>hey user, have you thought anymore about the job?
Hey user, have you thought anymore about the job?
The job was too little for him, what did Howie expect?
When Jimmy said that he killed Chuck to Howard, Howard realized that Chuck was right about Jimmy.
So did we finally find out what jimmy's problem is? He's hurting and probably feels responsible
In my opinion, he still doesn’t give a shit about Chuck. He was pissed off at Howard because Howard was a representation of what Jimmy can never be, a respectable and clean lawyer. Jimmy accused Howard of killing Chuck because Jimmy knew that would hurt Howard the most, not because Jimmy actually believed it or cared about it
How the fuck did Howard kill Chuck? Is Jimmy retarded?
Retired him early if I remember but it's still on Jimmy
Who was in the wrong here?
"Hurting" in the sense that Howard is needlessly complicating Jimmy's life by routinely checking in on him even though Jimmy clearly doesn't need him or wants his help. Even when Chuck was alive, Howard was not a friend of Jimmy's and offering him a job it at best pity or opportunistic at worst. Doing it over and over, even when Jimmy is clearly telling him to fuck off? That just comes of as petty passive aggressive bullshit from a guy that has lost his balls.
Jimmy. even when presented with the opportunity to do something right, he will always choose to be the cut-the-corners, cheap, trickster guy. He still is very competent at what he does and some see that ,but whenever he's confronted, and faced with real responsibility, he'll hide behind his mask
>boohoo hot shot lawyers won't let me in their fancy firms because they despise me, how unfair. I must therefore adopt a persona of what they could never be
so he becomes sort of a self fulfilling prophecy
>Jimmy accused Howard of killing Chuck because Jimmy knew that would hurt Howard the most, not because Jimmy actually believed it or cared about it
Jimmy's in denial and deflecting the guilt and blame
>he still doesn’t give a shit about Chuck.
are you a turbo brainlet? Chucks death literally broke Jimmy and forced him to embrace the Saul persona as a coping mechanism.
Honestly blows my mind how uniquely unequipped to decipher human emotions the autistic retards on this website are. No wonder so many anons say nothing happens, they literally cant understand the nuance of human relationships. Fucking astounding.
Imagine if your brother died and one of his co-workers kept showing up and offering you his old job. How many times would it take you before you started yelling in his face to fuck off?
When is he going to punch Jimmy
Howard forced Chuck out of the firm because he was going to drive their insurance way up. Howard himself told Jimmy he felt responsible for Chuck's suicide at the beginning of the previous season, and spent most of the season in heavy guilt and grief, then got over it. Jimmy was secretly responsible for getting the insurance agency on Chuck's case, but no one knows that.
howard said it himself. he told jimmy in an earlier episode that he thinks chuck killed himself because he cashed chuck out, and jimmy welcomed that
It would've been more kino if Jimmy found a way to get Lalo on bail on his own, instead of Gus handing him everything.
Yeah, I took care of that thing for you.
You guys are absolutely retarded. Jimmy doesn’t give a shit about Chuck after Chuck said he didn’t care for Jimmy, you guys are the turbo-autistics. Remember when he was at Chuck’s grave he shrugged it off and said he ‘looked sad.’ It’s a fucking act you complete retards, in the end of season 4 he fucking fakes an entire speech on Chuck and laughs about it afterwards
So can you explain why exactly Chuck killed himself? I guess I misunderstood what exactly happened
Why are you all such brainlets? Why cant any of you fucking pay attention?
Is it me or Jimmy is starting to become unlikable as fuck? Kinda like when Walt poisoned the kid.
Jimmy only said it to Howard because it would hurt him. Stay mad
Amazing how the entire point of those scenes flew directly over your water filled head
Howard walk away like a chad
What’s this from
He killed himself because Jimmy proved to him once and for all that he was fucking crazy and would never recover. He knew his career and relationship with his wife was over. His reputation was destroyed. Jimmy tried to make Howard feel responsible as a fuck you and a way to ease the guilt by lying to himself. The entire Saul persona revolves around denial and delusion and Howard correctly pointed out that Jimmy is miserable in yesterday's episode.
Hah, you turn to ad hominens because you can’t argue your point. You have autism, to put it simply. Jimmy hasn’t given a fuck about Chuck ever since Chuck said that ‘he didn’t care much’ for Jimmy. It was this scene that forced Jimmy to eventually abandon his good side and embrace Saul. Chuck’s death meant little to Jimmy, hell as I said, he faked a speech on Chuck, laughing about it afterwards and calling out the ‘suckers’ who believed in it, you are the sucker
Jimmy dedicated his entire life to his brother after he bailed him out and brought him back to NM. Chucks rejection and cruelty crushed Jimmy for 3 seasons and Jimmy was ultimately Chucks undoing and reason he died. Convincing himself he hated his brother was his only way to cope with that unbearable pain. Did you literally skip the first 3 seasons entirely?
>Chuck said that ‘he didn’t care much’ for Jimmy. It was this scene that forced Jimmy to eventually abandon his good side and embrace Saul
How could you fundamentally misunderstand a scene so hard? You can just turn off your love for the person you love the most in the world. Chuck meant everything to him, and knowing that he could never get Chucks approval and reciprocated love KILLED Jimmy.
You aren’t reading my posts you idiot. My point is that the death of Chuck mattered little to Jimmy, it was the scene where Chuck said that ‘he didn’t care’ for Jimmy that set him off. He wasn’t convincing himself he hated Chuck, Chuck was truly dead to him.
