>Hey everybody, I thought I'd cash in on this crisis and launch a YouTube channel about bullshit
>Ignore the millions of views, subscribers, and dollars of ad revenue it's bringing in, what's important is that we stay positive!!!
Hey everybody, I thought I'd cash in on this crisis and launch a YouTube channel about bullshit
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You look good in that suit mate
who are you quoting?
Id prolly fuck him ngl
How many of these views are botted? I refuse to believe that there are so many tools thst would watch this literal who.
>#1 on trending
Of course it is
>let me just steal clips that my assistant found on twitter and instagram
YouTube switching more and more toward networks and celebrities is sickening.
I bet Jenna was his first sub ...
I don't understand... are you whining because someone made a YouTube video and that other people are the expected audience of such a thing? You don't say. Better get mad about it
In the end he's making maybe $5000 from YouTube that's nothing to him
You think she's into bondage and degradation?
I really don’t understand people. Actors are the most deceitful people on the planet—they lie for a living. Now that actors are no longer having films shown in theaters or competing against other actors for time slots on late night talk shows they find themselves in the digital landscape, where they compete against the giants of YouTube. Obviously this video and others like it where actors are posting content to YouTube or social media is them testing the waters, and people seem to be buying it. The Gal Gadot video was a misfire, but people seem to be buying John’s schtick. Do people think that John isn’t acting here? Can they be that gullible?
>Be youtube
>Everyone stuck at home
>Don't bother disabling (or at least reducing) ads while everyone's stuck in their rooms with not much else to do
Why, bros?
I don't get how people on here think that "popular" things are a conspiracy because it's not what they think should be popular? Are people that delusional on here to think Yas Forums or Yas Forums is what normal people think, and anything contrary is shills and fake people? Isn't it more rational to think that people on here are in their own bubble outside normal people? No?
You make lots of money from YouTube actually
Way more than other online shit ppl do like twitch
Blocking ads is theft
t. NPC
lol, the amount of people salty as fuck about celebrities is laughable
y so mad
because they're better than you?
>I'd cash in on this crisis
everyone is doing it man
how the fuck do women find this guy attractive. niggas got a big ass fuckin head and a bell pepper for a nose
if they pay youtube enough it'll get put in autoplay and on the front page
the zog box told them he was
The Office is the most popular show with normies and they constantly rewatch it, it's not that hard to believe.
>ohhh noooooo people are enjoying empty, harmless content without validating my cynical outlook nooooooo
I'm upset because it's just as tone deaf a thing to do as those retards singing Imagine
>must be nice having all that money and fame
behold the gamma male faggot op
She reuploaded his interview with Steve Carrell to her podcast channel even though she wasn't involved in it
There's no way Youtube still pays more than Twitch after all the demonetizing they've done
They do if you're producing 15 minutes of advertiser friendly content like this schlub did.
His producer steals wholesome content from twitter and that's really all the content he needs to make endless videos
I just want them to be honest about it
>drama happens
>lots of ad companies pull out of youtube
>everyone gets significantly less money
>eventually the ad companies come back because it's the best way to advertise to the most sought after advertising group
keep crying clueless tardcel
>I just want them to be honest about it
Uh huh. What do you want them to say, exactly? "We made these videos so people will watch them? Listen to our evil YouTube scheme involving content people are watching that incels think isn't genuine?"
I hope John copyright strikes her
Maybe he could just not make his channel explicitly about faux positivity,
especially when people are actually suffering economically, something he nor his children's children will truly understand
You know what I hate more than Hysterical fags during this time? positive energy fags
Yes, basically. You need a certain level of resilience to not have this place morph your entire perception of reality. I've been here since 2006 and it's fucking amazing to see the sort of anons on here now compared to back in the day.
>vintage typewriter
Is it a Corona?
It's okay they still love you :D
back to reddit
Seething/dilate/fuck your sister, cletus
All the better to mog headletts
The left can’t meme
Come on man the world is heckin' beautiful! We're all star stuff hee hee people are so nice and good at heart! We're all riders on the same journey so go plant a tree and pet a pupper or a kitter
Typical reddit response
hurrndurr get it he is like cletus from the south!!!!!
>n-no you have to leave my safespace to say stupid shit unquestioned
You just know Blunt is bringing in the money
>my safespace
The left can’t meme
user, I've been here likely longer than you've been an adult. You're the one who needs to go back.
>grow up
yes because there's a lot of trannies named cletus who retard
they live in a bubble, truly
That's your meme fuckface. Thanks for agreeing it sucks
Imagine how does she feels about him doing 1(one) video and getting more views than all her podcast videos combined
>so mad he can't reply properly
he has the typewriter. jim is comped. whatever he is saying is disinfo
Because Fuck You
Pay Me
I liked him in the office. His post office efforts have all been super gay. He jumped the shark when he was sucking CIA dick at a red carpet. Disgusting.
YouTube has always been sickening
twitch is such a shit platform
a Yas Forums, qanon, boomertwitter conspiracy that celebs including hanx and madonna are using typewriters to signal something to the others in their cabal about what is happening behind closed doors in the so called quarantine. you should look out for typewriters in ht backgrounds of posts or videos of celebs.
here is the first video i found on it, but the guy speaks very slowly
YouTube rewind perfectly encapsulates what the owners think their website should be for: the same shallow pop-culture bullshit you can get on TV.
Can’t they just use telegram or something?
not an argument
they can make an innocuous video of photo which normies won't understand the signal but those who are watching will understand. telegram etc is too dangerous. instead you can just brush off the typewriter being a symbol as crazy conspiracy from trump supporters or whatever. symbols have power for those who believe them, telegram has no power. you are thinking rationally.