Who would you want to direct the COVID-19 movie?
Who would you want to direct the COVID-19 movie?
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Hideaki Anno
Another homo, weird
>male partner
fags have aids they can die from a cold
Can you post a link?
I can't find any reference to this.
>A toast!
Bill mitchell for the truth
Did you seriously just throw together a headline calling a random guy you got in a forum fight with dead and gay?
Based and redpilled and checked
robert eggers. modern retelling of the lighthouse.
I actually know this guy from the Hot Air forums
Which means OP is the autistic nigger from Seattle "Donte Bell" or the Portland antifa cat lover "Thomas Benson"
This. OP is a hysterical faggot.
>covid hasn't killed that many people
>therefore we shouldn't stop it from spreading
Okay I just looked and it's gotta be Tommy
>they both made just over 9,000 posts
>Brock got 24,000 updogs, Tommy got only 1,400
It's tripfag drama with real people, I love it
Some guy nobody has heard of died. Surely that proves the mainstream media right about everything. I'm sure later on we won't discover that no such person ever existed and the media posted a stock photo.
by that logic we should quarantine everyone literally every year because viruses always mutate
>Hot Air forums
wtf is that
It's worse than that - the guy is real and one of his rivals on some boomer forum is trying to declare him dead
Bill Mitchell has constant verbal diarrhea
Again, why would we need to stop it from spreading? There were no shut downs for swine flu, so why would we need to do it for this virus?
Used to be Michelle Malkin's website if you remember her
This shit has been posted multiple times on different boards with 0 sources
That Japanese guy who directed True Detective
based nigger not being able to do math. Corona is orders of magnitude more lethal as is shown even by her numbers.
if youre not trolling go catch it and die, if you are trolling then just be careful some retards might abandon all notions of logic and die bc of u
>there was no media panic
That is such an incredibly disingenuous post, and I have seen that sockpuppet posting other retarded shit in my cursory search of the coronavirus twitter feed the past couple days as well. How does it feel to be shilling to allow more plague deaths to occur out of sheer ineptitude?
He died of Corona AIDS?
you're not fooling anyone you weak statist piece of shit. The only reason why coronas mortality rate is high is if you're a dumb nigger who actually beleives theres only a few 100k infected, when experts have all been saying its likely in the millions because THIS PUSSY VIRUS SHOWS NO SYMPTOMS IN 80% OF PEOPLE
these "people" are going to look so fucking stupid when this is all over
and Trump is a fucking retard, this could have been his 9/11 and instead he's slaughtering his voters
get back in your hole you weak statist pussies. Sit on r/coronavirus all day if you want to spew bullshit
Agreed. This pandemic is so bad, even hospitals are deserted.
Wait, what?
As a gay man and a TOTAL RAW POWER BOTTOM its stories like these that make me consider having my grindr meets use condoms
That guy what made the Chernobyl miniseries should also make a miniseries about this
I want it to have a scene where they're at the Chinese market and we get to see how they saw open the heads of living monkeys and eat their still-living brains Hannibal-style
Brazil and Sweden have both decided to do nothing and shut down nothing
In fact the fat 65 year old president of Brazil caught corona 10 days ago and didn't get sick at all so he said "fuck it, crisis is over"
What’s updog?
this but unironically
fuck going outside
>not doing that already
As a fellow homo what the actual fuck is wrong with you Jesus Christ.
hey atleast you admit you're a pussy
What or are you talking about the monkey hammer scene in Faces of Death?
Aww wasted
No I'm talking about the scene where Hannibal feeds that guy his own brains. The Chinese literally do this shit with monkeys and then wonder why they're riddled with disease.
Wait seriously? 1.8 million? Is it all from dysentery in their world countries?
I hope the rona kills all of these boomer cuckservative faggots online.
