Why do broads (incl. fags and tranies) love this character so much?
Why do broads (incl. fags and tranies) love this character so much?
I don’t understand her popularity at all. She’s just a female version of the joker, but worse
she seems like she would suck your dick at a house party just for fun becasue you've been standing by yourself for a while and look lonely
funny because i had this happen to becasue of some druggy whore like that
Because she is the embodiment of a broken, psychotic, dyed hair whore.
same reason they love Ramona Flowers
t. every cunt
Sluts, tattoo parlor squatter and post-emo Hot Topic customers liked her SS version because she's a slut too and could dress as her in Halloween.
Only SJWs liked the BoP one.
Do they? I always had the impression they were jealous of how hot she was in Suicide Squad and then coincidentally Harley Quinn was the most popular Halloween costume for women that year.
>Only paid shills pretended to like the BoP one.
There are women who are actually that pathetic damn
>crazy woman is a feminist icon
Her voice makes my cock hard as fuck
But she's everything but feminist. She's totally dependant of her man, in abusive relationship, despite of that she's fiercely loyal and would literally die for him.
Yes, she was Joker's female counterpart, but she evolved nicely into antihero. I especially like her in duo with Ivy. Cute and cool.
Where and when did she get her superpowers like superstrenght, durability, healing and poison immunity from Ivy anyway?
I beat my dick off to her and all her cosplay porn too many times to count. One time i took a bunch of ecstasy and 'fucked' harley quinn via my vr headset. Best sex ever.
They don't like the character. They mostly just like the costume and look.
dunno lol
mk ultra. Thats what the film is about too
And lieve shivers son's fav costume
They love the idea of a crazy psycho murderer is a feminist icon.
It was a debra harry costume from the 70's
Jannies are Trannies
i wish this place weren't so obsessed with trannies. it's tiring to hear about it thread after thread.
Then the faggot ass tranny mods should 41% themselves
I like the character but not how she was portrayed in the movies.
The Jannies are Trannies
they ruined her
female power fantasy.
Did you expect it to make sense ?
She's the epitome of the modern day middle class white woman feminist : got her heart broken because she went for a painfully obvious bad choice of a partner, and is a result bitter and angry against not the just the dude, but the world (anything but herself basically).
Add to that that she's shown to be a dangerous, competent fighter (when in reality she's two slaps away from fainting) and she's a super sexual person in spite of her damage and you have the perfect self-insert female icon.
I believe, at least for the last one Ivy developed a special serum or something for her. If memory serves correctly.
Harley Quinn cosplays saved DCEU
t. virgin incel
uhh based alert?
That's a guy, isn't it?
She looks like she fucks Hedgehogs
Roller derby is her best costume
>confusing harley queen with birds of prey
The first is a universally liked comic book character, the second is a boring movie.