Member when Pixar made a movie just to shit on fat people? How would that fly today?

Member when Pixar made a movie just to shit on fat people? How would that fly today?

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It wouldn't fly so good

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It would be ok cos the fat Captain was Based

Isn’t that ripped off from Dredd?

isn't it nice when hollywood openly mocks the public and the public loves it?

Never understood the problem with fatshaming. Fat is not attractive, not healthy and not presentable in media (unless comedy) yet far left somehow decides it’s on par with racism is sexism. You choose to be a fat fuck, unlike being a woman or gay.

I fucking hate fat people

>Fat is not attractive

My dick constantly tells me otherwise, and I question it every day.

>or gay.

Not a choice and it has been proven

The new Spiderman movies are proof they don't do it enough.

is there a cure, brother?

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>unlike being a woman

i remember when this film came out americans complained it was a gross representation of them, even though no where did the film mention they were from america at all

100% of men who have sex with other men are making a choice. Some small percentage of people who are fat have no choice in the matter.

Kat isn't that fat, most of the extra pounds are in her titties. She has the perfect chubby girl's body and any man should want to fuck her.

fat guy here currently losing weight and going to the gym
we need to hear it, moreso actually, its not "okay" to be fat, its a health issue and needs to be fixed

>t. latino

At the time this came out fatness was more associated with the generally male and white redneck and fox news type right, so it was a pretty open target.

Nowadays fatness is increasingly associated with feminism and progressive minority causes, so it is no longer open for criticism.

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100% of women who have the audacity of being women don't surgically graft a grotesque sausage to their crotch.

Fat people are getting awful messages from the diet/fitness industry that fucks them over hard, then stupid ass shows like The Biggest Loser make them think they need to exercise 12 hours a day to lose weight too. The main issue is people eating too often because of the advent of snacking, that's fucked over the population more than anything over the last few decades and it starts in childhood because you have kids getting "snack time" at school.

People definitely need to get the message that being fat is bad and you shouldn't be comfortable with it, if only for your health. Men are more aware of this because they don't get an easy out like women do where they can be classified as obese yet many members of the opposite sex want to fuck them anyway, that's why almost all "fat positive" dipshits are women. I don't think shaming is necessary, it doesn't do anything but make people retreat back into bad behaviors.....good sustainable strategies are much more important, any stupid fucking meme diet that people struggle to keep up for a couple weeks is worthless in the longterm.

>100% of men who have sex with other men are making a choice
what about prison fags?

not all prisoners are gay, so how do you explain that?

I don't fuck jews.

It wasn't just to shit on fat people. It's an exaggeration of the state of humanity who's too distracted to care enough to do anything about the things going wrong and how instead of putting in the effort, we just throw a blanket over things and hope it's good enough of a solution.

Remember when Pixar was good?
Fug, I miss those days.

Officially the cause was bone loss from less gravity but visually was meant to invoke infancy, as in humanity is reduced to a helpless state cared for by computer nannies. Only when the captain stands up can humanity hope to regain control of its own destiny.

She's the right amount of pudgy not fat

worked for Trump

Its literally just fat women trying (and successfully doing so imo) to get into hypergamy

Uh ok?
But they can’t choose whether they’re attracted to men.

>small percentage of fatties have no choice
sounds like a fat cope, it’s not even true

>Americans don't consider this fat.

I relentlessly mock the modern amerigoy lifestyle. I literally live in shart central, everyone around me is a fat mutt. Love it when anyone takes the piss out of this degenerate hellhole.

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That's exactly right. It executed it's concepts so well and maybe I'm inflating it's value, but I consider it the best CGI animated movie made in almost every respect even so many years after it's release.

It would go over better since Disney has a stronger grip on their control of what opinions and beliefs the populous are allowed.

>I had no choice but to bend that faggot over and fuck him in the anus

hell I'd say it's genuinely one of the best films ever made, animated or otherwise.

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Also they made clear the fatness was more a result of their bodies (mostly bones iirc) fucking up for staying in space so much. Sure them becoming lazy didn't help but still

A person is fat only if they got double chin, fat arms, fat cheeks and a big belly

Ever heard about thyroid gland diseases, for example?

no one has ever made any choices, the idea itself is nonsensical and anti-life

>fat people
They were literally meant to represent americans

sort of like deciding to be a faggot

diseased people aren't attractive either


How did this shit on fat people again?

Wasn't the message more about bad authority figures fucking it up for the rest of them. The fat people really didn't have a choice in becoming fat due to their suroundings.

>only ones left after we ruined the earth
checks out guess you guys stayed with Wall-E's?

Big guys are predisposed to not flying good.

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It's a problem when these retards try to make it out to be healthy but why would you actually go out of your way to randomly shame any random fat person off the street? Guy sits on a bus and he gets snickered at because he's fat? That's pretty idiotic. Fat people exist, they need treatment like bariatric surgery, deal with it.

The browner America gets the fatter it gets. Really makes u think.

>The Biggest Loser

Has this show ever helped anyone? No doubt many of the participants failed to lose weight, and most of those who made it didn't manage to keep it off long term.

It was about people being complacent about things slowly getting worse and worse .
They got fat because of their lifestyle on the ship, they had to live on the ship because they polluted the planet, they polluted the planet because it was more convenient in the short term even though it caused long term problems

in this case, yes

Homosexuality is a choice you cretin

It costs like 3 cents a month to treat hypothyroidism. Levothyroxine is one of the cheapest drugs ever.

Type 1 diabetics I have a little more sympathy for.

Chubster detected. Snickering is like culture, it keeps fatties in line

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How many do you think suffocated to death?

Zero because kids movie

While you cannot choose wether you're homosexual or not you can certainly choose to be a flamboyant faggot which is what most people actually hate. Only bible-thumping retards hate gays for le peepee in anus but most normal people despise faggots for being fags not gays for being homos. Sadly, (((hollywood))) thinks both are the same and only typecasts the most feminine, annoying fags.

Fuck fatties though. They can just drop the hamburger every once in a while.

Nigger, even people who actually suffer from some sort of metabolical malfunction have to insert food into their piehole to create those calories that result in fat. If these so-called "sick" people just created fat out of thin air, why is there no such thing in all those African and other poor nation where a fat fuck pops out between all the skeleton children? Are you telling me these billions of people don't have bad genes at all among them?