Where the fuck is my weekly supernatural?
Where the fuck is my weekly supernatural?
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hurry the fuck up and finish s15 so i can fucking kill myself fuck the CW
Soullessnatural turned to absolute shit with the clown episode
which clown episode? and Supernatural is full of soul you fucking faggot
The first one
you are a fucking retard that episode was kino
Indefinitely delayed until coronavirus is over.
Apparently the majority of the episodes were like 95% done but need finishing effects and the last 2 episodes have yet to be filmed
>inb4 one of the core cast dies of Corona before it happens
>he will never coom into your butthole
hurts to live
Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki and Misha Collins and Alexander Calvert and Adam Milligan and Matthew Cohen are relentlessly handsome.
Bring back Ben Braden. Because Dean is the biological father of Ben.
CGI misha
umm..yes? the show's target audience is gays and women and the point of the how's existence is so we could lust over sam and dean and imagine them having gay incest sex
The Target is chads that value brotherhood and hate god
lol no, the show is what it always was, faggots like you keep trying but it never works thats why PEDOwits hates it
Just caught up on s15. Dare I say it.... based?
s15 is pure kino
>Be Supernatural
>Have a littany of episodes titled after multitude of songs
>No episodes named after songs from the likes of the Beatles, the Who, Judas Priest, or Motorhead.
>Sad times.
I mean, to be fair the show itself uses actual romance tropes for Sam and Dean. Just imagine how much worse the incest shipping would be if say Sam were the little sister.
I start watching that fucking show 10 years ago just because i wanted to fuck a girl who liked it back in high school.
I can't thank her enough
>>No episodes named after songs from the likes of the Beatles, the Who, Judas Priest,
sounds based to me
and they have a motorhead song at least and it's kino
it really was
Did you succeed though?
I almost never ever smile but as soon as that scene came i had the biggest smile ever.
anyone else? has to be one of my favorite scenes ever
Yes. We will all make it, Supernaturalbros.
Reminds me of Gorillaz Clint Eastwood music video
I expected the world to be into complete chaos and lights out darkness for s15
its difficult to watch this show right now, it shouldve ended years ago.
i only "watch it" while working out in my room, works as background noise.
shut the fuck up faggot it's been kino since s11
Yeah only thing you got brainlet? fuck you
god would never get that hacky
>being alive
Could Sam and Dean have cracked the Kira case before anyone else?
>Could Sam and Dean have cracked the Kira case before anyone else?
Wow first time I don't have to make a thread. It's on hiatus
When we said Supernatural will outlast humanity, we didn't think it through very well
Aha so you finally showed your true color like the self hating faggot you are that's why you can't stop posting this shit in every thread
Final ep title is "Carry On". Did we win?
>Final ep title is "Carry On". Did we win?
Jack made the world a paradise and sam and dean got peace once they where done.
Fucking based
You're suggesting ep 19 being the "boss fight" and 20 being an epilogue/wrap up?
>You're suggesting ep 19 being the "boss fight" and 20 being an epilogue/wrap up?
I wouldn't mind it honestly, given the episode before 19 is The Truth, aka we probably learn just how full of shit Chuck truly is.
>tfw Castiel will be happy in the last episode and the Empty will come to take him and he’ll be okay with it and say one last heartfelt goodbye to the boys forever
Same. As long as it's executed well. I wouldn't mind a comfy scene at the end and the battle is at least "vs Amara" tier, way above wirefight quality level
Holy shit checked and confirmed. Based.
Why is Amara such a cunt? gonna be funny when Jack smites her
i kinda have a feeling that chuck will absorb amara though
>implying the empty can even touch godjack
jack would rip the empty apart
All they'd have to do is kill Misa first.
They need to go all out and have the best fight yet with the finale
How will Sam and Dean take down She-Death?
>Chuck absorbs Amara
>Becomes The Dark
>Jack becomes The Light.
>Jack can now imprison Chuck without fucking up cosmic balance.
>Jack Kline ascends to the title of God and continues to watch over Sam and Dean for the rest of their days.
The Empty says that he and his realm are outside of Gods reach so I reckon he could. Jack and the boys will say no and Cass will be like “Sam, Dean, I must go. I am happy”
Sickle to the neck just like with the real Death
You mean jack smites Chuck and Absorbs his essance
would become tier 0 super multiverseal/true omnipotent
>Sam, Dean, I must go. You're gonna get me killed over and over again.
Outside Gods reach not Jack the legendary super gods
If Billie is indeed a villain she joins a list of characters whose apotheosis brings about their downfall
I wonder if Godstiel could kill billy
i bet she's weaker than the original death