Was it too complicated for modern audiences?

Was it too complicated for modern audiences?

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which movie

>he poisoned or water supply, burned or crops and delivered a plague onto our houses

>... he did!?

>... no, but are we just wait around until he does!?

Yes. The modern movie goer looks like this

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It's not a complicated movie at all. Yet it went over audiences heads somehow I actually don't understand. Theatrical is shit though

It fucked the dog horribly hard.
What they needed to do is the real goddamn comic. It is excellent and there was no reason at all not to adopt that tone. Old Batman, and old Superman. Duking it out one last time.

Then, and only then do you establish the unlimited universe, maybe. Either way. DC would breathe better without it's pantheon sitting front-shelf all the time. Canary birds or whatever that movie was can fuck off. Dumb idea entirely.

Huntress is the only interesting character there and I'm fucking not pressed to remember the others.

Watching commentary now he’s a fucking genius

too masculine for marvel soiboys

the modern movie goer is actually quarantined

The premise is dumb. Batman has been around for 10 years and fought his biggest villains, but nobody is sure if he's real or not. Superman destroyed Metropolis and killed thousands, but he's hellbent on stopping Batman from branding criminals. What is this shit?

Last movie I went to theater for was....either 47 ronin, zero dark 30 or Lone Survivor. Might have been something more recent I don't know.

It's always fucking horrible. All you need is a little patience and most shit was shot on 35mm anyways. The fuck is your big problem that you don't have a decent 1080p screen at least, and a sound system? Oh look, the movies.

What was he thinking with just dropping a random scene of Batman in the desert, fucking up flying creatures?

It's obviously a premonition, retard.

Well, being a fan of DC comics, I immediately knew they were parademons. Or otherwise the minions of Darkseid.

They took a weird biblical, or otherwise greco angle on it which is eh....well a thing...you could do.

Yeah much like the Kingdom of Heaven theatrical cut they took out so many scenes that were important to the story and butchered it.

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It was too dumb for any audience.


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so like.. batman and super man have the same mother?? i don't get it

It wasn't complicated, just convoluted.


It boldly went full fantomiathic without attaching to the Kierkegardian approach a lesser writer/director would have chosen to do. Au Courant laissez-faire, as they say.
The thing is, audiences were clearly not ready for a post structural deconstruction of this caliber--even more so when the film really pursued a higher level of inefable discarpiacence (google the term if you need to, but what do you expect to understand from this movie if you don't know such a simple term). Dictus abrictus est, if you caveat.

>Zack Snyder

Literally the coronavirus situation right now

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based retard

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>rehashing the monomyth is genius!!!!!

top kek

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>comic book schlock
>too complicated

>a dotard is elected king jester of muttland
yep... you might be onto something there

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Hey looks like the 2003 Ben Affleck Daredevil movie is certified kino too

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Cavill and Routh are relentlessly handsome.

it unironically is youtube.com/watch?v=bIMVrX9CaVw

theatrical cut was borderline incoherent, directors cut was less incoherent but more boring and too long

This scene was kino. So emotional

based soiboi

My biggest gripe is when Fishburne's character said that American conscience died with those 2 jewish journalists who framed Nixon. fuck you Snyder!!

Isn't most of the cut content about him in his hometown doing stuff semi-unrelated to his later life in Jerusalem?

fuck Princess.

bruces mom is called martha
clarks mom is called martha
bruce still grives over his mom so its constantly in his mind
he gets end of world flash back with superman
flash appears and says "shes" the key
save martha scene
why the fuck did this alien just say save martha, what the fuck, could this be to do with that flash vision, what the fuck, what does he mean by this,
lois turns up
shes tells him its his mothers name
he has a moment of clariety
where he sees himself as being just as bad as his own mothers killer, he sees that lois seems to care about this "alien" and he himself has a mother he cares about, he realises he has become the very thing he set out to destroy

He says Lois is the key though. At least understand your own dumb movie pajeet.

You kind of get that Balian is trying to do right by the people anyways. Most of the cut content is Scott trying to convinced you that those people didn't utterly hate each other.

King Richard wasn't dancing in some square with Saladin. Go utterly fuck yourself. Those wars were bitter and horrible.

>Invincible alien with untold strength vs. aging human wino wearing a bat costume

Movie aside, it's hard to escape the fact the premise is just kind of retarded. One single punch from Superman could shatter every bone in Batman's body, causing all his vital organs to instantly liquify and come pouring out his asshole like soup.

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dosnt change anything though does it, he would still be confused why the fuck he said his moms name, considering some cunt time traveled to speak to him as well which would of made him on edge

doesn't change that the movie is retarded yes

you dont have to like it bro, but if your going to say its shit you need to actualy anaylize it and tell me whats wrong, instead of just shit you dont like

>Why does Superman crash Batman's car and let the guy with the rocket launcher that Batman was chasing go?
>Why does the fucking ship let Lex do something that it was specifically told to be forbidden just because the owner was dead?
>When he gets a very short time limit to save his mother why doesn't he look for her and go to fight Batman instead?
>Why doesn't he try to explain himself beyond "you don't understand"?
>He's on a time limit and the best way to spend it is by fighting Batman?
>Why does he needs Batman's help finding his mother anyway when the movie clearly shows that Bruce was being played like an idiot by Lex the entire time?
>Why can Batman find her in an hour and Superman can't with his hearing?
>Why the fuck is Wonder-Woman watching trailers of the coming movies?
>Why did they not communicate at all while fighting Doomsday? Considering WW owned him but just couldn't kill him because regen couldn't SM have used the rope and WW stab him?
>Why does Batman use a spear when he could have used a lot of other more effective weapons he could carry on his person?
>Why did he leave the spear inside the building? How did he know the fight would end up inside?
>How contrived is it that after they went everywhere, including through a ton of walls, the fight ended up in the same spot where he left his fucking spear?

>Was it too complicated for modern audiences?


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Whats with batman and the guns?



>Watching Justice League rn

>It wasn't supposed to be a documentary

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It's not shit it's just mediocre with a braindead schlock final act and awkward forced extended universe bits sprinkled in that take away from the movie. The babbys first religious symbolism doesnt elevate it either regardless of what the whiny frothing dummies in these threads want

>>Why does Batman use a spear when he could have used a lot of other more effective weapons he could carry on his person
unironically because >muh jesus allegory lol these movies are such retarded trash

Imagine being such a low IQ 3rd world zoomer that you can watch these braindead capeshit and actually think you're watching fucking art LMAO greenscreens were a mistake!

Exactly. He inserts symbolism even if it means the plot ends up dumber than it already was.

please read my comment on your samfag post in the other thread
i see where your coming from but it does elevate it, becuase it takes the childish superhero context and gives it a more meaningful and relevent look at what that would look like in the real world, where people would of course compare superman to jesus and the second coming.

>please read my comment on your samfag post in the other thread
Already did. It was dumb as shit.

lex isnt controlling batman you muppet

Damn man you're so stupid you didn't even understand your own movie.

i dont think you watched the film bro, stick to your marvel flicks