>wagie ragie
you love to see it
>and Sweden
Yup, when I think of countries I'd most like America to emulate, I think BRAZIL and SWEDEN. LULZ
i hope you get your head caved in, statist bitch
Mick Garris, he did it competently the first time
I love how coasties keep saying this as Seattle, New York and San Francisco turn into graveyards
>In fact the fat 65 year old president of Brazil caught corona 10 days ago and didn't get sick at all so he said "fuck it, crisis is over"
Except for the fact that he's not confirming it, this shit is spreading fast as fuck, testing (and even proper authopsis) is becoming more and more difficult by the day and the guy's health is clearly fucked since he looks worse on every single public appearance he makes.
t. an actual brazillian
t. Dilma Rousseff
>scared of a virus
Italians are starving to death and are organizing raids on grocery stores. You do not want a lockdown in your country
Who's pro-quarantine and who's anti-quarantine?
>source: trust me dude
I hate this boomer faggot
Trannies and homos have high incidence of AIDS. Maybe he's letting it run rampant to purge the population.
>You do not want a lockdown in your country
Maybe for mutts like you.
He was actually stabbed by a bona fide black tranny while running for president, nearly died in hospital and likely won the election like Reagan after Hinckley
>dad is a cop
>he's 63
>less than two weeks before retirement
>works a desk job that he could do from home with a secure connection
>INSISTS on going to work anyway
This is the new tragic buddy-cop movie. The old cop is killed by the virus and his young hotshot partner has no one to take revenge on.
>Footage shows him shouting at officers, telling them the family has no money, his mother begging them to go to their home so she could show them they have no food. It's hard to watch. It's what desperation looks like.
I hope you die a slow painful death starving like a dog
I bet he gets a lot of Diarrhea that old faggot
Is your dad's partner Osmosis Jones
>faggot wants to stop me from getting my neetbux check
Yeah nah
Not that I know, no
Almost every governor is against him, the congress is against him, some of his ministers are against him, the general attorney has just filled a request to get him temporarily put out of the presidency but sure, blame those ebul leftists
Probably because very much like the president, their politicians refused to take action until it was too late. The government was literally considering running a marketing campaign with the very same slogan as the Milan one, and look at how that turned out fo the milanese.
Yeah but he's also killing his main electorate, rich cunts who travel abroad and old boomers.
the guy wasn't a tranny, just some schizo
It's gonna be fucking humiliating when it turns out most of us were already infected and recovered from corona without realizing it months ago and we did all this shit for nothing
You dumb nigger, Italy has had rising pneumonia cases for the past 15 years. You are a statist, piece of shit pussy ass retard. Kill yourself
lmao who let the fucking burgers get into the discussion.
The brazilian president is literally pro-dictatorship, can't get much more statist than that.
Both pro but my dad isn't going insane and still goes to the store sometimes whereas my mom is going insane, reading Facebook for news 24/7, is convinced she is 100% going to die if she catches it, is bitching out my dad for not disinfecting the house literally every day. (She's got an injury rn so she can't clean herself)
No it's not, the faggot politiicians pushing fear porn will hold onto lock downs as long as possible, then declare that their draconian bullshit laws is what saved the day.
Im sorry did he completely shut down the economy making everyone a slave to "virus relief"?
Anybody who responds to this shillbot is a retard and wasting their time. Filter all generic 'statist pussy ass retard' posts.
Your post is perceptive and welcome ITT user.
never fucking reply to me ever again you lobert retard
get back in your fucking holes, that's a police order shit stain
I would say you're gonna feel like a real cunt when Jair is still in charge next year but I'm guessing you'll never acknowledge even saying this shit like the people who were 1000% sure Bob Mueller was gonna destroy Trump
Whats with boomers getting their news on social media?
>uuuuh this flu that killed over half a million people and infected well over a billion didn't have a shutdown
>logically this means a new flu shouldn't either :)
Why is this pandemic breaking right-wing brains so thoroughly? Why can't they take it seriously for one second?
