What do you want out of a Punisher movie?
What do you want out of a Punisher movie?
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Niggers, gooks, and wetbacks getting pwned.
A strong diverse female lead who punches nazis
To have him go after actual criminals and not just some jew LARPer fighting white male mercs
Stunning and brave
a refund
spiderman AND venom AND carnage for once
Punisher who isn't afraid to Punish people instead of putting a companionable arm around them and trying to explain the golden rule. SHOOT THAT FUCKER.
>*rubs head*
>"musksometin red"
Something along the same lines as Rambo: Last Blood since that was more of a Punisher movie than a Rambo movie. That torture scene was especially Frank-ish. OR go full blown 80s with it like the 1989 film, but more aesthetically accurate. Basically I don't want it to be anything like the terrible Netflix series.
Some Frank Castlekino, unlike the show
Shield is after Frank because he killed a hero everyone thought was good but was actually evil and doing some crazy chtulu death cult shit so the death cult is after him at the same time shield is
Throw in some lesser know supernatural characters and reveal Frank literally cannot die because there are always those who need to be punished
He makes a good Castle but the show never let him go full Punisher and that's unfortunate
i liked lundgren one, i've recorded it on vhs and watched for a month every day :)
This jew should stop larping as Italian
Watch the completely uncut version.
I want a ten year ban on all comic related production in TV, film, and video streaming media.
It was clearly made by people who hate the Punisher concept. The second season of Daredevil was more of a Punisher show than the actual series.
Not this guy.
>Alright lads it's back to adapting YA books
Dead pedophiles.
A pre-apocalypse movie where Castle is trying to hunt down the bad men who are trying to do crimes with explosives. It's a race against the clock though, because the bombs are on timers. They're also in a hospital, but luckily a good samaritan noticed them and got the hospital evacuated. Can castle save the city from having to build another hospital, AND bring the bad guys to justice? Yes, so that there can be a sequel if the box office numbers are good.
thx for info, i will look for it
Castle is tracking a high level target, big world leaders type guy. New York streets are at war and it's all being funded by Dr. Doom
there is an aspect in the family killing that adaptations always fuck up. It has to be random cross fire not something personal. Otherwise his war on all crime does not make sense.
Literally copy The Raid and Dress, Frank is trapped in a sky skyscraper with more bad guys than you can shake a gun at.
Hence why the Netflix adaption is terrible. Made by people who hate the character OR have a fundamental misunderstanding of him (I think it's the former).
That's Die Hard.
Yeah, they unironically hate guns and view punisher as alt-right. I'm convinced 2016 ruined most television shows. People are fucking nuts
Still can't get over how awful season 2 was, especially since it had such a kino trailer
This. Never that actor.
Honestly bros I'm like almost done with this show and it fucking sucks, even fucking Arrow was better for it's first two seasons with this mellodrama bullshit. If the wrote Madani to be more of a minimum role, actually had Frank do some work and maybe I don't give a fuck a Mr Jigsaw face over here and his fucking romance with this brown bitch.
I'd say it's like a 6/10 show, Jon is a good Frank and I like the Veterans shit and how they play into that but otherwise this show is a fucking drag like it's Episode 8 of season 2 and this guy is just now putting together an army like fuck
Have it follow some mobsters trying to do some evil mob shit, and them getting brutally picked off one by one like a slasher movie.
yeah i stopped watching after the first episode. Read Garth Ennis Punisher Max instead.
I'd watch.
Also there's no fucking stakes at all what the fuck
Why do these people hate the punisher so much, they hate cops too so what’s their alternative. It’s like they hate to admit a lot of people unironically have revenge fantasies against evil murders and rapist no matter their skin color
Get Ray Stevenson back.
Castle's family getting killed has to be a random occurence, not a personal targeting.
Frank doesn't hesitate, or stop and think about what he does, he does it because it what he thinks has to be done.
No military conspiracy shit, Frank just mows down gangs and thugs.
This is more of a personal want, but the cinematography needs to make Frank look more ominous, like the MAX art style did.
Closest we've had was DD S2, and even that was far off of a perfect Punisher.
Something like the comics books and maybe even The Mandalorian? I don’t need a bunch of characters to sympathize with. I just want to watch Frank Castle kill people and deal with the shit in his head and also deal with the mob/ super villains and shit. Maybe even see spider man as well. It could be so simple and also really good but studios just want the all out marvel rollercoaster that they have been making
guys who wear punisher t shirts to get btfo
Based user.
Thomas Jane.
Not watching that shit for any other actor.
I want a Punisher Max HBO series.
Punisher Max is easily the greatest comic ever btw, it’s better than Watchmen.
Henry Rollins as The Punisher.
Did they ever stop?
>season 2 Daredevil Punisher was absolutely Kino
>Punisher gets his own show
>it's somehow even worse than Iron Fist and Luke Cage
henry rollins is gay so that cant really happen
lemme asku sumthin was a good punisher but the show had too much side plots and relationship drama
Not with that attitude
Just rewatch the hospital scene from Daredevil, it's shot like a horror movie, with Frank being a silent, faceless force stalking Karen and the mobster with a shotgun in hand, to push them out onto the street where he can snipe him from a roof.
That's how he operates, not screaming and charging about like a roided up idiot.
nothing Steve Dillon touched was good
But everything Goran Parlov touched was
I think you meant to say
Warzone, except without the weird romantic subplot and less wacky humor. I want Barracuda in it as the main villain
All I want from the Punisher is an adaptation of "The Slavers" arc.
Maybe start it off with the first third of the movie being Frank Franking random criminals with a hint of the operation going on in the background and showing the two cops out on the streets as well until Frank meets Viorica and then the story goes from there.
It also makes it impossible to do an episode later adapting "The Cell".
Why don't they just let Garth Ennis make the show for fucks sake? No one has as good a take on the character as Garth does.
I don't know about a Punisher movie in this climate but an animated series could work given that a comic writer made the Castlevania show and had virtually no restrictions on violence. Ennis could do the same
>gratuitous scene of Frank just throwing a woman against a window over and over.
I'm sure the twitter hivemind would love that.
Ray Stevenson and a competent writer
It's not like she was trans or a POC so really Frank was just getting reparations for those awful White Women for voting for Trump.
I want them to mainly focus on a irritating fuck face for way too long.
Thomas Jane
Whoever plays punisher needs to be roided