Joe, Carole and all these other retards in this doco are clinically insane

Joe, Carole and all these other retards in this doco are clinically insane.

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that design sucks balls btw
it forced me not to watch it for ages until i realised what it was

>Joe, Carole and all these other retards in this doco are clinically insane.
that's what makes it so good

The more i accidentally hear about it from you morons, the more i think it is a fake documentary. I hope netflix is tricking all you dumbasses.

What's with all the threads about this? Are netflix shills invading Yas Forums?

Anyone here would have done exactly what Joe did in his situation.

Lol it's real. I guarantee if you watch 1 episode you'll binge the whole thing

Its real. You couldnt fake this shit. The zoos are real places

>y-y-y-you're a shill
>its fake
The cunt is in prison you mongoloids.
>y-y-y-y-y-you're a shill
Fuck off already you insufferable cunts, most people would torrent here you cancer

Who is this hick and why are normalfags obsessed with him

The documentary is well made and gets more insane by the minute

Its got it all
gay redneck
country music

and thats just Joe...shits wild

Joe Exotic has been talked about by people for years. It sounds fake, but that's because of the kind of people Exotic attracted and the amount of attention he wanted from the world.

How can such a shithead get so close to tigers without being torn apart?

Was Carole in that old Louis Theroux BBC documentary? I remember Joe was there and some crazy cat lady but I don't recall if that was her.

Kinda sad that they didn’t spent a single mini the taking to a guy who actually cares about cats and isn’t in it for the money and fame nor about any Organisation that tries to protect wild life tigers and their inhabitants

Confirmed cuck Jow Rifan recently talked about it in his podcast

It's like Ted Nugent's wet dream.

So Do you think That carol fucks the tigers and she straight up murdered her husband

>ep 1: everyone here is a hypocrite
>ep 2: joe has multiple husbands and doc has a harem of brainwashed 18 year olds to fug. Carol has actual slaves working for her
>ep 3: carol murdered her husband and fed him to a tiger
Better than telemundos lads

I don't think she murdered her husband.
but she might have

So is this kike propaganda or a decent documentary or both?

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i would not have used the name big cat rescue entertainment BEGGING to be sued

>doc antles first entrance in episode 1
>immediately manages to make himself seem as completely asshole

How does someone like this even manage to make through life without someone killing them. 10 seconds in and he is immediately the most dislikable person you'd have ever met.

Watching Joe talk about his dead husband rubbing his balls against his face while the guy's mom is tweeking out in the front row of his funeral was a jaw dropping moment. How often do you think Joe got his ass beat for crossing the line?

I hope his son and that cunts simp husband catch a beating.

Its a documentary about how insane americans can be and still be considered as functioning producing members of the society.

I don't think anyone really benefits from this documentary so it's hard to see it being anyones propaganda

It's just lurid sensationalism which makes everybody involved look like a shitbag, in other words it's based. Only guys who come out of it well are all 80 iq alcoholics

i mean, Carole 100% killed the dude, rewrote the will. she's insane as fuck too.
she laughs every-time she gets asked about her dead husband
the old big tit lady friend of his was actually sad about him.
thats how you react to someone disappearing or dying. not fucking like hilary clinton being asked if she killed people
They're all insane. The cults, the people are crazy, but big cat people are INSANE

I think what i atke the most away from this show is that now i know if i ever see a cute chick that's got a pic of her holding a tiger. she's most likely fucked one of these insane old coots.

Joe's crew was full of good people. You could tell they'd all seen some shit but found their own meaning in life by taking care of animals and they weren't brainwashed like Doc's whores and Carol's jannies.

doc antle in the end comes out as the most sane one, albeit a massive asshole

pure kino

It was Joe who did this right? Also, RIP those poor gators and shame about all the lost footage.

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why did he do it?

i’m team carole

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The story continues.

Nah, only Joe was in that one. Louis focused more on pet chimpanzees than tigers. They're a whole other group of nutcases.

No way. He was displaying massive sociopathic flare ups on the interviews that I can only imagine what sick shit he gets up to behind closed doors.

IDK, it seems odd that he would be willing to hurt his gators and he was narcissistic enough that surely he would want the reality tv show to go ahead. However, he was also pretty paranoid so maybe that overtook all other emotions and it seems like he managed to profit from the incident.
There's no reason the producer would do it and though animal rights activists will do some stupid shit that harms animals more than it helps them, burning alligators alive is a little excessive even for them.

Me too. Get your shit together Netflix your original programming shouldn’t have to spread by word of mouth

why does that seem odd? he regularly abused and killed animals or caused them to die through gross neglect. i don’t know where people are getting the impression that joe genuinely loved his animals from. he only liked them as accessories

>impression that joe genuinely loved his animals from.

He has a very beliavable stage character basically which hides his uncaring, paranoid and abusive side. Unlike the other retards in this who you could believe anything out of since they can't even pretend to be nice.

>he regularly abused and killed animals or caused them to die through gross neglect
I don't recall seeing much evidence of any of those things besides killing a few big cats

the sympathetic response joe has received online has just made me realize how manipulable people are. easy marks for narcissists

That was repulsive

half of that shit isn't true and none of the neglect would have occurred if FUCKIN CAROL had minded her own goddamn business instead of trying to bankrupt the people animals depend on.

all of that shit was going to get investigated. boiling those gators in a towering inferno was a dick move though.

log off dillon

That was the whole Mexican side of his family from California there when Joe was talking about his balls, most of them didn't even know Travis was in a homosexual relationship

ok hill

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If you could watch that footage of him talking to his lawyer and NOT come away believing he hired somebody to torch the studio I have a bridge to sell you

You would give up everything you own just to pet a cub for 5 minutes.

I'm not saying he didn't, he's certainly the only likely culprit. I'm just saying it doesn't match some of the things he said and did which gives me some pause.
On the other hand, Carole murdering her husband seems pretty clear cut to me.

>Only guys who come out of it well are all 80 iq alcoholics

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What is the Yas Forums consensus on this? Normies are trying to make it happen. Is it worth marathoning?

in a word

Watch the Louis Theroux episode first

Daily reminder that His Holiness Dr. Bhagavan Antle did N O T H I N G wrong

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It's unironically a very good documentary

Nothing provable because he has a functioning brain, the mans definitely dirty though.

Because the building was full of shit that would be bad for him in the trial

He presumably burned the crocs to make people think he didn't do it

where is that available?

all of those people deserve getting eaten alive by their big cats


It says a lot about this community that a doctor of mystical theology who runs a tiger park in the middle of nowhere with his (formerly virgin) harem of qt wives who call him Lord and do all the work is the only one with his shit together

>He presumably burned the crocs to make people think he didn't do it
Crocs were collateral, he was desperate

>it doesn't match some of the things he said a

That's just it, you can't really believe anything that Joe says. Or any of them for that matter.

The Belize reference made me realise that Exotic made John MacAfee look pretty stable

A MacAfee/Exotic Libertarian ticket would sweep the board in 2024

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The lost footage thing got me thinking though

So the reporter guy mentioned that ALL the footage they had was in there, and he hadn't backed it up, but if that was true where did they get half the shit for this docu?

the worst person in the entire thing

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joyless bitter asshole