What's the most underrated Disney movie ever and why is it Treasure Planet?

What's the most underrated Disney movie ever and why is it Treasure Planet?

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>tfw the catgirl was my first waifu

It's really not. It's an average movie, but I presume most people who are particularly fond of it just saw i when they were young. The relationship between Jim and Silver was handled nicely, but it was neither great nor bad.

Disney hasn't been good in decades lmao

it is not underrated
is is correctly rated as dogshit

nope, Lion king is dogshit.

It's the most creative movie Disney came out with.

>that soundtrack
>best disney villian
>that animation
>classic timeless story

the first bit of atlantis is goo but it goes to shot once they get to the hidden city. it would have been great if the natives stayed the villians.

>go see film with my mom during a time-period when dad was abroad
It hit me in the feels, yes.

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So... incest?

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How? It isn't even the most creative adaptation of Treasure Island.

What's the most creative adaptation? Muppets?

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That’s a bit of stretch. It’s just Treasure Island but in space.

As opposed to Robin Hood but furries?


Joseph Gordon-Levitt is relentlessly handsome.

I'm talking about the aestetic of the movie.

It's not just "in space" It's an entirely different world, where the aether theory is true. They're in space on open ships, breathing air in space. It's not just "in space" it's the scientific theories of outer space of the Victorian era brought to life mixed with steampunk.

You should have mentioned that ahead of time. The artist had a ratio to work with 70/30. 70 Victorian era and 30 sci-fi elements. Can’t disagree it looks fantastic.

a lot of classic Disney movies are kind of boring and generic to me. Treasure Planet was doing something different.

We talking animated only? Because this movie deserved better

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2 is kino though

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both lion kings are kino the third one is shit but the second one is disgustingly underrated

I don't care at all for the first one
it's technically impressive and the acting's solid but I absolutely can't stand it

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I loved it when younger. I also loved Iron Giant and Titan AE.
Then I saw DBZ for the first time and it's all downhill from there.

What does that even mean?

If you weren't such a young faggot DB would have been the first thing you saw

it means Iron Giant, Treasure Planet, and Titan AE are the pinnacle of all animation

Someone post that comic

aah fair enough, atleast 2 won you over, was it a case of lion king one being shoved in your face so you just hate it becuase of how much hype it got, i'm like that with alot of films, inception and interstellar for me

What did DBZ have to do with anything though?


The voice cast is spot on but it's not a very engaging film. Atlantis is both more underrated and a better film.

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>no stupid song sequences or talking animals
>Mike Mignola designs
Atlantis is the best Disney movie, fight me.

I'm in my mid 30s but I grew up quite sheltered. Hanna Barbera and Aladdin were too evil.
I think I was around 14 or something when Naruto started making the rounds as wmv files on cds.
How is it not self explanatory.

Breadsword is a fucking marxist university faggot, but he did a great review of that movie, and why Disney intentionally tanked it once it was released

Long story short: they wanted to move the whole company to 3d. TP was really expensive to produce

And those guys were so passionate about getting this movie made, too


F...Fight you? I think we're in agreement, chum.

yeah it just got too much exposure from other people throughout my childhood. I grew up with two sisters and they were big into disney shit but they steered clear of all the stuff I liked.

you misspelled "The Great Mouse Detective"

A Goofy Movie. Perfect teen movie.

Just because you fap to that one song sequence...

"To Ratigan! The World's Greatest Rat!"

Atlantis had the better aesthetics but Treasure Planet had the better waifu

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That movie is better than it should be. Like there's absolutely no explanation for how it came about.

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it's so 90's it hurts

It's a period piece.

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>not having Jim's mom as your first waifu
A cute

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That boot-tight leggings combo is an obvious signal. She's thirsty.

It's this

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Yes, the senoritas, eh Donaldo?

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based don rosa
life and times of scrooge mcduck cartoon when

>Doppler canonically got to fuck this multiple times

Why watch Treasure Planet when you have the kino 1990 Treasure Island?

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I loved both Treasure Planet and Atlantis, they deserved to be huge successes at the box office.
Treasure Planet is one of Disney's best.

This is one of the worst things that Disney has ever done.
We would've gotten more anime-inspired Disney films if Disney didn't intentionally assassinate the film.
They could've at least attempted to save it by buying the tickets and bribing the critics as The Fandom Menace would claim.

Reminded me of The Rocketeer, in a good way. It really captured that pulpy feel. But being Disneyfied held it back.

>but Treasure Planet had the better waifu

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tears in my eyes user

His life went downhill when he got into anime

Anime was a mistake

Donald deserved better

Probably never

Going to space but on an actual ship must be the single most kino aesthetic there is. You're not a man if it doesn't speak directly to your soul.

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