
Everyone says that the Sopranos is great, but did it have any real flaws? Such as the formulaic

>guy gets out of jail
>causes drama for Tony

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Paulie gets flanderized

Nah, he got old and stubborn

Livia dying threw a wrench in the gears and chase had nutting after that

>wants to get noticed by Tony
>does something completely retarded and violent

>spend entire episode on the fucking lamp
>it goes nowhere
>felt like Chase just wanted us to hear his song mashup

>disgusting sex scenes that show up out of nowhere and give you zero chance to mute the tv before you get bombarded with loud moaning and disgusting imagery
>characters doing dumb shit for no reason that only causes problems for themselves (chris beating up the guy at acting class, blundetto beating up the asian guy he was supposed to start a business with)
>forcing bobby to date janice in some pathetic attempt to keep her relevant
>carmela's annoying voice
>meadow's constant whining
>interesting characters given little or almost no development (silvio, furio, patsy, carlo)

>>meadow's constant whining
She was so hot though it compensated.

They had a guy kill himself in s5 by hanging and I could not even tell you his name. They even tried giving him a backstory. They definitely didn't know what to do with Furio.

Multiple broad daylight murders. Recoil on guns weren’t always accurate.

The real question is is there any TV series that tops it...

Some of the best characters get no arc or backstory when they spent so much time on Jackie Jr Tony's mom Meadow AJ and Janice characters nobody wanted more of
I would have much rather have had more screen time for Mikey Palmice Jimmy Alteri Jackie Sr Patsy
It also was kind of frustrating seeing Junior acting boss for such a short time It would've been cool to see him interacting with Carmine Sr
I love the Sopranos but I feel like at times the writers wrote themselves into a corner

>but did it have any real flaws?
Of course. Here's one.
Sopranos continuity error:
>beats up Mikey who's a made guy
>nothing happens and brags about it to the other capos
>beats up Ralph
>needs to pay reparation

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Wait, people actually liked Paulie?

>still going to work, not able to collect Coronabux yet
>find out everyone else is rewatching The Sopranos too, mostly while I’m at work

>He can't telework while watching Sopranos in his pajamas

Electricians don’t really “telework”, no.

It gave us great Adrianna fanservice so it was worth it

watch it user

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There were some obvious flaws. The arc at the beginning between Carmela and the priest was awful. The Vito arc took too many episodes and AJ was insufferable in later seasons spare a couple episodes.

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>Carmela and the priest

Idk, it showed early on how unhappy she was.

>it’s a “watch Vito attempt to live life as a gay ex-mobster in northern New England” series of episodes
>it’s a “watch Vito attempt to do handyman/home construction/book writing/flat tire change/cooking” for an uncomfortably long period of time scene
Was it just filler?

Eugene pontecorvo. Dont blame the show just because you're a low IQ pleb.

Everything after the 1st season is just liberal propaganda. It lost any realism and became a run-of-the-mill soap opera. It only seems cool or edgy to kids.

>Irrelevant goon #21

I fucking love that episode. They spend an entire episode trying to get the bugged lamp to work and it ends up being completely fucking pointless within a few episodes. It's brilliant.

I don't think The Sopranos are even good.
It's fucking nonsense that gave a bunch of east coast retards fake street cred.
>aw I gotta wear black or brown now mom those crips or bloods might shoot at us
What, between Newark and Rutland? Go fuck yourself.

I think Breaking Bad might be a little more your speed, champ

Every TV show has the same issues:
>endless fights with bitchy wife/girlfriend
>side-arcs with characters no one cares about
>slow plot progression
>stale relationships
>cliche character interaction


>They definitely didn't know what to do with Furio.
They were gonna give him a more developed arc in the last couple seasons, possibly take the Carmela "cheating" angle further, but Furio's actor kept leaking plot details so they had to delete him from the show in a hurry.

realistically, tony would've been arrested sometime in the middle of the show.

Vito's stroy.

Fucking boring and so long, and "muh homophobic mobs".
A politically correctness which doesn't fit with the show.

Literally describing real life

Name 1 (ONE) lasting impact irrelevant goon #21 had on the show.

That's unfortunate. Why not just threaten litigation and make him sign something?

You're right and wrong. His arc was way too long, but there was no PC shit involved. Tony himself didn't give two shits if Vito was gay, he just half-assedly acted like he cared because of appearances.

Not every single character has to have a "lasting impact", low IQ pleb.

I'd say the only real flaw I have with The Sopranos is the plot shielding around certain characters. Chris should have died like 5 times before he actually did and you knew he wouldn't because he served as an important plot device. When the show was winding down I feel like Chase removed that plot armor from a lot of the characters, including Bobby, Sil and eventually Tony

Would have been acceptable if he actually got out and stayed out.

