The Greatest Debate for Korean Film Industry.
The Greatest Debate for Korean Film Industry
Is this even a question? Oldboy.
i wasnt a big fan of parasite, i feel it had a lot of roads it was looking at, and the driver would imply he's taking an exit then *wham still on the same road we were already on "oh.. we're still going there?..ok.." the climax came and went, similar to this film, with a whimper.
maybe my expectations and imagination got the better of me, maybe its just an ok film that got overhyped.
Oldboy is still a gem imo
this included
Why would that be the case? They're extremely different movies, not really much basis for comparison.
This guy gets it.
The Host
Barking Dogs Never Bite and I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK are the two greatest movies from each of those respective directors.
Garbage film.
Two Vengeance Trilogy films are quite underrated.
Kang-Ho is such based kinoteur.
Oldboy is like a bad anime, it's stupid beyond belief. Not sure why people consider it great. Park did better films, Oldboy is so over the top retarded it's hard to watch.
Parasite is Shoplifters but vulgar and bad. The tone of the last third is in such a huge clash with the rest of the film. The film has nuance whatsoever and it's subtle as a sledgehammer.
Both are mediocre and baby's first foreign films.
This is a good film, made by intelligent filmmaker. Unlike the two you posted.
I agree with this whole post. Parasite is overrated.
Oldboy is the best by far. Some of the scenes are legendary.
No nuance*
I like both, but Oldboy.
anything by Lee-Chang Dong
The isolation bits are the only thing they have in common, but even then, they're pretty different.
memories of murder
>Oldboy is like a bad anime, it's stupid beyond belief.
It was adapted from a manga. Never read the manga.
oldboy and its not even close
big lmao for you
What was he looking at?
oldboy would never get the critical acclaim parasite got
it's about an incestuous relationship. it's full of violence and gore. the main character is a borderline incel.
Yes, i know. I guess that's the basis of most of my problems with it.
Is it just because it has its roots in that type of media, or is it really the outlandishness of the premise and the world?
Literally at (You), the murderer looked like an ordinary guy no different from any movie viewer. They caught him only in 2019
He looked like this?
The premise and outlandishness. That being said i don't like anime that i have seen and i have already given up on watching animes.
the european
He was probably thinking about murdering those basement duo after the party.
What have you seen? Purely out of curiosity, as I hold no dying "I have to have an argument about this" allegiance to any particular medium.
Have you seen anything by Satosh Kon? He was inspired by Western movies when he was studying, his favorite movie lists consists of live action films only and in general his works are not silly like most anime and they would work with real actors as well.
I have seen couple of parts of Death Note, Attack on Titan, Fullmetal Alchemist, Cowboy Bepop. I haven't seen anything from Kon, maybe a part of Perfect Blue but not the whole film. I find the animation style in anime to be extremely unappealing.
I can understand being underwhelmed by AoT, and FMA, and maybe even Death Note being fair, but did you dislike Cowboy Bebop too?
Absolute pleb
Yes. I find the animation style to be insufferable.
That's fair.
Joint Security Area and Memories of Murder are better films by the same respective directors. Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance and Snowpiercer are better films covering the exact same topics as Oldboy and Parasite respectively by the same respective directors. Oldboy and Parasite aren't bad films but they are hugely overrated and only got international acclaim through sheer happenstance, not because they're the best.
Why are asians so obsessed with shit art forms?
Manga sales continue to trump American comic sales, and Eastern films are filled to bursting with soul in comparison to the trash produced by western studios. Seethe and Cope.
If you're willing to look at other potential options here are some suggestions that don't lean into anime tropes and have interesting visual styles:
Serial Experiments Lain
Ergo Proxy
Last Exile
fuck yes, thank you. Almost nobody remembers JSA, and it's amazing.
I don't necessarily disagree on account of the fact that Asian films based on manga are generally not as good as original films and a lot of them are just made to try and capitalise on a manga's popularity leading to a poor, soulless end-product, but to pretend this is only an Asian problem when western cinema is absolutely dominated by fucking capeshit is kinda ridiculous.
for me, it’s Friend (2001)
>muh incest
Parasite is better
I might but i have to say, i hate the slanted eyes on those anime characters.
shit take, gook
the two most overrated gook movies
Not qualified for the debate
You're right, it's too good
I saw the devil.
You are an absolute pleb and shouldnt write anything when you lack experience.
My taste in films is better than yours. I just don't watch anime since it's physically repulsive to me.
>They caught him only in 2019
Wait what?
the version with My Girl playing instead of the Korean song is 10/10
it is factually impossible to have a better taste than someone else (especially me who has been watching international arthouse and all kinds of media for 20+ years) when you still have hangups about something not looking like you are used to.
You are inexperienced, you have a narrow world view, you haven't tasted 100 kinos while I consumed 10000+. You are a little baby, no one should listen to you.
kill yourself you old bitch
Lmao, cope more retard.
no, retard
this isn't even up to debate, you simp.
Oldboy is actually a masterpiece film.
Parasite is merely a Korean tv-drama that gets released weekly over there and the ONLY reason it got the spotlight and was turned into a meme is because the Oscars are weaponised politics drivel.
Why are westerners so obsessed with shit writing?
Especially poorly written women.