what's the most number of movies you've watched in a row without stopping?
What's the most number of movies you've watched in a row without stopping?
Do americans really?
I don't think a normal person's stomach can handle more than one of those cokes.
What kind of fat fuck could eat all that by themselves?
You haven't seen My 600 Pound Life?
I could finish that in 20 minutes
for that amount of money I would bite your dick off
The food would be pretty easy. I'd struggle with those drinks though
I could do it ez
Is this a joke? I eat meals of that size regularly. I then fast for days on end like a spooky human snake, but thats besides the point
not even a challenge. are you weak?
Im an outlier as a former competitive eater but even then, I was amateur. This is hard for some people?
>american """"""""cuisine""""""""""
5 at a dusk to dawn drive in
At the earths core, worms, evil brain, two i forget
To earn $3500 in under two hours I’d certainly try.
Thats the real obstacle. the food would actually be quite easy and would mush down, but the volume of coke would stay the same and thats a shit ton
The drinks are what worry me. The food itself would be easy. I'd feel like shit afterwards though.
How many calories is that? I'm a binge eater and gulp down 10k calories worth of food in less than 30 minutes at least twice a month.
Doable if there's sauces
Ranch for the nuggets and BBQ for the burgers
Fries and drink between nuggets and burger
Start with the burgers first as they're more filling than the nuggets, also because a cold burger is a bad burger, the nuggets are fine cold
For every 2 burgers eat some nuggets after while scarfing some fries and drink to clear your taste buds so you can get back to eating the whole meal
How fucked up are your kidneys? I could drink those all down piss not even 20 or 30 mins later and eat all that. I might leave one coke for during or after desu
damn look how much soda they left out of those cups
Looks easy as fuck and I'm not even fat, just very active.
The drinks help you burp silly, I tried to eat a great big AFL grand final family maccas thing by myself and only fucked myself over because of the gravy on the loaded fries. If I was smart and got the regular,I would've smashed the whole thing, easy.
I'm not 600 pounds, but am 230+.
I could eat and HAVE ate that much food within 20 minutes. It's easy as fuck.
That much soda though in 90 minutes probably wouldnt happen
Only thing that would be difficult is all the meat patties and buns. Chips and nuggets are like eating air. Drinks would be easy, as long as I'm eating.
I'd eat all of that and finish it off with one of these
I think I could handle half of that without drinks, but my stomach would hurt after that already.
I've regularly eat that much food in one sitting at McDonald's. The cokes would need to be diet though.
Hmmm, free food!
On vacation 3 months in the southwest i had 4 mcburgers and two soda every other day
I usually feel burnt out after I watch a movie, even if I’ve enjoyed it
I can watch YouTube for hours on end but movies feel like more of an effort
I could probably do it in less than 45
So you drink that shit ton of coke, and they are the ones with problems?
I ate this for dinner on Friday.
god i'm so hungry lads
Do americans really?
Yes? I don't drink that much soda so my kidneys could process that much fine.
Hi fellas I'm ready to fuck
Nice, Red Rooter has the best chips as well
I marathoned the Godfather Trilogy a few years back and did the Hobbit trilogy last year. Godfather was over 9 hours and Hobbit was just under 9.
You were supposed to share with your mates
>Dirty deeds done dirt cheap starts playing
I don't have mates :(
Back when the dollar menu still existed I used to go into McDonald's and get two McChickens and then two McDoubles. I would remove the bread, stack the four hamburger patties on top of each other, and then use the chicken patties as buns. 100% delicious.
Eyeballing it, this is what 3800 calories? I could probably do it. I'd probably feel sick as shit when it's done, but I could do it.
Hobbit extended editions and lord of the rings extended editions, only paused for bathroom breaks
The food probably. The coke, nope.
i've never watched a movie straight through outside a theater
Probably closer to 5000
I went on a stephen king marathon once and didn't sleep for 48 hours, dunno how many movies I watched in a row but since I did play games in between I guess it doesn't count?
its probably 80% ice though, you could do it man
you ate them too?
4 (all the Mad Max movies)
>non-frozen coke
do americans really do this?
Fuck dude I'm allergic to cheese, but...I mean, $3500 is a lot of money
son, are you serious? that picture is like 12,000 cal worth of food
Would you hurt yourself if you forced yourself to eat all of that as fast as possible?
I'll be your mate, mate.
Didn't Michael Stipe used to eat 12500 calorie breakfasts before he went swimming all day? This is peanuts compared to that
Same here.
Two large fries
510*2 = 1020
Four double quarter pounders (they look like they might be custom things with less, but let's be generous)
770 * 4 = 3080
40 chicken nuggets
Four large cokes
310*4 = 1240
7120 calories total. So significant, but as long as you are not a woman you can do it. Especially for $3500.
Like 2.5. I don't like watching more than one movie in a row, gotta give it some hours to settle.
Only half my regular portion I’ll just skip breakfast lol
>having problem with that much coke
That would be easy for me, that equals about a 2L and a bit or so, I drink that amount of soda daily.
100% chance of being a disgusting fat fucking mutt
He was closer than you were. Loser.
Wrong. Try again.
for me, it's the Kiwiburger®
>double Big Mac
720 calories each
>chicken nuggets
302 calories assuming it’s a 20 nugget box
>large fries
510 calories
>large coke
310 calories
Wrong. Fat cunt Aussie.
um...what is this supposed to imply OP? is this not "the usual" for most of you? I buy like 6 cheese burgers, and a 20 piece, and then eat a steak throughout the day. This for 3500 is ez;what simp basedboy anorexic thought this was absurd?
>I don't think a normal person's stomach can handle more than one of those cokes
Holy fuck are spics an euros literally African body tier?
Nah, wouldn't even try.
Nigger that’s three days worth of TDE for the average person
came here to say this
my record is 5 movies in a day. it wasn't in a row though, I took breaks. I don't remember the movies, only one of them, John Rambo.
>couldn't drink all three of those
you are a little baby I'd pee on you, and there'd be nothing you can do about it HAHAHA baby fucking retard