Whats the message? I don't get it.
The Platform
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Netflix, so...white man bad?
Cunny is the message
lol poop
Is asian the message?
>poops on black guy
that reasonable morally "good" white men should use the black mens muscles to overthrow the system of the fat unpleasant white men because the cunny compels them.
are white men crazy then? Hes talking to a dead guy
that was his conscious talking to him that drove him to do the things that he did
Jetpack would be the best item to take.
jet packs don't exist. The black getting shit on with the rope is the best item. The katana was pretty cool too.
Communism is a scam.
Levitating high speed platforms don't exist either. But there it is.
Fuck, that would have been a better ending than what we got.
Sharing is caring.
I don't even know wtf happen at the end.
Ignoring any metaphors or weird interpretations.
He and the black rope man rode the platform down for several hours distributing the food.
On one floor they see the asian mother and get seriously injured trying but failing to save her.
They plan to send one food item back up uneaten as a fuck you message to the top.
At the final floor 333 they see the kid of the asian mother.
They decide to feed her the food and then die from their wounds and send the girl to the top on the platform, thinking that the cooks will have a strong reaction to seeing a child sent out of this weird distopian prison.
He dies and has hallucinations of dead guys he met along the way.
why is there a kid? makes no damn sense like the ending.
The mom was clearly raped in the jail
why didn't all the guys locked up just go up too?
Jet packs have existed since the late 1950s, they are just incredibly dangerous, loud, cumbersome, expensive, and inefficient at moving people from one point to another, so have little reason to continue to exist especially in the modern world competing against drones.
wm/af will break the system and save the world
Impossible, unless Miharu was in the hole longer than cancer tranny claimed, 10 months that is. How old is the kid? 5?
The thing I'd bring with me is my rock hard boner so I could cover it in feral chink juice
what does your 4 inch have to do with this movie?
terrible cheap movie with bad non actors
None of the movie makes any sense. What the fuck happened to the mom every other month? Are we expected to believe that she always got pulled off the platform and raped?
Why did she just happen to get killed that month, and right in front of them, no less. There's only one food platform, so she must've been on that level for a full day, only to get killed the second it arrived.
I don't even understand the point of sending anything up. Anything they did send would have to be scraped off the fucking ceiling, or it'd be fucking liquified from the G-force.
Also, surely somebody would pick that day to jump. Someone on floor 100 or so, falling straight down, would land right on top of one of them when they hit floor 200 or so, and turn both of them into paste.
The whole thing was a great premise, but a complete mess in terms of execution. Everything after the old guy died just got more and more absurd.
Welcome to Hollywood user first time?
where can I get one of these samurai plus?
cHiLdrEn ChiLdrEn fUtuRe FuTuRe
Huh? huh? huh?
I don't think it's supposed to be a 1:1 analogy for capitalism, communism , etc.
It's just supposed to present compelling questions about if you would sanctify help in a situation where you know greed will take precedence.
There is no possible way to feed all 665 people, so you will do big brain thinks about the different angles of human nature in this situation.
That's my take on it.
Pretty much, its just a thought experiment. People critiquing it on their perception of its bluntness are missing the point entirely.
Why does the prison exist, do they explain that?
Like is it meant to be some elaborate shit cooked up by an insane despot to torture his political prisoners (so something that could halfway happen but on like 1/100th the scale)?
Or just some goofy metaphor with not even the pretense of any grounding in reality?
I think if you follow the example of the main character choosing snails as his favorite dish, if everyone was able to have their own food put on the table then everyone would be able to eat. How healthy that would be is questionable. Along with choosing their own item if picked wisely the prison wouldn’t be terrible
Am I to low IQ for this movie? I didn't understand what happen towards the end.
After the PLOOS guy died it went from a philosophical musing to anime action garbage.
I know this is sarcasm, but indeed the Spanish coat of arms say "Plvs Ultra'. Gives me a bit more motivation at the gym when I look up and see the Spanish flag encouraging me to go even further beyond
t.leaf living in spain, AMA
This is an homage to Don Quixote. capitalism and socialism are the dragons. The black guy is Sancho Panza, and the girl in the basement is the damsel in distress who really cannot be helped.
he was awarded c*nny for killin niggers
the asian lady is the maiden, the child was the holy mission. Sancho Panza was holy then became a bit crazy, Don Quixote was crazy and became a bit holy. You see the black guy (panza) believing that his message (the panna cotta) was his holy mission became crazed with it. The protagonist was crazy, and took over the holy mission.
they made it obvious when his one item he brought with him was the book Don Quixote. you niggas ever even read this masterpiece?
>Don Quixote. you niggas ever even read this masterpiece?
"nigga", I ain't reading a book with fucking subtitles
Too many false awakenings and hallucinations confused me too
>t.leaf living in spain, AMA
Having a nice lockdown? :3
he's a leaf so he's probably having a lot of fun fucking his dog
who the hell reads book
if you want a good American version to watch, there is a cartoon called Don Coyote. it's basically the same thing, and no subtitles.
The movie in Spanish is titled El Hoyo (The Hole). Americans translated it to The Platform.
I thought that it was Spain the only one that changes original titles in the translations.
The platform is in English too
I watched this movie entirely in English
Really? I watched it with subtitles not knowing there's an English version. Is it dubbed or the actors speaking English?
The world is shit no matter what system of distribution we try and the only thing that can save us is a literal miracle.
Dubbed but it's not terrible dubbing
Are you telling me you can't follow subtitles?