Why'd she do it bros ;_;
Why'd she do it bros ;_;
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who is this
what did she do?
She chopped her tiddies
she unironically looks hotter after the reduction and weight loss.
got rid of her village feeders
Breast reduction. She's a flatty now. And she's doing porn again for some reason
t. Homosexual
>CJ: You went back to school during your hiatus, what did you get your degree in?
>Siri: My degreeās in Communications and Gender Studies.
>who's your little fuckslut
>I am your little fuckslut
>replying to bait
Why did SHE do it?
She's always been kind of retarded, ever checked her social media?
well are you gonna post the new look or not faggot?
>ever checked her social media?
Fuck no.
Why did SHE do it?
she's obese now
This. Literally the hottest milf ever and she fucked it up
So is titsweat a real thing?
wtf post pics
>Eva Notty
>Lindsey Dawn Mckenzie
Why do they keep doing it? It should be illegal for women like pornstars who are famous for their natural huge tits to get reductions, and if they do they should be permanently barred from the industry
Post feet faggots
Did they get rid of their tits too?
weren't those fake to begin with?
consider the wall hit
Also why is it censored, isn't she literally a pornstar
What does she look like now?
They weren't even that big to begin with.
Would still fuck
What the fuck she looks like she has tranny tits now.
jesus christ wtf and why
imagine a guy chopping off his huge dick lmao
Looks incredibly lopsided now. I mean the tit to hip ratio.
Her tits look retarded now lol
her nipples are also way smaller now
The scars make it look like they're fake lmao
Fucked asian guys ;)
>those shit tats
>those shit tits
im depressed
Everything went wrong when she dyed her hair red...
mental illness
So this is the power of asian men when they fuck your women hahahaha
Can someone explain to me what makes a woman actually go through with a breast reduction?
Back pain.
pre-dyed hair, pre-weight loss, pre-tattoo, pre-negro Siri is best
I dated a girl with stupid-big fake tits. She even did some pics for Hustler. Never was a boob guy before but she kinda gave me a taste for fakes, I like them now.
Fuckin terrible, I would still fuck her but she had a nice look and ruined it. I liked Proxy Paige before she got tattoos and I still like her after but she ruined her aesthetic too.
raylene was hotter
I heard she got cancer.
Various reasons when asked. But ultimately when you boil it down it amounts to two things; they think that all their worth is based on their tits (which they dislike) and back pain.
The funny thing is nearly all women that reduce their tits become a whole lot more promiscuous in light of the reduced attention they get for having mediocre tits.
Also backpain can be mitigated with proper back strengthening exercises.
she's still got the ass I guess
fine taste you have there user
Chestlets and kikes unironically seethe when they see large breasted women. They have even went as far as making up a "condition" called breast hypertrophy for having "tits too big".
>she's still got the ass I guess
she lost too much weight
Asian guy siri was my favorite
I sometimes suspect they don't - like any human -like being defined by their tits, if it's not a step towards promoting progressive moment, they might certainly feel misunderstood or less.
Case in pint Miley Cyrus.
>Chestlets and kikes unironically seethe when they see large breasted women.
Uh user, I don't know how to tell you this but Jews typically have some of the largest milkers around. As such most Jewish guys love a big fat pair of tiddies. I have no idea where you got the idea that they like small breasts but it's just flat out wrong.
Everyone is defined by a trait.
You learn to embrace it and own it, or you viciously reject and reinvent yourself
>Jews typically have some of the largest milkers around.
Can you actually unironically prove this besides showing me cherry picked photos?
Why do you think breat implants exist?
Jewish plastic surgeons
How to let everyone know you're an ungrateful idiot in one simple step!
Yes actually.
The kikes he's referring to are the ones that want the goyim masses to become a androgynous mutt race of people. Of course, they'll keep the khazar milkers for themselves
Chopping the tits is one thing. but reducing your areolae is an afront to God. If I wanted tiny man nips I'd fap to guys. She fucking ruined herself. I hope she never gets hired again because of those frankentits
Based user. Thanks for providing evidence, I conceed
Why'd she do what user? Why'd she not have sex with me? Probably because I'm too busy browsing this stupid fucking basket weaving forum.
jews did this
Breast reduction is done because either breast cancer risk or reducing back pain in the older years
I was always an assman going through puberty. Every girl with a huge ass would reject me though. But one day, the girl with the biggest tits in school agreed to go out with me. Lost pur virginities together and everything. Ever since then I've obly dated women with busts bigger than G cups
Chestlet women are very envious and make big tiddy women self conscious and afraid with "sagging" which is BS unless you're wearing a bra all the time
source: big tiddy jew gf
No fuck off with the back pain meme. Just lose weight but keep the tits
You'd think women would know each other well enough to never trust another woman, ESPECIALLY their "friends".
Wait, is this Siri?
What is this tweet about?
Ariel Winter was a fat spic and all she had to do was exercise but nooooo....
But her tits would then be droopy as fuck. Don't get me wrong they were amazing, but maybe she'll be the perfect milf later on
yes but they at least looked decent now she's got saggy fakes with a disguising scar across both of them
The fuck? She had inverted nipples which were natural and now she has "normal" nipples. Bitch ruined herself, who even likes those tats?
They were saggy as fuck when she started. They probably got so saggy that they looked gross. Women only get reductions/lifts if they think they'll look better after.
Backpain is mainly caused by slouching, which is a symptom of a weak back.
Back exercises to stregthen you back not only corrects posture, but it also makes carrying a pair of tits a hell of a lot easier