Exloits a crisis to force through emergency legislation

>exloits a crisis to force through emergency legislation
>becomes the senate
>'unlimited power'

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more like Orbásed

The prison time for fake news + rumors is incredibly based, and should be the standard everywhere. Maybe it would actually help fix garbage journalism.

Completely and absolutely based




Why the fuck are you contrarians like this? How could you possibly salute the disintegration of a democracy into a dictatorship?



what if they jail someone for real news that's inconvenient to the government? or do you consider that based

It's treason then

Alex Jones was right

It's contrarian now to be against fake news and want good journalosm? You seem to be the contrarian here, retard.

The law says real news won't get your jail time, can't you fucking read?

Time to go back, Fritz.

The same people you have in mind when you think of "fake news" will just use it to frame everything they dislike as fake news and punish opposition.

because we are grown-ups that have learned through experience that the world is not meant to be run like a support group or a classroom of special needs kids

what if they say real news is fake tho

"Good journalism" as decided solely by one man, Orban? Do you consider Erdogan based too? Or are you just calling this "based" because this time it involves le saviour of Europe?
Grow up, kid. Democracy is better than a dictatororship.

That is fucked up. Anyone who can't see what is happening in the world right now is retarded.

This might be an unpopular opinion, but if you're confirmed to be infected, you should fucking get jail time for leaving quarantine.

People would rather feel safe and they have shown time and again they are willing to give almost anything to do so. It amazes me how quickly everything comes undone.

whoa haha hope they disappear some chosen too

I hope Merkel goes to her grave knowing that she ruined the EU. No austerity, no Euro ratfuckery, and no refugees would have prevented just about every bad thing that has happened to European society over the last ten years.

Seems like you're the one who really needs to grow up and get some reading comprehension kiddo, we're talking about the world as a whole. Whatever does/doesn't work in single countries in Europe isn't the point. Laws exist for a reason, so by your logic they shouldn't since they're all apparently "decided by one man". It's not a dictatorship to uphold laws. You shouldn't throw around those words until you finish high school.

Hungarian here, I don't fucking care. Give me pennyless roasties to fuck in exchange for a few pity dollars. Oh that won't happen because the internet exists and they can just whore themselves there.

nobody can see it because viruses are really small

what's the point of legislation when you can pass a bill with simple majority to dismantle all other legislation? someone did not think this through

wtf? They wouldn't do that because that would be lying.

The people who are the fake news aren't the ones who have power to punish anyone. They would be the punished ones.

Riots when?

mongol here, it does not change the status quo one bit, this is basically ratifying what was already in place lol

Classic east yurocuck tinpottery

I dont understand? what did she do?

It's what most Western countries need right now. The authority of the states has been undermined to a dangerous degree. Agitators who try to sow chaos among the people by hiding behind journalistic protection need to be taught a lesson.

Sounds pretty based to me m8

>Whatever does/doesn't work in single countries in Europe isn't the point.


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You almost had me

>Laws exist for a reason, so by your logic they shouldn't since they're all apparently "decided by one man
Jesus Christ are you fucking retarded or just Americans? Laws, in civilized nation, are not decided by one man. In a bicameral system (like in my country), a law has to pass both chambers. That alone means it is subject to the approval of literally hundreds of people. On top of that, laws cannot conflict with higher laws (like the constitution), they also have to pass through an advisory body and have to be signed by the relevant minister. After all is said and done, literally thousands of people are involved in the law-making process of a single law. And most of these are democratically elected.
This gypsy Orban now has the power for an indefinite time to pass whatever the fuck he wants. He's so bold, he didn't even instate some kind of time-limit or say this law loses power when the crisis is over. It's indefinite. Hungary is done. This is beyond even Erdogan's or Putin's powers. Kick them out of the EU.

State of Emergency is based. Any other /Schmitt/ bros here?