You know I just realized how odd it is that whenever the news is referring to anyone who voted Trump theyre always labeled 'Trump Supporter'
Why didn't they ever have headlines labeling everyone as 'Obama Supporter' back when he was president?
What are you doing on a boomer forum?
>How does it feel to be shilling to allow more plague deaths to occur out of sheer ineptitude?
pretty good actually
youre not fooling anyone you unemployed fucking loser
I really love how the government of Brazil has unironically become a model that brainwashed Trump sycophants favorably compare his administration with now. When you find yourself in the same league as Brazil you've got problems. Third world problems.
When you get old enough you get complacent and don't question anything. My dads a CNN bot but at least he's stopped watching the news since this started and has never had any social media.
stop noticing things. the media is totally unbiased impartial
>literally who
>known for anything
prove it
Because everyone normal was an Obama supporter. They don't label people as "not schizophrenic" either.
A right-winger lives a life of delusion.
i know its like right wingers dont even visit r/politics or r/coronavirus. They are dumb and uninformed, not like us
It's kinda like saying "special kid" you don't say that to normal ones
Wtf is this retarded cope, South Korea has conducted 400k coronavirus tests and only 9.7k were positive. And they've conducted 50k antibody test in ares most hit by the virus and only 0.3% of them had antibodies to this virus.
No its from mexican food
Same with car crashes, 1.5M annually. Makes me wonder why there's no anti-car activists.
I can take it a step further than that, pal
Trump is a faggot compared to Bolsonaro, Orban or Duterte. He only compares favorably to absolute torturous-death deserving garbage like Trudeau or Merkel.
Based Nurgle
Sauce please
I'll take back what I said but I'm still for quarantining. Fuck the fascists Italian government for not providing sufficient essentials for the people. My country is also in lockdown but there's still food in stores, you just can't hoard them as the army is deployed in most stores.
Does diarrhoea actually kill people, or is it what triggered the diarrhoea in the first place?
I don't know what those are but I'm sure you're a jerk
Enjoy youre police state, im sure this will have no negative impacts for your future
I never thought he would come out because what he offers is clearly what retards want, and retards are the vast majority of the human race. If anything, I'm surprised he didn't win on the first turn of the elections.
He's still a human trainwreck surrounded by other equally retarded trainwrecks. Our politicians have always been corrupt liars, but they at least tried to pretend they weren't, these sycophants can't keep up their lies straight for 24 hours.
If you think being ruled by the real life equivalent of IASIP characters is worth it just to own the libs, then go ahead, I'm competent enough to survive as I have been so far, if I move up I move alone if I move down everyone is probably moving down as well.
Also, if you're a burger, everything I said applies to your chief retard as well, to different degrees.
>as the army is deployed in most stores
Where the fuck are you?
>South Korea has won global praise for swiftly making coronavirus tests widely available and has already tested more than 394,000 people. It has found 9,583 infected people.
what country do you live in
>imagine being a schizo autist
North Korea, why?
Brazil dumbass, follow a conversation
Twitter is fucking stupid and so are tards like you that repost this shit
hey better not break curfew, pussy
>talking about brazilian president for 3 or 4 posts
>what country do you live in
I have to assume you're a brazilian as well, based on your reading capability.
I can't believe the person who drank the aquarium cleaner was a democrat. Remember all the shilling on here about Trump killing his supporters? But in fact he was killing lefties
Law abiding citizens have nothing to fear.
>anonymous message board always has the same people posting
Yeah we don't have thread IDs but I'm the one whose been shilling Bolsonaro at you and I made this post to call out that retard
Every Tesla fag is an anti car activist
>hardly any of them are americans
The army is there to do menial jobs that doesn't require enforcing the law, arresting people for breaking the lockdown is still done by the police. Since we don't have enough personnel to maintain order, the army was called in to help out. They don't have the power to arrest people so technically you could still hoard things and there's nothing they could do, of course people would be obedient if there's an imposing figure nearby.
>do not leave the house other than buying essentials
Wow so difficult