in retrospect this was kinda cringe
Other urls found in this thread:
>in retrospect
What did he mean by this?
>elderly man has throws autism tantrum
it wasn't supposed to be cool
he even comes out of the bathroom later ready to apologize like a dumbass
what's wrong with that?
it was cringe the first time
i see
I thought it was cringe the date the episode aired. I have no clue what Gilligan was thinking when he wrote it, and how nobody said anything.
Lol, stop this. Gilligan always tried his hardest to make Walt look cool/dangerous and the retarded fans didn’t help by thinking Walter was some badass. Just look at the "say my name" scene.
you're a complete fucking brainlett, Walt is accurately depicted as a out of touch, un-charismatic, middle aged man on a ego trip. It makes sense for him to say embarrassing shit, they even cut to Mike shaking his head and looking disgusted with Walt during the say my name scene because it's supposed to be really fucking corny.
I am the one who sneeds
the cancer had got to his brain. He was trying to say "I am angry at tedd" (as in Eifucht Tedd, SKyler's friend) but it came out as "I am Tedd anger"
That's the point. You're supposed to constantly be cringing at Walt.
this is my thread. There are many others like it, but this one is mine
You probably think Jimmy is supposed to look cool in the purple tracksuit
Gilligan was definitely portraying Walt as unsympathetic you’re the room temp IQ person who didn’t understand
How did you get filtered by breaking bad
he does look kinda cool desu
But he DOES pull it off. Something I only thought Armenians and Bosnian mafioso could do.
why was the last season so bad?
Hardly. Walts entire Heisenberg personality is written as a cartoon image of a criminal villain that Walt creates. Everything about it is goofy if you actually know what real criminals are like. The only people who are scared by Walt are basically people who either are unfamiliar with crime entirely like Skylar. Everyone else, especially the people he works with, have zero respect for him as anything other than a cook.
>watch the say my name scene
>think it's the tightest shit ever
>few years later start watching Fist of the North Star
>realize they just ripped it off
>mfw Jagi did it first and best
>Thread lightly
this was worse
What the fuck did you say you little bitch
Walt was actually pretty powerful by that point. Not to bad of advice. Seems fitting I thought, he still loved Hank like a brother deep down.
People's fascination with this character in general was pretty cringe. The number of times I've read/heard used "badass" to describe his tryhard wannabe gangster attitude was embarassing.
Why are people so bad at making cautionary tales about crime that people actually take as cautionary tales and not as pathetic power fantasies?
interesting. im the most based person on this board.
It wasn't a cautionary tale you brainlet chimp.
Why do people think that knocking on doors is badass?
How was it not?
>Knock knock
>I am the one who knocks
"say my name" isn't fluff to make Walter look cool, its a literal confirmation that Walter has finally reached the status of a kingpin that a high level distributor would know exactly what to say when
If you seethe at this scene it just means you care more about the normalshitters who quote these lines than the actual intentions of the story, which clearly was that Walter was going on a path that ended up fucking over his entire family, and ultimately the money that they're provided with is from the people who he hated.
>this hypocrisy
He pulls it off being a criminal lawyer. Why is it okay because he's only being somewhat shady here vs Walter who's cooking meth? Crime is still crime, so you can't claim one is cool and the other isn't just based on personal tastes, otherwise you're just as bad as the normies who drool at I AM THE DANGER and shit.
It's a geopolitical metaphor. After believing millions were stolen from him, goes on a megalomaniacal quest to amass all the power and wealth he could in order to destroy the people that took the "millions" from him, destroying everything that is good and righteous in his path, corrupting the naive, kind-hearted Jesse, a true member of the "drug scene", into a shell of his former self, and taking the "drug scene" for himself.
I thought the name (((Heisenberg))) gave it away but apparently it still flew over you brainlets' heads.
walt wins
I think the point of it was mostly to show how much Walter loved the attention and being feared. Just another reminder that he was, in the end, doing it for himself, because he finally felt validated.
Do you honestly believe that literally cautioning people about the dangers of cooking meth was a central theme of that show? Are you fucking obtuse?
>intentions of the story
When you tell a story and most people completely misinterpret it, it's a failure on your part as a storyteller. Starship Trooper is the only exception because it being misinterpreted is part of the intent.
Yes, people are retards, that's not an excuse when you write stories aimed at people.
Why is reddit suddenly pretending Walt isn't bad ass? He iced two of the most ghetto esse's around, ran one over and blew the other's head off, nuked Gus, took over New Mexico. Are you kidding? This guy is scary as fuck. He'll fucking kill you.
Mike tells him in the last scene it's his fault everything fucked up because of his pride and his ego, his desire to be "the big man" instead of cooking and making as much money as he wanted
Not really though.
He reached all his goals. His family is provided for, he is remembered as a tough kingpin, and he even got to free Jesse and kill the Nazi's who betrayed him
Which is retarded because that was Walt's intent until Gus put a target on their back for that debacle with Jesse and the dead kid. It was Gus and to a lesser extent Jesse for fucking everything up. Heisenberg was just scrambling to make it all work.
In the last season, there were several points where Walt could've stopped but didn't, he had all the money he needed. He wanted to keep going because "he's in the empire business".
Zoomer pussies use doorbells because knocking hurts their knuckles.
>go home walter
>uwu soowy for comin to yo home gussyy san. pls dnt punish me dady
Walt was constantly undermining and crossing the player's around him, he proved himself a liability to Gus. Walt just couldn't help himself, he wanted it all.
Yeah cool. But like I said before the beef with Gus and Jesse everything was copacetic.
But even if Jesse and Gus had done exactly what they were supposed to, there's no way Walt would've stopped when he had enough money to provide for his family.
Good god user you might have actual autism. I was being sarcastic but even if I was dead serious theres a difference between wearing a fedora and a purple track suit
>I am the one who box.
What did he mean by this?
Correct me if I'm wrong here but did Walt ever have any actual power? Like when he had a couple guys in prison wacked at the same time, he just paid that gang to do it for him.
Ordering the Aryan Brotherhood to whack 10 guys in 3 prisons in 2 minutes sounds pretty powerful to me.
Of course he never was as powerful as the cartels or Gus.
He didn't order them though, he had no power over them. They took his money and fucked him over when it was convenient.
He did tell them to do it exactly the way he wanted. But I suppose here we stumble into an argument about what it means to have power and how does it differ from having a shitload of money.
Gus also fucked the cartel over when he was strong enough to do it. Walter then fucked him over by exploiting his weakness. Then Jack fucked Walt over when he was weak and had his back against the wall.
>tfw people think ozymandias was an good episode
Absolute dreck
what was your favourite episode?
in b4 fly
the pilot
I'd say you cannot have power without a modest degree of physical security, i.e. muscle. Walt was never physically secure, he almost always had a gun to his head.
Gus is a frail man in his 60's and he exudes more power than anyone else in the series.
By muscle I mean armed men. Gus had that asian guy and the old guy.
Fair enough. He also did not inspire much loyalty, the Brotherhood served him for money, as did Mike. With Jesse it's more complicated, but he clearly did not like Walt.