so basically, Hollywood is churning out all these nazi-themed shows and movies because the Americans voted for a guy who promised to enforce the border laws currently on the books?
If Jeb Bush, for example, had won the presidency instead, most of these shows wouldn't have gotten produced or at least wouldn't have had such an anti-white slant on them.
Hollywood has been churning out Nazi movies non-stop for 80 years, user.
John Powell
I know. But it seems to have ramped-up recently.
Sebastian Taylor
White people having racial consciousness is bad news for globalism so they need to associate any nothing of it with Nazism. Funnily enough the American society that fought the Nazis would today be considered fascist.
Mason Cruz
How is this one? A multi-ethnic group of people fight nazis or the classic jewish drivel from Roth?
Justin Jenkins
It has. The rise of white nationalism and Trump's election scared the shit out of (((them))). Even though trump is basically worthless.
Hunter Brown
>If Jeb Bush, for example, had won the presidency instead, most of these shows wouldn't have gotten produced or at least wouldn't have had such an anti-white slant on them. lmao if you actually believe this.
So does the plot against America have anything to do with Jews? If so, not watching. I can't stand antisemitism.
John Morris
they are scared of the dichotomy breaking down >red jews >blue jews >people not falling for it anymore, realize the entire western world moves in one direction towards globalism and the NWO with israel ruling over a mulatto slave race
they are a few decades from rebuilding the temple of solomon
It's an American Jew with a persecution complex's wet dream. They desperately want to make themselves equal to blacks on the persecution scale. There are scenes where gentiles can automatically tell that they are Jewish just by looking at them, even if they are just driving around in their car on a family trip, and the gentiles are yelling out slurs at them from the side of the road. They are kicked out of a hotel for being Jewish, and several different people are calling them loudmouth Jews to their face out in public. They are saying the government is building "concentration camps" out in Montana for them, and the preview states the next episode is about a "voluntary" program where Jews will be resettled there.
Brandon Cook
Wow totally proved them wrong, some old ass internet memes and protest signs are totally the same as multi billion dollar corporations vomiting propaganda.
Noah Richardson
did Hollywood produce content directly drawing comparisons between those other presidents and Hitler? I believe Hollywood's outrage stems from Trump's rhetoric on border control. Obviously, he has done nothing. But the rhetoric and the accompanying support from the public is what generated all this stuff we're seeing in the media
Benjamin King
>muh border >destroy the environment >ruin healthcare and social security >start wars >bend over corporate tyranny >just so long as muh border
>if the brother of the worst president in history had been elected this wouldn't be happening lel what is your evidence for this argument
Connor Taylor
These people called Mitt Romney a nazi, George W Bush a nazi, etc. They will call anything to the right of Bruce Jenner a nazi. This isn't unique to Trump
Matthew Russell
>promised to enforce the border laws ...and then didn't
Nazi is a derogatory term used by the jews. No one in NSDAP called themselves "Nazi".
Jonathan Perez
>OraNgE mAn BAd :(
This shit gets exhausting
Ayden Rodriguez
yes. He's shit. I agree. But the system really, really, really did not want him to get elected, that's the point. I think it freaked them out or something. And now they're trying to condition the public out of this anti-immigrant sentiment.
The thing about Trump is that he used rhetoric that the public ought to be reflexively outraged over, but they weren't. That's what they're trying to fix
The older I get, the more I realize that the Left are guilty of nearly everything they accuse others of. It's their strategy. Accuse hard before you get accused. Be first.
Thomas Bailey
>I don't think the President has ordered it; the swamp has moved forward.
Trump literally appointed the people in charge now. It's his swamp.
Gavin Wilson
The minute you become the enemy of the Democrats, you become a racist.
Lucas Lopez
That is hilarious. Truly everyone I don't like is Hitler.
>They desperately want to make themselves equal to blacks on the persecution scale. They are literally the most privileged people on the planet, and still pull this shit. Gradually you grow to hate them...
>they weren't Nigga, the largest peaceful protest in America's history was in response to Trump's election win...
Adrian Gutierrez
>so basically, Hollywood is churning out all these nazi-themed shows and movies because the Americans voted for a guy who promised to enforce the border laws currently on the books?
Pretty much. You'll notice for like the first year of Trump's Presidency there were a bunch of movies with women Presidents in them that had been in production before Trump flipped the script.
When there's a Dem in the white house you get heroic President movies like Air Force One, White House Down, etc and when there's a Republican in the White House you get films about corrupt Presidents or tyrannical regimes.
Reminder that no matter how often you repeat this it will literally never make sense. If you hurt on the inside because someone disagrees with you politically, especially while they're not being obnoxious about it, then it's you who belongs on plebbit where wrongthink isn't allowed and your feelings are safe. Do you want to repeat that back to me just so I know you understand.
Easton Adams
>peaceful protest You mean the riots with the fires, broken windows, and damaged cars?
Sebastian Reed
>it doesn't make sense that Yas Forums is full of redditors Lol maybe if you are a knuckle dragging zoomtard, sure?
Isaac Foster
>Hollywood You mean the private propaganda sector? It has and will always be like this. This is its purpose. It's like a large financial institution - even if it's about to die, which it is, they will prop it up on purpose because it offers a strategic boost for the geopolitical strategy of America.
>2 million strong They were ghetto trash who all came out to cry and smash shit after losing the election, because they were told by their masters that Hillary had the election in the bag,
Jacob Cox
Maybe it's not so much my feefees are hurt and more that everyone thinks you are a fucking tard that nobody actually wants around?
>as trump imagines What an inaccurate headline. He didn't "imagine" it, that number the the high mark of what his team's modeling was showing if they opened up the nation after only 15 days, which was the reason why they extended it to 45 days. With 45 days the estimates were more reasonable at 100k.
Except it literally wasn't like that at all and I'm not sure why you're just straight up lying like a retard getting paid by a handler or something. There were only a handful of actual arrests and the majority of protestors were teachers, middle class workers and women voters.
David Jenkins
>tell a friend that I don’t think a person wanting increased border security necessarily means that person is racist >”oh yeah, user? Then why aren’t they building a wall between the US and Canada? Huh?” >because tons of Canadians aren’t sneaking in >”oh.”
I’ve never seen a person go from “haha, checkmate” to being totally deflated so quickly.
Matthew Evans
The videos of the night of the election did not show what you're claiming.
William Hernandez
>arguments I invented in my head with cartoonishly dumb opponents I made up
Matthew Perry
>2 million deaths >on a population of 7 billions LMAO IT'S FUCKING NOTHING
Jeremiah Walker
We should build a wall between us and Canada tjough desu. Fucking leafs.
Ryder Lopez
I think we are talking about two seperate events, I'm talking about the largest nation-wide march in relation to his comments on abortion and Woe V. Wade you dumb faggot. It brought out 2 million people, a few months after the election win.
Lincoln Fisher