Cast her.
Cast her
3,000 dead ameriKKKans pray for 3,000 more!
Now that my ladder's gone
I must lie down where all the ladders start
In the foul plague with bat soup at the heart.
Honestly should be charged as a criminal the same way the lady who coughed on groceries was.
>likely bought all the masks that don't actually prevent the spread of the virus
I wonder what she will try and do with the pile of useless face masks once this is all over.
Hope the US goes to war with China, not even american but we need to deal with the chinks
boil them for soup stock
old news she already got arrested. too slow yid
seems legit
All chinkoids are sleeper agents, they will do whatever daddy CCP tells them to even if they're living in USA, Australia, Britain, anywhere.
wtf yeats is racist?
this but unironically
have you guys heard about the chinese fake donation scam going around in italy and germany?
they pretend to donate masks, and then pretend that the mask are held up somewhere, but they store them in a warehouse and ship them back to china, therefore earning goodwill for doing nothing
I don't know why americans are shocked after all the racist shit they've given the chinese
These are so fake made by incels thinking they can make racism cool again lmao.
Asian americans buy from the Asian store.
>ching chong mountain
They'd say the same about you fat disgusting amerilards
Chinkoid is my new favorite word.
also they literally just ship back supplies they received from the west, significantly less of them of course.
also they're getting really ambitious and starting to blame the plague on the west. cant wait for the war so i can blast some chinks.
This is fake and made by pathetic incels, they actually believe this will make people racist against the Chinese loool.
In reality Asian americans will shop at the Asian store.
The bug splatter on my windshield
>Local American Citizen Buys Over 3000 Masks to Spread the Coronavirus
Based, death to America.
chinks and jews. chinks and fucking jews.
That really doesn't help against all the racist accusation towards asian-americans at the moment.
didnt they pass a law that you couldnt hoard this shit?
no. old-world continental chinese are more soulless/lack humanity than any ghetto nigger/cartel spic.
The Chinese are revealing themselves as top tier shit posters, respect.
I would hate to think of americans dying because of this virus because could you imagine how southerners and Republicans would be slightly angry at chinese
Why? It's not like she's destroying them. She's just racist that buys shit. Don't tell me that racism offends you?
Why'd she do it bros
Lol it's fine because a chink is doing it
This happened in January when all of you faggots were still arguing that this plague had been divinely sent to punish the Chinese.
I can't wait to start ethically cleansing.
well blame the asians doing all this shit, not the people upset about it
All Americans had to do was support Nationalists in Chinese civil war
im loving this chink hate ramping up. cant wait for ww3
for me it's insectoid
Der ewige Chink
Other "asians" would love to see chinks get tortured and killed.
>Yes I hate fat and stupid Americans
best in thread
In other circumstances, I'd love to have an Asian woman spit on me and drench me with her piss
I cast her into the lake of unholy fire in hell.
Repent anons, repent. Even the manladies in here can achieve salvation if you repent.
What’s wrong with white people?
>splashing water at it to wash away her DNA in the evidence
>American is now a race
Imagine being this fucking retarded.
>Married to a white weeb
LMAO you can't make this up.
>America isn't a race
history books are going to be fucked a hundreds of years from now buddy
It doesn't matter since Americans don't wear masks anyways
>Chinese woman in a pickup truck
This will kill more people than the virus
HK is rightful British clay, our boys will do as they please
That was her piss bottle.
free market
I don't need to cast her.
She will be cast into a lake of fire by the Lord Jesus Christ when he comes in glory to judge the living and the dead.
>we dindu nuffin
chinkoid cope
>Investigated by the FBI for hoarding supplies
Baruch did nothing wrong. It's the free market, goyim.
They need to start rounding them up like they did with the missionaries
Reminder that when the 2008 financial crisis was just getting started, Russia proposed to China that together they could dump US bonds at a rate which would cause maximum panic in the markets and essentially send the US financial system back to the stone age.
China declined, and the Chinese Minister of Finance decided to warn the US Secretary of the Treasury, Hank Paulson, as a sign of good faith.
Right now we're going through something very, very similar. And Russia, Saudi Arabia and China are all fighting for control of the power vacuum that will be left when the US financial system collapses.
Saudi Arabia literally just announced today that even after a 70% price drop of oil in less than 1 month, they've decided to INCREASE their oil exports, which will force the price down even further. It'll send ripple effects through both Europe and the United States at a time when just a tiny little wave is enough to fuck us over hard.
Russia and China missed their chance to fuck the United States in 2008, but they're not making that mistake again. Be sure of that.
Do Chinese go to hell when they die? If they don't have souls do they just stop existing?
>americans believe untrained people have a use for face masks
gets me every time
What are the odds this didn’t happen and I’m being clickbaited?
That’s racist.
chinese antisentiment is rising
if there is a WW3, there will be a nanking but 100 x worse
Why? Because she has the buying power to buy what she needs to survive? Sounds american to me.
Do dogs go to heaven?
Trump should just smash that "like" button and reduce all three to nuclear ash so we can recover in peace and go back to pre-WW isolationism.
>>likely bought all the masks that don't actually prevent the spread of the virus
all masks prevent spread moron
mask usage resulted in a 70% reduction in a virus transmission
if you're a retarded onions that swallowed the official WHO and government semen from these cunts:
(an epidemiologist that has now come out that he said masks were useless "to prevent panic")
then there's no helping you
all masks help:
imagine how embarrassing it would be for everyone if Chinese and dogs both go to heaven.
He won’t because he’s a pussy
That a rook a rike a man
its a dog eat dog world and im feeling chinese
White people confirmed to be the devil
Any kinos for this feel
> slammed on twitter
I’d slam her on pornhub
I'm seeing a pattern here.
what kind of cat is that?
For me, it's chinksectoid. Or chinksectlet to denote their small stature.