Any good films about medieval Britain?
Any good films about medieval Britain?
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The migration happening in Birmingham is people leaving to go just about anywhere else.
Stretching the definition of the word a bit there
Fragile whitey can't handle real history.
lol britain is so far gone; at least they aren't speaking german amirite
Black Knight
Why is every western country trying so hard to be like the US while still constantly shitting on it?
Sure, there's Robin Hood, King Arthur, Robin Hood, Robin Hood, King Arthur, Robin Hood, King Arthur, and that one about King Arthur.
fuck you whit*oid we was knights and shit
Mini series called Pillars of the Earth
fpbp fuck brum what a shithole
The chocolate ration has been raised to twenty grams a week.
When exactly did this 'migration' shit start for Britain? I know for US it's around 1965, but when did bongs start getting all these pocs?
The Last Kingdom
Pillars of the Earth
After WW2 because Churchill gave all of their colonies dual-citizenship in return for fighting for their illegal war. He single-handedly destroyed Britain's future with that decision.
There were a lot of Irish (the worst of the europeans) that moved there to dig ditches
1946~ onwards. Before then there was next to no immigration from pocs.
I'm a proud Briton and I'm brown. Just so you know.
you're not british
You have to go back, nigger
I'm more British than you. Britons accept me as a real Briton whereas you and your fringe ideas would be rejected completely. Simple as.
Make me, cuck
failed larp
It's true though. I am brown. I am a proud Brit.
>calls me cringe
>post a Brit-killing Nazi soldier picture
Ask me how I know you're American or some type of continental scum.
not american but pretty accurate hahhahaha
>i am brown
>proud Brit
Haha fucking loser
On the contrary. I'm shaping up to be quite the successful young man.
You guys really think he's that different? I mean if he eats deep fried mars bars and throws his rubbish in the bin he's British enough right?
Big deal, being brown is a ticket to ride in your shithole country
>deep fried mars bars
Scottish gimmick peddled to tourists
Not at all true. Affirmative action is an American thing. Here in our nation, people get ahead based on merit and merit alone.
I can't get over how fucking hideous she is.
Before 1948 every person born within the British Empire was a 'British Subject' and had the right to live and work anywhere within the British Empire. Legally this meant 100 million Indians and Africans could have moved to England if they wanted, but practically only whites migrated in large numbers, and small numbers of non white elites.
From 1948 this gradually changed when the white countries in the empire realized they had to find a way to stop all the mudskins swamping them, so they made their own seperate citizenships. However even today the leftover former status of 'British subject' is called Commonwealth citizenship and anyone citizen of a Commonwealth country can stay in the UK for 6 months without immigration controls and can even do things like vote in elections, etc.
>Here in our nation, people get ahead based on merit and merit alone.
Nepotism was the word you were looking for
Rich, coming from what's presumably a yankazoid.
why is Yas Forums obsessed with race
>Here in our nation, people get ahead based on merit and merit alone.
lmao, the class system is literally designed to stop that
anonymity, people can actually express an opinion
My parents were lower class, and I'm middle class and will probably be upper middle class by the end of the decade.
In America, there's less social mobility than here. Only the upper classes are relatively firmly entrenched but that's also gradually disappearing.
Why can't we all just forget about race and be consumer cattle?
400000 years ago, give or take a few
the elites use racial tensions to take pressure off themselves actually
Why did the britons (who were black) go around the world violently colonising and invading countries lads?
the world was a better place when retards with bad opinions were shunned
Blacks wuz living in castles while wh*te barbarians lived in mud huts lmfao
That's a false dilemma and you're a fucking idiot.
most white people were living in mud hits, don't conflate yourself with the tiny number of inbred nobles who lived in castles
correct, now we have faux outrage and pc culture dictating literally everything.
Holy fuck. I am surprised I am still getting surprised.
Most people actually lived in houses made of wood and stone, but nice try Tyrone.
Black brit here. What a beautiful museum. I'm so proud of our great nation for not practicing historical revisionism like Muttland
the whole world is obsessed with race, and you aren't better because you're not. you're much worse actually
I thought Germany was cucked but this is some next level shit.
I know it gets memed here a lot to the point where it loses its seriousness, but in all reality current day England is a completely horrifying Orwellian dystopia and that's putting it nicely. If Orwell saw it he'd be horrified by how much worse it is then his literal worse possible imaginations.
theyre not wrong
Do the people who make this stuff know they are being subversive? Do they have any shame at all?
in Germany we have some of it but to be honest its way less than some people make it out to be. I work for public broadcasting and sure there is some of that shit but compared to the BBC it is next to nothing
That assumes these people think they're doing evil. They genuinely think they're doing the right thing.
The jet engine, and especially the Boeing 707 changed the world.
Like you said, there were millions of Pakistanis that effectively had British citizenship, but almost no one ever went there because the trip was long slow and expensive. And you didn’t have phone calls to keep in touch and were likely not to get a decent a job.
Then the jet engine came along and entire London neighborhoods become Pakistani
Can you give me a source for that? All Google's giving me is some random Polish website.
>You have to care about where you are going to be.
A mulatto underclass ruled by Jews? Build your filthy world without me.
>Then the jet engine came along and entire London neighborhoods become Pakistani
Those were probably the better ones, look at the state of major cities now.
Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery