a leaf, and my old man is French-Canadian, so he grew up on Tintin much like European children and as a result I liked it.. Anyways my old man hates animated anything and somehow agreed to go see this with me. I don't think he'll watch another animated anything before he's in the grave. Not impressed.
just read the comics desu
Name a more cucked country
>finances a space program that sends men to the moon
>the chosen ones are two Belges, one Brit, an American and a dog
>three people, including THE COUNTRY'S GREATEST TRAITOR, manage to infiltrate the trip
I know that one of the Belges had literally saved the country some years before, but still, you're telling me there wasn't a single Syldavian man capable of joining the trip and be more useful and in shape than alchoolic smoker Haddock?
>Asterix: no, Obelix, you can't bring Idefix with us to Britain! Crossing the sea is too dangerous for him!
>Tintin: yeah, Calculus, your plan to go to the moon is great and all, but you better make a suit for Milou to wander around the moon all alone or else I'm not going
Who was in the wrong here?
May or may not have been in personal friends with Leon Degrelle, and was the main proponent behind Hitler's heavy water atomic programme
I will always call him Snowy like a degenerate. Same with Waldo vs Wally.
I also said Calculus, don't worry
Asterix. Obelix always ends up bringing Idefix along anyway, might as well be properly prepared.
There was a guy from WETA that used to post here, he said they still hoped to do the second one...
Idefix didn't go to Britain, Rennes/Switzerland or to Lutetia/Rome in the Laurel adventure
What a fucking normie tier rank
I'm french, I grew up with Tintin. And I liked the Spielberg movie.
I still haven't read any; are you saying the desert ones and those latin american ones are bad then?
None of the tintin stories are bad, not just as good as moon and pirate action.
>Idefix didn't go to Britain
He did in the cartoon adaptation. And the terrible live action adaptation, probably, that movie feels like a fever dream.
>snowy is a pitbull
>tintin is gay and mexican, gets fucked by captain haddock
>calculus is black, fat and effeminate
>thompson and thomson are sexy male strippers
calling it
I've read the first three ones are somewhat bad
>Tintin goes to Paris 2020
>doesn't even adknowledge Tintin in Tibet
I understand not bringing up congo but Tibet? What the fuck bro
Asterix, there have been a few chases where Obelix an Asterix would have died without the help of Idefix
The first person to reply to this chooses which tintin I dump
I initially liked the Tintin movie, but it felt more like a tech demo than an actual movie desu
The movie looked great aside form those disgusting humanoid faces.
Just another example how jews don`t understand art or style
which ones do you have
Tintin in Thailand
This one.
All 24
Out of the whole bunch (and I yield to few in the matter of Tintin autism) it's always stood out to me as the best choice for a feature film.
how did you get them
>He did in the cartoon adaptation.
Don't give a fuck
slsk I think
Teesside Tintin > *
tintin > asterix > lucky luke
don't @ me
I can't believe snowy is fucking dead.
I don't give a fuck what you give a fuck about.
Was it based?
I always liked how they addressed the issue of alcoholism. By getting Snowy plastered as fuck every other comic.
Don't download this
>muh poor injuns
pretty cringe, ngl
Lucky Luke is better than Asterix