Best werewolf looks: Bad Moon
Best werewolf story: Ginger Snaps
Best werewolf movie generally: American werewolf in London.
Best werewolf looks: Bad Moon
Best werewolf story: Ginger Snaps
Best werewolf movie generally: American werewolf in London.
>no mention of dog soldiers
wtf op
I heard they were going for the CGI route for the Howling Netflix adaptation.
DS is a great movie but is it The Best Of?
Bad Moon is kino
I didb't know there will be such adaptation... More info please?
CGI ruins werewolf movies. They always look very artificial.
It's shit, just wanted to post it
Silver Bullet. Then Ginger Snaps 1 and 2. Then Howling 2 for the lulz. The rest can fuck off.
Goddamn that's a badass name and poster though.
Silver buller didn't age well imo. The music, the acting. And the werewolf looks like a bear.
I strongly disagree with you about the ultra kino music. The acting
......yeah its a little off here and there sure but Uncle Red is a legend. The wolf looking like a bear never bothered me. Why wouldn't a beast look like an animal??? Anyways fuck you and your entire family.
I rarely see Wolf (1994) recommended here.
It's a pretty comfy movie with Jack Nicholson, James Spader and Michelle Pfeiffer.
It is a very good movie, still it's hardly the best. I like Nicholson as a wolfman tho'. He hardly needs any characterisation.
Your sister is a werewolf
Terribly awkward movie but has based Jack Nicholson playing himself again (nothing wrong with that when you're Jack Nicholson)
The only Howling movie worth a good goddamn.
Tyler Posey and Dylan O'Brien and Tyler Hoechlin and Dylan Sprayberry and Daniel Sharman and Cody Christian and so many guys from Teen Wolf are relentlessly handsome.
American werewolf in Paris never gets mentioned. It's obviously not a patch on the original and 97 was too early for decent CGI werewolves, but it's funny and a decent enough watch. Julie delpy was a fucking cute back then so that's a bonus too.
Does she get newd?
>Bad Moon: Best look
nigga, do you even know about Van Hellsing?
Is it just me or do movies rarely get the look right? Just in my honest opinion.
Yes. Shitty cgi. The werewolf looks more like a dobermann with trimered ears than a wolf.
>tfw you will never be sexy werewolf lady
for the coomers
Would you choose to be a werewolf if you had full control of yourself and your powers but everytime you transformed it was as slow and painful as it was in American werewolf?
Fuck off, furfag. Don't you have a rope to hang yourself on?
Of course, she's french
Friendly reminder; werewolves not swearwolves
>Best werewolf movie generally
Nothing in the subgenre will ever beat Ginger Snaps
Thats fookin spooky, it looks more like a biblical demon than a werewolf
>Ginger Snaps 1 and 2
The third one is somewhat good too. In it's onw way. Guess it should be perceived as a standalone werewolf legend adaptation
To me it's the perfect blend of animalistic and twisted human anatomy.
That would mean I am not a werewolf but a skinwalker. Being a werewolf is to be cursed. The transformation should be unavoidable, involuntary and extremely painful.
>tfw no brutal, anxiety inducing oWOD WTA movie with bloody RIP AND TEAR gore
My fellow squaddie of culture. The spoon fight scene was fantastic.
Although we never see him fully transform onscreen
Patrick Hurd-Wood is relentlessly handsome.
Hair rendering especially on TV budget still looks shit
Came here to post this
Andres Muschietti (Mama, It, It: Chapter Two) directs.
It's a Netflix Original film, not some low budget TV series. It will have a big budget. At least $50 million.
Dog soldiers is literally the only good werewolf film.
redpill me on werewolf movies
That’s a good look. Very creepy.
>large virile werewolves will never screw your oneitis to the point of dumping their copious viscous seed to fill her womb
Wats the point of living bros...
Daily reminder that Late Phases is decent
>watching Silver Bullet for the werewolf
Werewolf? More like furfag.
>best werewolf movie about cats
Cat People (1982)
>best werewolf movie about monkeys
The Howling 2
>best werewolf movie about marsupials
The Howling 3: The Marsupials
Gary Busey wasn’t in a werewolf movie; a werewolf happened to show up in a Gary Busey movie.
Best thing to do: Stop creating furry threads
>i expect nothing less than gratuitous violence from the bloody lot of ya
based man of medicine
best werewolf movie
Someday one will pay you a visit to teach u some manners