No no, that would never happen!

lol they're all fine basically

state of emergency basically covers all of them anyway

>After all is said and done, literally thousands of people are involved in the law-making process of a single law
Yeah and you end up with a disastrously slow moving bureaucracy. This is why Europe was so slow to respond to the virus. That's a horrible system.

>Kick them out of the EU
Nah, if anything Germany/France needs to send the army

Yeah, you're probably right friend. I feel better now.

as it turns out you need to protect people from themselves during a pandemic. There is no conspiracy to slowly strangle people with authoritarian control, we actually just need to force fucking retards from going to the beach right now

this will be good if he tries making the country better and worse if he just enriches himself

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Democracy is a farce

Most European countries have done a better job of containing this virus than the USA or tinpot dictatorships like Iran. In two weeks, most of Europe will be recovering and America will have a 9/11 worth of deaths a day.

Democracy doesn't work get over it.

thank fucking christ morons like you arent actually in charge of anything. Maybe if someone put you in a position of power you'd quickly realize when things are decent people can handle some liberty and freedom, but in a crisis, people are actual fucking idiots and need to have the hammer brought down on them. I thank god the old white people still in charge arent hippy faggots or libertarians. The day this changes is the day we turn into a mad max society

Why mention America? I'm not American and they have the same problem, a needless number of politicians, two houses etc.

>He's so bold, he didn't even instate some kind of time-limit or say this law loses power when the crisis is over.

Really? I heard it will be canceled when the crisis is over, but *he* can decide *when* the crisis is over, lmao.

Hungary was hardly a democracy to begin with

>says the guy sitting in his mom's basement shitposting on a free site on the web without any repercussions
you can do this because you live in a democracy


Because he's on my based and redpilled side of politics, am I right my fellow kekapedes?

because youre american unless you prove otherwise

I'm American. What are we talking about in here friends? Anyone want to share some of these freedom fries I made?

And we are supposed to trust the courts to judge in good faith whether a statement is true or not? Remember, a Scot got convicted for hate speech against Jews over making a joke about how Nazis are the least cute thing ever.

Is Hungry a 1st world country?


Democracy is garbage. It encourages politicians to take a short-term perspective, and the general public is far too retarded to give them so much power.

She was a neoliberal. Told Southern and Eastern Europe they need to cut back on spending in the wake of the financial crisis if they wanted to stay in the Euro, which just made things worse there. Told refugees they could come in and then was shocked when her country suddenly got flooded with them. Populism is a direct result of these types of deeply unpopular policies being forced on countries from outside or plutocratic elements.

Try posting about Jews.

I guess that's a no then

>Try posting about Jews.
nothing happens
>try posting about Orbàn
get 5 years in jail
truly based


Orban is a literal gypsy. I don't mean it in an insulting "Hungarians are gypsies" way, I mean that he actually is part of the gypsy minority of Hungary. A shame they elected him.

>every retard has an opinion
>every retards opinion is equal to that of a fucking genius
>majority rules
>democracy basically gives you the political equivalent of capeshit, modern video games and hip hop

>high risk/reward based on the dictator and their greed or benevolence
>potential for greatness and progress beyond anything democracy can achieve
>potential for shit, but there's a million other countries to emigrate to so who cares?

There are better alternatives, sure, but not in this situation. Democracy is a joke at any time though. What we have now isn't what they had back in that little Greek town.

The whole Democracy thing has turned both the US and EU into the worlds garbage dumps. I'll admit Democracy is the preferable system, but its most essential weakness is that external forces can easily influence it. Democracy stands no chance against the likes of China and Russia.

Inb4 Russia is a democracy. No.

Dictatorships aren't inherently bad you shortedsighted idiot, they're just prone to abuse but so is every other political system.

>nothing happens

Alright cuck


okay china I can understand (altho I still disagree, fuck those chinks)
but name literally ONE (1) way in which russia functions better than the US or European countries
just one

>has turned both the US and EU into the worlds garbage dumps
yeah I know Nicaragua or Saudi Arabia are much better place to live

He doesn't look romani at all.