>OMG! It's AVGN! Can you sign my tits?
>black guy signs it instead
What did James mean by this?
>OMG! It's AVGN! Can you sign my tits?
>black guy signs it instead
What did James mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
he's gonna take you back to the past
to let you fuck his wife in the ass
He got cucked by his SJW wife
>dedicates an entire month to his wife being an ape of a woman
what did james mean by THIS?!
Hed rather have a raging bull
>be Dunston
>check in
But seriously, iDubbbz is the bigger cuck.
Wait, what?
>monkey shines
monkeys are not apes
he'll never recover
james is fucked in the head. when a normal heterosexual male sees an attractive woman he thinks: 'I would like to have sex with her'. james, on the other hand, thinks: 'I would like to see a black man have sex with her' while muttering 'b-built for bbc' to himself. james needs help.
that's a Russel Coight gag
Do you think James lurks Yas Forums?
Here's the actress from the scene. Do you think James' wife was jealous?
however monkey shines is an ape
Jame's wife definitely looks like the sort of girl who gets jealous and bitchy in the presence of prettier girls.
What was the casting call?
"Female needed, age 28-32, blond, large breasts"?
james is asian?
*must be willing to do interracial
Some guy here on Yas Forums said that once upon a time, instead of uploading a misc. episode about some shit he uploaded a 10 minute video of his wife getting fucked by a nigger and the deleted it 3 hours later and uploaded what he meant to
I don't know if it is true, but an awful lot of youtubers seem to become cucks ar some point
he did it as an insurance to dodge the inevitable metoo-accusations
It’s kind of cute that you would believe that happened and no one took screenshots.
very cool Mike
nah, she probably has real boobs
might as well talk about Halloween during ape-ril then
post him and his gang of crypt dwelling autists dancing to TMNT
if you've ever uploaded videos to youtube you know this is basically impossible
you'd have to fuck up multiple times and so would youtube
also 3 hours is a long ass time for someone with millions of subscribers, it would have been everywhere
All women are whores.
I don't see the big deal. It's not his wife, just some slut he's banging, so what? She's only taking pics of herself and putting it up for losers, not like she's actually getting railed by other guys.
You're looking at the matter very pragmatically.
We're judging him due to his moral indecency. No matter how you look at it, a man should not allow his woman, be it wife or girlfriend, to expose herself to strangers, becoming an object of unbridled lust for them.
Drop a massive load of cum in her rear
>"Hi, I'm here to audition for AVGN: The Movie"
wat do?
Take her to the couch.
She's not "just some slut he's banging." She's his girlfriend, and has been for a long time, and he even bought her a boob job. He even gave up making videos because she felt he was ignoring her while making his last Content Cop (and she even moved out for a while, and you just know she was fucking other guys behind his back). If you're dating some girl and she's showing her tits and ass and butthole to other guys, she's not really "your girl." She's a girl you're sharing with other men. That's cuck shit. That's simp shit. idubbbz should dump this bitch and find him someone loyal.
no way this is real
god I hate fake tits
Go to 16:20. It's real
I don't give a fuck what you think
Personally, I love them.
why do you know so much about some fag e celeb lmao
why reply then, dumbass
got your ass
lol the black guy is a scrawny manlet nerd, good shit
Is there a way to filter the cinemassacre page on youtube to just the videos of james reviewing movies by himself?? I dont want any of the reviews with that fat fuck and the other guys. God that guy is such a fat blob of mustard
I wouldn't have cared if it wasn't for his beta response. Jesus he could just be an adult about it and not embarrass himself on the internet but he lets his emotions (and the words of others) get to him like a high schooler. Shows how secure he really is about the whole situation.
Does a black guy show up and sign her tits or is it another take at this joke?
Because I love a good trash fire. Why are you here?
to laugh at losers like you lol
Put her on the casting couch and inform her of the clauses in the contract.
What movie is this? Based.
That joke in the gif would be too clever for a brainlet like James. Here's the actual scene:
Mike said he helped James make the movie. Is this what he meant?
You're genuinely pathetic
is Jessica, dare i say, BEST cinemassacre girl???
>that over the top fake acting
i cringed
are you talking about this?
that's all he should do desu, idubbz is ahead of the curve
im losing more and more respect for james. i thought it was like this
but its thisthe absolute worst
Imagine typing and knowing all this. You are only 1 step higher than simps.
I'm pretty sure Mike is railing Jame's wife, and will be eventually be caught, ending in a murderer-suicide.
Screencap this post
he rather eat
the cumfilled asshole
of his wife and down it with soi
i don't think james has it in him.. not the first part at least.