Why isn't the film industry doing more to respect women?
Why isn't the film industry doing more to respect women?
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women are whores
She doesn't look too upset about it.
Her videos were really shit but I find myself going back to them very often
>film industry
>some whore isn't making as much money as she possibly could be
literally who gives a shit?
She's a piece of shit
ever notice how no ones wants to do anything without a shit load of money nowadays? doctors bitch when the only get 150k despite "muh saving lives"
But women are paid more than men in porn and it is also far easier to produce and distribute your own content than Hollywood.
Christcuck whore
> money bad
Woah woah woah are you telling me getting fucked for money is exploitative or something?
When is she going to make her comeback?
i'll cum in her back if you know what i mean
STFU incel!
>the porn industry will collapse in your lifetime
Can't wait
She wanna make money, she need to make more scenes. Please.
>be lebbo slut
>do porn over the span of about six months and barely make like 10-15 videos
>receive over $12,000 for this
>whine because you don't get fucking residuals like its hollywood or something
>spoil any return career by fucking blacks in first go-through so fanbase evaporates except for BLACKED degenerates who won't pay premium now that she's already done it
She's just trying to build a new career as a 'critic" of the porn industry. Probably had/has plans to be a columnist for some woke magazine.
When is she going to apologise?
she makes more as an influencer so it's probably not going to happen
No it isn’t
I dont..can you explain pls
as an arab I really hate her
I dont care that the entire world considers us terrorists, rapists, goatfuckers, etc. couldnt give less of a fuck, its based actually and quite true
but the fact that an arab is the most popular porn star and her family is too cucked to do what arabs should do in such cases, that makes me seethe
oh well, cant expect much from lebanese christcucks
Same, she hits every one of my buttons except performance.
Please don’t say that word I lose an IQ point every time I see it
The porn industry doesn't respect anyone. Arguably male porn actors have it even worse off, because there's a huge pressure on them to perform and they don't get the recognition women do.
hit or miss
Shame she quit before fixing her mangled bolt-on tiddies.
Reported for Islamic terrorism
She's not an Arab, she's Lebanese which makes her Phoenician.
> I am against children dying
What is her stance on abortion?
Hopefully before here new new tits go bad. It's a shame she only has like 3 good scenes. And by good I mean shot well enough to make up for her wooden performance.
The porn industry might be one of the worst examples to use this logic with. She can literally just open a page on porn websites and film all of her stuff herself, as plenty of people do. This isn't like the film industry that requires a complex network of distribution, everybody goes to the same websites.
Also, regular women make thousands just selling feet pics and nudes, maybe hoe rights isn't the most pressing labor issue right now
How does it feel to marry a pornstar bros? How does she have children? Also, isn't she in a relationship?
based actually
lebanese christians and shias should have their arab-cards revoked
lebanese sunnis are extremely radical and thus based tho
>She's not an Arab, she's Arab which makes her Arab.
reported for islamophobia
lol lebbos are arabic as fuck, and also gay
Public education rears its ugly head again.
based muslimbro
Islamophobia when arab terrorists are launching missiles in my colony.
Go fuck yourself.
you don't feel"it" at all user
What's that, Mia Khalifa has no immediate protection at her house you say?
She has a net worth of $2 million. What, is she supposed to be $200 million rich? $2 billion rich?
based based poster
fuck fags
fuck kikes
fuck trannies
fuck anime
Based Hamas
God damn her tits look awful. They don't look soft, they're clearly modified and the nipples look like they've been painted on.
Gross. How do anyone fap to American "pornstars" with these poorly done boobjobs?
I hope the FBI is watching you.
People are greedy
Arabs are Semites you dumb kike.
Ask iDubbbz.
I wanna marry Mia bros. How do it?
I've always been a man of amateur
is she a whore?
>a whore is paid for sex
>a pornstar is paid for being filmed having sex
yes, yes, I have autissimo
imagine your daughter being a pornstar
All women are whores
I doubt 90% of porn stars have managers like regular actors do, though. If you don't know about the business you'll get taken advantage of.
>implying you wouldn't take a ride
*Hits pipe*
You just know
>not marrying a well-bred, polite intellectual who can intelligently discuss kino with you
I know user. It's awful. *hugs you*
>Arguably male porn actors have it even worse off
Nothing arguable about it, they make less and end up with all sorts of fucked up conditions.
>be vaguely attractive pajeet porn star
>take loads on face for money
>why won’t anyone take me seriously?!
Not the sharpest sandwich in the toolbox is she
pls sauce me before janny does a 404
her tits are a disaster
>mfw THAT video
I prefer Stoya though.
That clickbait headline was written by some self-righteous third party. Not that it's impossible she herself feels that way, but that headline alone isn't an indicator of that.
I wonder how she even ended up in porn.
She's an escort lad, check adultwork and filename
I can guarantee you that in her self-narrative it was some man's fault.
because the men in the biz are psychopaths who all need the rope
Sandnigger as a sandnigger.
austin is a sōybóy hellhole and another paradise for government workers who get paid big bucks to suck ass at life.
>disgusting nipples
>small forehead
fucking gross, how can people like this thing
I like how she complains that she 'only' got $12000 for her porn.
She did a dozen or so videos, she probably did 2-3 a day (and only worked half a day at that), she got paid a huge amount for very little work as a complete amateur.
She turned down the much more lucrative contracts she was offered when she became famous.