Maybe could have even milked it for an epilogue special a few years after the series ends where Vito finally comes back to Jersey in $CURRENT_YEAR and we get to see just how far the mob has deteriorated inowadays and put some of the stupid fan theories about the ending to rest finally.

I think kicking him off the show was the final straw after he already breached his non-disclosure agreement multiple times.

So you agree with what I was saying in the first place.. okay.

I think it was well-written and I didn't have a problem with the overall story, but I don't understand why Chase thought that it fit into the final season. He promoted Vito from being a nobody-cares character into being a main cast member just so he could insert this "gay mobster" storyline? I just feel like he could have done a lot more interesting stuff

It was justified. He insulted him a little bit.

No, I'm calling you a low IQ pleb for blaming the show because you can't remember a characters name.

>tony is pro abortion
>lets his daughter fuck niggers
Garbage show what a fag mc

They gave him and his family this big story and yet nothing came of it. And yet, I remember the names of the two kids that tried to kill Christopher because they actually had an impact.

>(chris beating up the guy at acting class
that scene was litterlly retarded
Guy was like a lumberjack and chris knocked him down with 1 hit? yeah not going to happen irl chrissy would have gotten the fuck beaten out of him

>>lets his daughter fuck niggers
Tony did pretty much everything in his power to stop that shit from happening
do you think he was going to cut off her tuition or something? He still wanted one of his kids to actually make something of themselves and he knew AJ was a burnt bulb

probably half the scenes with melfi drag imho

>>interesting characters given little or almost no development (silvio, furio, patsy, carlo)
best characters

>It also was kind of frustrating seeing Junior acting boss for such a short time It would've been cool to see him interacting with Carmine Sr

It was justified for mikey

That was the whole plan though. Junior was "boss" but everyone knew that Tony was the real leader.

It wasn't a "big story", it lasted I think one episode, and the whole point was to illustrate how psychopathic and self-involved Tony was becoming. He had no reason to give a shit if the guy moved to Florida or not, he took a huge taste of the inheritance, had him whack some guy with an underlying understanding that it would prove he was loyal and wouldnt talk, and then said no in the end anyway.

lotta flaws in chrissys script

Only bad thing was Jackie Jr. getting so much focus in Season 3 (which was mostly because of Livia’s actress’s death irl).
Seriously fuck Jackie Jr, at least the only only bad arc (Vito’s gay adventures) spawned some funny memes. Jackie’s scenes are a bore to get through and would have been better if they kept Richie alive to continue mentoring him.

Phil randomly turning into a house was a stupid choice for the show I think. Only real flaw I can think of.

Junior was a better boss than tony

The introduced this guys kids and wife, gave him this whole Florida thing and tension with his wife about it. I would buy it more if you defended the position that the FBI doesn't give two shits about informers.

Agreed, it’s the only weak part of season 6 to me and I feel like it drags down such a cool timeframe after Tony escapes from his coma.


In what way? He let his nephew take over despite "I'm da buoss, got damnit!"

excuse me, flaw?

>Chris should have died like 5 times before he actually did and you knew he wouldn't because he served as an important plot device.
I'll give you this. Chrissy stopped being relevant or interesting after he went full junkie and got stuck in the relapse loop. You could see it was obviously gonna end badly for him a mile away. The show even got meta with this by having his main conflict being that he went from being groomed as Tony's successor to basically a side character after he fucked up and got clean the first time.

You're right which is why his dementia arc at the end was so heartbreaking. Junior was possibly the most intelligent and level-headed character on the show and in the end he gets reduced to a drooling husk.

Pine Barrens is the best episode. Fight me.

It was one episode, and I explained how it furthered Tony's character development. You're just being autistic at this point.

The guy's and interior dubserator!

Nah, it was a fuckin joke. Chase’s heart medication

They can show she's unhappy without the awkward sexual tension.

>without the awkward sexual tension

But that's exactly what they were going for.

tony took over because Junior got put on probation

No. Tony and the others decided to let Junior be boss to take the fall when the FBI came ringing.

>“watch Vito attempt to do handyman/home construction/book writing/flat tire change/cooking"

I think they did this to show that he isn't cut out for another life, convincing him that he can go back and you know what happens.

The next time you rewatch it see how many times Chris gets a gun pulled on him. I think it's 4 or 5 times actually. He should have been killed many times before he actually was killed

the subplot of vito getting into the car could've been cut down by an hour or two

Cristufa should have been the main character, and it's a comedy, dudes just fucking up all day.

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I don't like the editing, it's like the episode is meant to drag oooon and fill that time limit they wanted.

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Ralphie's stripper gf had the best rack on the whole show. Shame about those chompers

>the way her tits bounce when she's outside about to die