Holy shit...
Holy shit
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Loved watching his livestream commentary of BvS. The man is extremely skilled in the art of using a lot of words to say nothing at all. I guess that explains his films.
Deeper than Marvelshit lol
Who the fuck mentioned Marvel? The fuck are you on about cunt
>rent free
It's true
>deeper than a kiddie pool lol
dangerously based, gonna make marvelfags seethe
Where'd you get this pic of Zack?
>with two thieves
>got spreared in the side
>...500 years before the magic zombie jew myth is chronicled
really makes some think...
>Call out DC fanboys as being gullible shits
Every time
Kek, thats exactly what I thor. He also said superman doesn't understand human violence even though he grew up in Texas, Zach is a dodo
>Another Christcucks LARPing thread
Daily reminder that this is all fucking bullshit made up by kalergiest Jews.
It's almost as if instead of cultures around the word being conflicting, cultures around the world all seemed to describe a similar thing in varying ways. This is more likely proof of God than disproval.
Guénon (pbuh) already proved this.
The burden of proof is on the part making the claim.
>Gish Gallop
>implying any triple-digit IQ sentient being listens to that fucking hasbara agent, Maher
> cultures around the world all seemed to describe a similar thing in varying ways. This is more likely proof of God than disproval.
Well yes
He said this was really obvious though he just likes doing it
based Guenon chad
Josephus does mention Jesus. Only half a century after too. Thats better than 90% of written history. Get fucked you larper.
This perspective is probably harder for others to even begin to respond to, because 1) so few have read anything from him 2) those who have read anything of Plato's, probably only read the more well-known works as opposed to most of the entire body of work, and thus have opinions on the subject matter of The Republic that come from very different foundations.
As opposed to 'Biblical imagery!!!!"
yeah ik its just like Anno in Evangelion. It doesn't detract from the film at all imo
based retard begging for (you)s for his brainlet Plato post
lol these fucking trannies absolutely SEETHING.
friendly reminder that blasphemers get the rope.
>rent free
>accuses others of seething
The absolute stupidest post ive seen on tv. Pajeet snyder mouth breathers.
how did leo become pope if he couldn't even spell correctly?
Redpill me on Guénon
Being based on Plato doesn't mean it's a good movie
Reminds me of Prequeltards coming up with Ring Theory - the prequels still suck even if they mirror each other
All religions stem from a sacred Tradition which all people recognised in different ways. Tradition itself has been lost by the profane modern and material perspective. As long as you follow a Traditional religion you can understand God.
He's books are really short if you're not a brainlet you can read Crisis of the Modern world pretty quick it's like 120 pages and available online
don't bother, he's already been retroactively debunked by parmenides
>He's books are really short
>not a brainlet
I'm a phone posting piece of shit unfortunately
I'm just messing with you user.
Man of Steel and BvS are so dense that you can still describe these movies again and again and come up with new inferences. People who dislike it because "not muh superheroes" are the ones causing the death of cinema.
>Jesus got stabbed with a spear, so batman needs a spear
I don't get it.
Krishna wasn't crucified
based pajeet impressed with retarded shit
>the day of the spear is coming
>just in time batman learns jesus is both god and human
>joins him as a devoted follower
absolute kino lads
> it bad becuase it has christian sybolism
a lot of these are just bullshit
quit larping as a christian
Longinus only stabbed Jesus with the spear after He died to check if He was dead.
At least Marvel knows it's childish garbage intended solely to squeeze the shekels out of retards and chinks. Imagine trying to create meaning and mood in a fucking capeshit movie.
based brave user posting pictures of himself
>At least Marvel knows it's childish garbage
Tell that to their fans.
We're reaching Evangelion levels of pointless Christian imagery
Not really. I can't find any sources to the Zeitgeist movie's claims. The counter argument is solid and still is.
Yes zeitgeist is bullshit, that's what he was addressing.
thank you based kino master
I love films with Christian messages. I love Calvary because I think at heart it's really about how empty a life without God is
but I hate Zack Snyder and he doesn't get to reinterpret his shitty movies with a fucking Jesus message
>if he couldn't even spell correctly
this is a pure example of why America isn’t a world power, because of cum stains like you who don’t take care of there belongings and have respect in the domicile they dwell in.
Kys you disgusting, non grass watering philistine.
kansas fuckwad, how is it even possible to make that mistake?
BvS was shit regardless of intent.
>it's good because a kike told me
>Muh Jews
Oh dear...
its not a jesus message you fucking brainlet stupid cunt, its how in a world were superman exsists how could people not think he was the second coming he saves people and decends from the sky, while yes it is physically easy for him to help these people he himself dosnt think himself special and finds the it very emotionaly difficult to be put in these situations, and feels obligated becuase of his moral outlook, becuase he can help these people he feels like he should, the imagry is so you see in his world how people may see a superman in the real world, some see him as a god come to help us, while others would see him as a destroyer and a menace becuase of the power he wields, there is no "jesus message" its message is self contained to the film, that being "what would it be like if a superman exsited in the world, how would he be seen" there is no religious message to the viewer, while it has religious imagry that is only to draw a comparison, and put the idea forward that people in the film world view him as a god like figure, this is also in the comics he is often compared to god and there is also religious comparison
that would have been a shitty plan to keep going for 2000 years considering anti-jew pogroms were a regular thing christians did.
I ususally visit this site thinkining that everyone here is sarcastic, but I am starting to believe that snyderfag really believe that MoS and BvS are 2 good movies, when in reality they are so shitty I can't even begin to wrap my head around them
>stop mocking me and showing how shallow my analytical thinking is, oh no i better call him a jew
Have you seen pajeet movies? They're used to movies like this.