Game of Thrones is the comfiest show that ever was or will be

Game of Thrones is the comfiest show that ever was or will be.

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It honestly wasn't believable that a young Dany would turn down a strapping lad like Iain Glen's Jorah. They should have picked a plain looking actor

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Bran and Gendry and Rickon and Joffrey and Tommen and Jojen and Dickon and Lancel and Loras and Robin are relentlessly handsome.

A woman's brain short-circuits when she's in close proximity to two gigachads at once (in this case, jorah and drogo)
Unfortunately, it led to dany developing a taste for Norfern manlets

Show Jorah > Book Jorah
> Total chad
> Respects Dany
> Dany commands him to find her once he heals himself of greyscale, leaves dickhead Daario in Meereen
> Dies in Dany’s arms
> Dany realizes she’s actually loved him


they should have just casted Ian as ser barristan

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how is that making show jorah better? he is just a quiet cuck who does what is told. book jorah grabs dany by the pussy and kisses her and refuses to beg for mercy when his treason is discovered

user? ummm... please have sex.

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know what?

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jesus christ you are in every thread. who ISN'T relentlessly handsome?

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winds in less than 4 months...he promised

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It was anything but that, retard.

when did he promise that?

dany can't keep getting away with the white supremacy bullshit

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this. can't people tell how how close she is to massacring innocent people from this image?

oh god like 99% of these people are white. I never realized this aspect of the whole thing before

winds of winter was promised to come out in 2014

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It was pussy grabbing comfy.

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why can't you just deal with it?

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god I wish that was me

Easy there incel

best girl in GoT

The scene that changed Yas Forums forever.

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maisie does the weirdest shit

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The scene that saved season 8

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>she's trying so hard to pretend that she isn't turned on by this

actually great acting

wrong, that would be miss cinnamon tits

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>s-stop making j-jokes
easy there cunt

I'm rewatching this with my gf who never saw it. We just finished S3.
When should we stop? Do we ruin the show by watching to the end, or is there a comfy point where we can just let it go.

>. book jorah grabs dany by the pussy and kisses her and refuses to beg for mercy when his treason is discovered

season 6 finale is the place to stop

>"Oh," was all Dany had time to say as he pulled her close and pressed his lips down on hers. He smelled of sweat and salt and leather, and the iron studs on his jerkin dug into her naked breasts as he crushed her hard against him. One hand held her by the shoulder while the other slid down her spine to the small of her back, and her mouth opened for his tongue, though she never told it to. His beard is scratchy, she thought, but his mouth is sweet. The Dothraki wore no beards, only long mustaches, and only Khal Drogo had ever kissed her before. He should not be doing this. I am his queen, not his woman.

>It was a long kiss, though how long Dany could not have said. When it ended, Ser Jorah let go of her, and she took a quick step backward. "You . . . you should not have . . ."

>"I should not have waited so long," he finished for her. "I should have kissed you in Qarth, in Vaes Tolorru. I should have kissed you in the red waste, every night and every day. You were made to be kissed, often and well." His eyes were on her breasts.

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>He smelled of sweat and salt and leather

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say what you want about the dullest writer but she at least finished all 7 books within 10 years while the tax man still writes his sixth book and its been 23 years

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that awakens dany's hungry cunt

>Once, so tormented she could not sleep, Dany slid a hand down between her legs, and gasped when she felt how wet she was. Scarce daring to breathe, she moved her fingers back and forth between her lower lips, slowly so as not to wake Irri beside her, until she found one sweet spot and lingered there, touching herself lightly, timidly at first and then faster. Still, the relief she wanted seemed to recede before her, until her dragons stirred, and one screamed out across the cabin, and Irri woke and saw what she was doing.

>Dany knew her face was flushed, but in the darkness Irri surely could not tell. Wordless, the handmaid put a hand on her breast, then bent to take a nipple in her mouth. Her other hand drifted down across the soft curve of belly, through the mound of fine silvery-gold hair, and went to work between Dany's thighs. It was no more than a few moments until her legs twisted and her breasts heaved and her whole body shuddered. She screamed then. Or perhaps that was Drogon. Irri never said a thing, only curled back up and went back to sleep the instant the thing was done.

seriously what did GRRM mean by this

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>literally the only family she has left in the Seven Kingdoms since Arya and Jon fucked off and Bran isn't even human anymore
>Lord Paramount of the Riverlands, the area who's traditionally on friendliest terms with the North by far
>he hates your guts because you needlessly insulted him
Why is Sansa hailed as smart, again ?

>Bran isn't even human anymore
that's right, he is transhuman now

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>His eyes were on her breasts
Absolutely based.

sansa being the smartest person she ever met just showscases how stupid arya is

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Fuck I hate them and their ugly faces

Khaleesi, please... Just a crumb of pussy is all I ask. *cough* dying is thirsty work, the sweet taste of your warm pussy nectar will *cough* surely suffice. Khaleesi... Where are you going? Come back. KHALEESI, PLEASE! *farts uncontrollably* I am losing control of my bowels, there isn't much time. PLEASE COME BACK KHALEESI. *coughs and shits himself* KHALEESIIIIIIIII

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Rather astute.

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book and show jorah are literally the chad vs virgin
>inb4 book jorah is a paedo
desiring cunny is based

The Targaryen pretender sexually abuses her servants, perhaps as part of a lewd Essosi rite.

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they love you and your relentlessly handsome one user

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last year

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got can never be that comfy when you know that it has one of the least comfy endings in tv history

It was brainlet trash since season 2

>she's trying so hard to pretend that she isn't turned on by this

not like us, from the way Yas Forums types go on about the Titan's Bastard it's clear you'd all be delighted to take it up the shitter from him

Imagine writing 8000 pages of books over 25 years with the plan of Dany going mad and getting killed at the very end, and then the actress that portrays her in the adaptation comes to you and and looks at you like this before the last season so you rewrite everything to make her win in the end

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