
Fine Art Edition


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so data painted this, but maddox made her out of his positron? what a garbage show


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Goddammit lore has my visor
Don't worry Geordie I stole this thingamajig how do we refuckluate it?
Do you see a crapulator? Just unfuck it and we can make Data a cool guy again

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Much like how you can pull a single capacitor from your hard drive, and reconstruct your whole computer from it.

Well done taint

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A single positron was enough to resurrect data long enough for him to beg for death. Theyre basically magic. Next season they'll probably resurrect the Borg Queen.


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>A single positron
I wouldn't have paid this "writer" a single dollar for this utter garbage.

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>Alex Kurtzman Inks $25M Overall Deal Extension With CBS TV Studios, Will Expand 'Star Trek' TV Franchise

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Reminds me of some of the old TNG Edits


Such an average episode. I don't know why everyone rides it dick.

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Star trek poocard was awful

This. If I was in charge of writing and directing it, I would've made it good instead.

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Sure, like you have the skillset to write or produce 10 episodes of captivating space drama.

Make it as good as TNG is hard. Making it better than Picard is easy.

Any trek fan could fart out more continuity and veto the stupid shit they did

Do you guys think there'll ever be an episodic Star trek again? Without any season long arcs, just a space alien of the week episode?

Enabran Taint

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>you have the skillset to write or produce 10 episodes of captivating space drama.
Yes. I mean, I've never tried. But, I assume I could.

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the episodic tv show was dying before TNG finished airing, and even by the ENT of TNG the writer admitted they had run out of ideas. Both VOY and ENT tired to go back to a more episodic format compared to DS9, and had a far higher failure rate compared to TOS or TNG, because most VOY and ENT episodes were just reskiinned TOS/TNG episodes. Quite honestly, there isn't jack shit to explore in an episodic format at this point.

Thats why Star Trek has gone the way it has, with season long arcs exploring in more detail one specific, already established, aspect of the universe. Klingons, Section 31, Androids/synths

Probably not, (((they))) have decided what we will consume and nothing will change that
It's easy and cheap to do it that way

The dumb thing is, Voyager... and to a lesser degree, DS9, proved you can do an overall plot but still do monsters of the week.

>and even by the ENT of TNG the writer admitted
and even by the end of TNG, the writers*

>Running out of ideas
Retarded baby brain
Tons of new ideas are possible especially knowing what we know now about tech
It's lazy and cheap writing, no one is in it for the art anymore.

You mean The Orville?

>trannies are praising nutrek again
please save us based plumber

>Tons of new ideas are possible especially knowing what we know now about tech
Star Trek had already technobabbled everything from Stargates(Iconian Gateways) to Dyson spheres, and omega molecules that hold endless energy.

What we know now is childs play compared to shit Trek has already explored.

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>When you assume you make an ‘ass’ out of ‘u’ and ‘me’

Sets up st2

I wouldn't mind serialised long arcs. But, the retards who write DISCO and Picard think that a serialised long arc can only be about some big threat to the galaxy that the main character needs to single-handedly stop. If the arcs where lower-stakes or subtler or in the background while they're doing other stuff or character arcs rather than plot arcs. That would be good.

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When you talk shit, you get hit.

When I finally get around to writing my fan-fiction. And, you read it. You'll be sorry you ever doubted me.

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Haven't watched disco, should I even bother? I thought parts of Picard were ok, but it mostly had terrible continuity and a ton of time filling nonsense


If you liked parts of Picard then STD will look like The Godfather to you.

if you don't have a penis it will suck

DISCO is worse than Picard.

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Not sure what you mean. I haven't watched the godfather. I hate mob movies. I find Italian Americans(Sicilians) to be the most obnoxious subculture to ever exist.

It will look like The Shawshank Redemption.

Wait so Picard is a robot now? Fucking why.
What was the purpose of this?

It's okay, they put a time limit on his robot body so it'll kill him eventually.

why didn't they just do a flip and fly around the tholian web?

So they could shoehorn in another seaaon

Ok movie I guess

he's an x-men

Needed a cool plot twist. A moment for the water-cooler. But, really. It'll be like how Harry Kim is is actually from an alternate universe. It won't come up again. It doesn't matter. Season two won't reconcile with the fact that he's practically Data now. Well, hopefully they don't. Because it's such a retarded plot line I hope they just forget about it.

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Give me the most kino Enterprise episodes to watch in season 1/2

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no peyton...........drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooooooooooooooppppppppped

But dude, love
Data loves!

It's one of those 'we discovered a cure for aging, disease and death' things. But, we're not going to use it. Just because.

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Go watch "All Good things" from TNG

Picard was inevitably doomed to go either all alzheimer's, or die, from his brain condition, and they needed a way to avoid that shitty death.

Chabon has already suggested S2 will
>Will the show deal with the philosophical implications of Picard’s golemic return?
>Will it, indeed.

All of them. Just start from episode 1.

Carbon Creek

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Season 1 dealt with 0 philosophical implications arising from its content, there is no way season 2 will.

>S1 didn't deal with something that happened in the last 5 minutes of S1
No shit?

"From its content", not "from the last 5 minutes of its content."

Chabon isn't even involved anymore. And the show was pretty drastically changed from what he originally wanted to do. So, the main ideas in season two will just be from which ever one of the dozen producers yells the loudest.

Also, seeing Chabon pop up in interviews and media over the past couple of weeks. Like he's taking a victory lap. The show obviously sucks, surely he isn't proud of it.

Everyone who shat on Enterprise needs to fucking apologise

>Chabon isn't even involved anymore
>was literally the writer for the last two episodes
Is this another Midnight's Edge/Doomcuck "Kurtzman has been fired!" meme?


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