What's even the fucking point to Netflix anymore?

What's even the fucking point to Netflix anymore?

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There is none. Stop giving them your fucking $10 and gobble down the pirate pill.


>A series of unfortunate events
>Black Mirror
>Lost in Space
>Stranger Things season 1
>Bojack Horseman
>Love Death & Robots
>Altered Carbon season 1
t. Shill who gets paid

Seeing your favorite actress kiss an animal.

I actually switched out of their streaming horseshit and do the blu-ray plan where they mail them to you. Rip the blurays to your PC and send them back out same day.

Better than pirated Yify shit.

I was taught there should be a comma before and

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you can still do that shit? thought they took that shit away years ago

None of those besides narcos are worth it.

I don't understand the point of op's image

just fucking torrent them like a normal person

Check your plans. It's honestly the only thing Netflix is good for in 2020. Their streaming has been done for years now.

iirc they still have about 3 million disc subscriptions, mainly out in the northern and western plains states with shit internet infrastructure

It's called an oxford comma. The grammar lords made it optional a few years ago and it's total horseshit. Only uncultured rubes don't use it.

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Who gives a fuck about an Oxford comma?

I couldn't get past the first 10 minutes of this shit. Does it get ANY good ever?


You forgot finally competing and releasing "The Other Side of the Wind."

>still paying for Nigflix

anyone giving those cocksuckers money is now an honorary nigger.
Be sure to use your newly acquired N-word pass in public at your earliest opportunity

Why are the streaming services all focusing on trash original programming now?

White people, are you not huwhite?


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Because they're like sharks smelling blood in the water. Once Netflix's original programming became a must sub feature, everyone else decided they wanted in on that racket.


good song

how do you rip the movies onto the pc? do you use a easy to download program?

Ive seen those English dramas too

to generate endless bmwf schlock


Vampire Weekend are literal jews.

weird i just noticed i already have that program installed on my pc

I just pirate it to watch Trailer Park Boys

Three types of people enjoy Mindhunter:

1. Women who get wet to serial killers
2. People who are autistic
3. Psuedo-intellectuals who believe they're 2deep4u

If you fall into any of those categories, give it a shot. If not, don't.

>paying for netflix
>wanting to watch anything made by that hack

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I gave it two shots because I was looking for something to get at the true detective itch. The second time I actually made it through all of season 1. It doesn’t get better, the main character is always an insufferable fag and there isn’t a real overall direction for the story because it’s just a bunch of FBI anecdotes loosely stitched together because why not. It’s typical Netflix made-by-algorithm storytelling for morbidly curious white girls.

fpbp kill yourself normalfags

Every company and their mother corporation is starting a streaming service, so all the old shows that used to license out for super cheap and gathered a cult following while streaming are getting pulled to their owner's home streaming service or having the licensing rates jacked up now that there is serious big money competition joining the streaming arena.

>paying money to watch films
>in the Age of the Internet

I mean... just whew my life to pieces...

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I don't understand the question this thread poses... You can't watch Pulp Fiction? Or you can?

I had this exact same fucking experience this morning. Oh yeah lets have all of his new shit who wants to get comfy and watch Pulp Fiction?

literally all shit kek

Unrelated but I cancelled my crunchyroll subscription

They got fuckin nothing now. Don't even have a bunch of things in my queue anymore, like fist of the north star

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This is fucking accurate.
I have prime because I order enough books and p related shit that it's worth it. I have since found a few good shows on Prime. Looking forward to Tales from the Loop.

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Because of the girl on the cover? Or literally Jews

Diane Young justifies their entire existence. That song fucking rocks.

>can't even list the three good things on his platform
you're bad at your job and I hope you get fired

#2 here, he's right, I really enjoyed Mindhunter.

Yes user

They provide valuable media for the torrent sites.


Vlc Premium

>worth it

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why do people think Pulp Fiction is anything more than a merely good, entertaining film with some snappy dialogue and grotesque violence? i mean i like it but it has so much fut it isn't even funny. butch's gf is the most annoying character ever put on film only to be topped by that honey bunny gash.

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It was cool in the 90s now it's just a moody action movie.

>butch's gf is the most annoying character ever put on film
I don't get why people hate her so much

Based autist

its her accent


why not just buy the movie


How did this happen? 7 to 9 years ago everyone thought Netflix would not only end conventional tv channels but also lead the new streaming service paradigm. But then they dropped anything of even remote quality and started shitting out originals. Did the Jews somehow install sleepers in the Netflix hierarchy that crashed them to eliminate competition?

I have a theory that it was supposed to be a 2 parter with the first movie ending with zeds dead and the second picking back up at the restaurant but I guess QT didn’t have enough of story lines to justify it being a second movie so he smashed them together

Vivienne a qt