Coffee. Black

>Coffee. Black.

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Whats wrong with coffee black?

>Whats wrong with coffee black?

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Being a child is thinking that drinking expensive coffee black is patrician

Being an adult is realizing that the McDonald’s double double is the peak of coffee

Just take caffeine pills fucking delusional cucks

>like my men.

op likes s()y milk in his coffee

How do I like my coffee? Black.

Like my women.

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>not mixing hot chocolate in there for the poor man's mocha

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real milk hurts my stomach

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>McDonald’s double double is the peak of coffee
>Just take caffeine pills

The absolute state of Yas Forums plebs

>Coffee? No, thank you. I only drink water.

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Full of aids and spite?

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Get a french press. Grind your own beans. There you go, coffee tastes better than anything you buy now.


>don't eat food, just inject the grey protein goo directly into your body through stomach wall

>Being an e-thot is realizing that the McDonald’s double double is the peak of coffee


>Hipster. Soi. Fag

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Is this your new favorite image? You keep spamming it everywhere and it gets zero replies

me on the left

>Get a french press. Grind your own beans. There you go, coffee tastes better than anything you buy now.
this. also do the proper 16:1 water:coffee ratio and get a good grinder.

me in the back

are you me?

>instant, type ii

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Who are you quoting?

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>he buys at starbucks

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>I have the usual

French press can not compare to barista made coffee. I use a grinder and make French Press at home every single day and it tastes entirely different.

>I'll have a whiskey. No ice. Crispy bacon with hot sauce, and a cuppa joe. No sugar.

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>he likes coffee more than tea

I have devoloped some affection for it actually. Well you replied so that's not zero, but it is good at fishing out the soifags lol.

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You also keep spamming this gif too. What's your problem. You got a disorder?

>yes doping to be more productive
fucking wagies

What's barista made coffee

>Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.

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for me it's 2 cups of keurig followed by a nice shit


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for me it's coffee and cigarettes
great movie and a great breakfast

coffee tastes like shit with anything added

>Yas Forums fell for the coffee meme

Based. Fuck these dumbasses and their boiled dirt flavored water.

Anyone that drinks coffee with cream or sugar is a 5 year old that should stick with soda


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I don’t take cream or sugar but McDonalds iced coffee is one of the best you can get from a major chain if you’re in a pinch. It certainly beats Starbucks’ stale, watered down terraza blend.
Buy a better grinder and learn to make your coffee correctly. If it takes a few weeks to teach an 80iq nog how to do it, surely you can learn too.

>Anyone that drinks coffee with cream or sugar is a 5 year old that should stick with soda

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I agree, I love the taste of coffee. I even don't like caffeine, so I'll drink a decaf black coffee and people think I'm weird. I just love the taste and the smell of coffee
A lot of people just want a caffeinated hot chocolate I think

I know so many people who guzzle coffee and are still tired because they’re just fucking dehydrated all the time.

>>Anyone that drinks coffee with cream or sugar is a 5 year old that should stick with soda

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Everyone has a disorder here bro, yours seems to be being a faggot.

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>I agree, I love the taste of coffee. I even don't like caffeine, so I'll drink a decaf black coffee and people think I'm weird. I just love the taste and the smell of coffee
A lot of people just want a caffeinated hot chocolate I think

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WOW DUDE SO EPIC!!!! I bet you are like SOOOOO hydrated. Dude I love drinking water and I ADORE patting myself on the back for doing it! Aren't I so healthy as I sit on Yas Forums getting mad at black people all day!

Spamming is going a bit far, yes I like more images/gifs than others but the reality is my first image would reflect on maybe hmmmm half the Yas Forums and ninety five percent of the Yas Forums population you included. Why do you assume everyone has a disorder these days, have you been looking in the mirror too much lol.

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>kids should drink soda
do americans really?

Why is your bf mad at me? Does he have a disorder?

What the fuck? Why are you so sensitive about this?

I have a friend who prefers coffee stale, like he'll brew it the night before and let it sit there all night. I don't get it.

underrated and based comment

still pretends to be the person in the gif

everyone knows who you are now, idiot

>police chief detective whatever is on the phone in their office
>conversation is conveniently able to end as character enters the office

Yas Forums made me hate white people more than black people

reminds me of that scene in No Country For Old Men
>how fresh is that coffee?
?I generally make a fresh pot every week

black coffee is for amerimutts who can't drink a glass of milk without getting diarrhea

An espresso and a glass of water

Sniffy. Brap.

>yeah I'm a barista
>*presses jugs on button*

I started drinking instant coffee because of this guy. Maybe I have no taste but I think it's pretty good, almost on par with grinding the beans myself but way faster and like 25 cents a cup.

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I suppose that's the standard answer these days lol.

lol you on the hard stuff sperglord

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I don't give a shit what anyone says. Nescafe's instant coffee is really good.

>hot drinks at all
Your insides are hot enough, I prefer a nice refreshing cold glass of liquid.

Giving people fancy titles to avoid paying them more is the oldest trick in the book. I’m surprised it took so long for corporations to realize they could apply it to wagies.


>can i help you?

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coffee is actually very good for you. tons of antioxidants.

t. 20-something year old looking down on 18 year olds

People who drink coffee are drug addicts

Is this photoshopped? Why is her head so huge

Yeah and what about it, faggot

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>coffe? fuck no i only drink energy drinks!

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For me its 2 tsp of sugar and enough milk to make it a dark tan

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I've finally cut myself off from poison in a can and I lost 3kg in like a week since lockdown started

because he refuses to take care of himself