>Jimmy proved to him once and for all that he was fucking crazy
Yeah. That’s my point, it killed him, not the death of Chuck
More bowling balls thrown at him
Hey thanks, Mike The Killer
You seem to be projecting as fuck. Jimmy lived happily for decades, in another part of the country without seeing Chuck once. He only went to chuck as a last resort. Chuck made it a condition that Jimmy come work for him after he got caught doing the Cleveland steamer.
Jimmy was always dead, just like Walt was always evil
get filtered faggots
I think Jimmy's still there deep down, it's why hes so miserable and still deflecting blame for Chucks death at Howard. I think scenes like the eulogy are Jimmy just in a deep state of denial. We know he sheds the Saul persona in the black and white scenes and he seems basically dead inside by then, no longer able to run from his demons by hiding behind a sleazy persona
Nobody is even disagreeing that Jimmy was desperate for Chucks approval during the first 3 seasons, you just added that one
You know what? In light of reason information I have redacted my argument, I believe that Jimmy does indeed care about Chuck and wants to use Howard as a shield in order to reflect his own guilt.
Better Call Saul
>deflecting blame for Chucks death at Howard
he was lying when he said that, he doesn't actually blame howard
Post Howard's face when he reads that Jimmy's involved with Heisenberg and he's on the run
He literally becomes Saul when Chuck says he doesnt love him. Broke his boy.
When did you realize Howard was the good guy?
Who's disappointed that Jimmy won't catch Kim fucking his stepdad?
I feel like you guys are arguing semantics here. Everyone agrees that Jimmy is in denial about his grief about Chuck's death, you're just disagreeing about if it's his literal death or his "death" when Chuck said Jimmy didn't matter to him which was not even 24 hours away from his death.
Chuck's "you're not a real lawyer" speech.
That's a childish assessment. He becomes Saul to help sell phones on a spur of the moment decision. Don't read things into it that aren't there.
Eh that speech could easily be "tough love" moment from Jimmy.
Muh lawyer is a serious profession
>call Steve at corporate
>you gotta file for 12b by June
>ask about his kids
>round up to an hour and bill $200
Yeah sacred profession
This is most humans and actually 4channelers are disproportionately more able to understand the human condition
Vince I know you're here and I swear to god, I swear to GOD, if you don't let nacho and his dad get out if this shit alive I'm personally burning down your house
Jimmy knows Howard didn't kill Chuck, he's well aware he caused his death. Jimmy just doesn't give a shit about Howard's feelings and/or wants to make him feel like shit because he's projecting leftover hatred for Chuck onto him.
Nacho will die to save his dad. The writing is on the wall
Nacho is a selfish pos criminal and his dad is a delusional boomer who can't adapt to the real world. They have it coming.
Because Jimmy absolutely blew him the fuck out both legally and personally. Jimmy played both the board and Chuck and came out on top.
He proved two things that Chuck couldn't live with.
>Chuck's illness was psychosomatic
>Jimmy can outmaneuver Chuck in the courtroom
The humiliation was absolute, he was laid low in front of his peers and his ex-wife and absolutely destroyed his image in both their and his own eyes.
Shit man, I'd kill myself too.
Jesus he asked once at least a year after Chuck's death and asked him to just give it a few days to think it over. Jimmy in response throws a bowling ball at his car and tries to ruin his reputation. Howard was the only mature one, he simply walked away while Jimmy threw a tantrum. Is right, you and the other guy are retarded socially.
Actually most of it is just sitting down and reading and writing documents. Its fairly boring shit and most lawyers aren't happy people, at least careerwise. I mean, some of them can just work through it because its fun to them for some reason.
Even Kim seems to genuinely enjoy the ride on some level, given that at every point she's able to play reluctant defense against her employer and not be fired for it because that's exactly what she's paid to do.
No it wasn't just tough love. He literally tells Jimmy that no matter how much he tries, he will always be Slippin' Jimmy, so he ought to stop running from his identity and embrace it Chuck is right
Nacho's dad is kill, Nacho is now motivated by R E V E N G E and becomes an instrumental part of Gustavo's plan to kill Lalo. Then he either dies in the process or is allowed to disappear.
Howard may come off as a smug prick, and admittedly had his life handed to him, but it's clear to anyone with a modicum of social competency that he's grown a lot and is the better man.
Chuck was right, but only because Chuck made a self-fulfilling prophecy. Jimmy could've gone straight, but Chuck wouldn't allow him to and sabotaged him every step of the way. Chuck was so jealous of Jimmy, and the one thing he could feel superior about was that at least he was a capable lawyer and Jimmy wasn't.
Lalo better come out on top, or I swear...
Except Jimmy does some pretty questionable things "while trying to go straight" if you will. It kind of beats the purpose of trying to go straight.
Lalo is 100% dead. Gus makes a whole point in BB about Hector being the only surviving Salamanca, and Lalo doesn't appear.
Yeah but the "Namaste" license plate is such a holier than thou projection that it justifiably erkes Jimmy because he can't stand that sort of public display of moral superiority.
What movie?
Mind you that even Season 1 Jimmy has already been betrayed by Chuck and he's already feeling disillusioned by being honest, since all his hard work in the mailroom and becoming a lawyer led to him having a shitty nail salon office.
Lads this show is too kino, how the fuck did they do it.
Predicting that Nacho kills Lalo
Why didn't Jimmy just shake his damn hand?
Jimmy struggled but he tried to stay straight, he helped the kettlemans and got that old lady accepted into her social circle again at the cost of his own reputation. It's only after his relationship with Chuck disintegrated he threw all notions of morality out the window and became a full on grifter.
Brainlet here. Can anyone explain the chicken bomb to me?