Bad Boys for Life

Kino. Bad Boys is probably the greatest trilogy of all time.

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how do I become a bad boy for life, Yas Forums?

If I wanted to watch monkeys I would go to the zoo.

Watcha ganna do?

Correct ranking. Michael Bay should have directed this one.

Wasn't 6 Underground like total shit? Bay is losing it.

It was decent. One might call it a plebfilter. Not Pain and Gain and 13 Hours level since the script is absolute dogshit but good action and the quick cutting to the max. It was like using montage through the whole film.

Allright, I guess I'll watch it then, at least for my Arjonafu.

I saw the first one when it was still new.
Just as soon as it got out on DVD, back then that shit was still a thing.
I remember nothing about it now, except that I thought it was just fine, nothing great, nothing bad.
Haven't seen the second one.

Should I watch the 2nd one and then third?
Can I skip the 2nd and go to 3rd directly?
Should I rewatch the 1st one to refresh my memory?
Or are they just shit anyway?

>Based Porsche 911
Comfirmed for Kino

Maybe just read the synopsis on wikipedia and watch the second one. It's pure Bay action spectacle.

no but the poster looks good

>Can I skip the 2nd
You gotta be kidding me

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3 started strong but it got fucking strange and weird with its final act. And above all fucked stupid.

I mean all of these films are extremely stupid.

It felt like a buildup to Mike becoming a villain

Yes. Skip the best sequel of all time so you can watch watch 3 directed by Arabs

wait your serious? maybe the first one was ok but the last too are just noise and flashing lights, annoying characters, nothing happens and the stories are ether stolen from better films or just plan shit! lets not forget scenes lifted from other films

Why would you say that about 2. It's one of the best action films in the 2000's. 3 was terrible though

The action was fucking terrible. what is wrong with zoomers

Many stories are the same, films don't depend on the stories. There are so many repeats of the same stories in films.
>scenes lifted from other films
Bad Boys 2 is great. This was very good too.

Way better than bad boys 3

1 is the only decent movie in the trilogy

You are talking about 6 Underground now? That was good.

6 Underground was unwatchable garbage

its ok but like most bay films you start to think about them u realise they are all bluster and explosions, i do like the rock but the bayformer movies give me a headache,

Compared to fucking what? Have you literally never seen an action movie that wasnt just a bunch of brainless cgi for morons? Get some taste.

Good luck with bad boys 3 then. There's somethig off about the film, it might be a specific characters death or the lack of Bay

the scene in bad boys 2 when they drive through a shanty town on a hill is lifted from jackie chans first police story film

shit taste!!

Good point. OK, I'll watch the 2nd one too, I guess.

>It was like using montage through the whole film.
Also known as "non-stop quick cuts for add addled zoomers"

Pleb filtered.
I know you are probably not very well versed in history of cinema but let me educate you. The film uses Eisenstein like montage throughtout the whole runtime. It's experimental film presented as a Hollywood blockbuster. Pure vulgar auteurism from Michael Bay. The action is also mostly practical. Form and presentation win over the content of the film, also i said that the script is dogshit. Michael Bay is continuing the tradition of silent cinema in this expertly crafted spectacle. Pure power images. Not that pleb like you would notice this but whatever. Humour me more and tell me, what's a good action film according to you?

Shiet, 13 hours is bay's weakest film

Just like other scenes are lifted from other films, Bay presents it differently.
Eisenstein, Griffith, Stronheim... Learn your film history.

The latest Transformers one is his worst.

Instead the villain is his kid from when he knocked up some prime Latino pussy and he gets a free pass because family. While all his fucking colleagues that he's known and worked with for years are fucking killed and the kid gets a free pass to work in some special operations group for the sequel.

Let's forget about the cap!

He hood his last zah

>Pain and Gain
Fuck, forgot about this kino

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he didn't present it different he lifted it exactly! he is a hack


Any other scenes he lifted then? Lifting one scene is not a crime and i also doubt he lifted it exactly but okay.
Pleb seething

>Humour me more and tell me, what's a good action film according to you?
terminator 2
most of the James bond films
lethal weapon
the rock

didnt say it was a crime

is it really kino or Yas Forums is just memeing

It got bad reviews when it first came out and even upset some people because it's a messed up story. But it's pretty funny

Not that bad. Watch more silent cinema and maybe you will appreciate the mastery of other Michael Bay films.
It's kino

It was pretty bad user

48mins in and this is pretty boring

It's a pretty rad dark comedy dude.

What an embarasing post. It's okay to like poorly made schlock but stop pretending farts are art

Your movies are fucking terrible Mike

I disagree.
>no counter arguments at all
As expected.

actually your right! the amateur silent film era is a good comparison to bay movies!


>Form and presentation win over the content
Its braindead greenscreen jumpcut action for chinks and zoomers. Shut the fuck up lmao

Like i said Griffith, Stroheim and Eisenstein are good comparisons. If you consider that amateur then you know nothing about cinema at all.


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>montage bad
>editing bad
Lmao. Fucking idiot. Also the action is mostly practical, get that through your thick skull.

Bad Boys 3 was great while 6 Underground was an embarrassment so I think they made the right choice going with the music video director

It is a movie Bay intended to be serious but it is so crazy that everyone hailed it for being Bay's attempt at black comedy and succeeding. From what I remember Bay was pretty pissed about people not understanding it but nevertheless it is a good film.

Literally every Bad Boys 3 thread gets derailed by these mongoloids who need to tell everyone what a misunderstood genius Michael Bay secretly is. Please shut the fuck up already.

mike go back to bed!

If you smoke crack

>you fucked a married witch
>how you gon' fuck a witch with no condom
>your witch ass

only good lines. first two were much better.

Stop saying 3 is good then

Of course he is. At least we Baychads make well thought out arguments. The detractors are muh jump cuts and muh music videos and C-CGI baaad. Embarrassing really.


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What went so wrong, and they're talking about a 4th with the same hack directors, sad

remember this guy, he was like a father figure, lets go get the murder and get justice, wait its actual the main characters son, lets just lock him up and maybe use his skills in the inevitable sequel

At least Bay made overally deal with Sony so new kinos are on the way.
>Up next, Bay will direct for Sony Pictures the ensemble drama Black Five, based on his original idea, with Top Gun: Maverickā€˜s Ehren Kruger writing the script.

ngl everything after 993 is soulless, except for the GT models.