it's okay to be american
Wow, so brave
Based if he's being honest. Cringe if he's being sarcastic.
Correct. There are an infinite combination of numbers, but 2+2 does always equal 4.
Correct, Ricky. Next question, please?
Brah. Rude
>the absolute state of amerimutts
why wouldn't he be honest? this is literally the default belief for everyone that isn't american or brown.. wait..
I like Gervais but he does get kinda cringe when he starts talking about religion.
religious fags eternally btfo by simple logic
Post the actual relevant one, faggot
Needs to be proof to prove God.
Look into Islam to find out Who created you and why... but you need proof it’s real. Muslims say the Qur’an (Word of God) is this proof as it has yet to be replicated since it was revealed 1400 years ago.
So worth looking into at least. I did and it saved my life.
"The miraculous nature of the Qur'an is miraculous due to the fact that when we exhaust the reality of the Arabic language - 28 letters, finite grammatical rules and words - we exhaust it... and we [still] can't produce the form of the Qur'an.
If we do anything [to try replicate the Qur'an], it still falls into the category of prose and rhymed prose or poetry."
- Hamza Tzortzis
There have been hundreds of media hoaxes. Lies like Iraq having "weapons of mass destruction" to "russian hackers breaking into voting machines to steal the election". But the Corona pandemic, this time (((they))) are telling you the truth.
I'm american and brown but agree with op
most are attempts at reaching the higher power?
>Lies like Iraq having "weapons of mass destruction"
That was a government lie, not a media hoax. There's a difference.
This. American conservatives are always talking about a white, monoethnic culture like Sweden, Switzerland or Norway when their values are way more in line with degenerate east European cultures where everybody is super religious, there's no social systems, taxes and education are low and corruption is high.
based but bluepilled, sorry I'm christpilled to the max brother
t. (((Lloyd Blankfein))). nice astroturfing you absolute faggot.
If you think the media didn't know what what going on, then there is no hope for you.
He's right. Anyone on Yas Forums who espouses Christianity is a redditor or 2016 election tourist.
American Protestants and Eastern Europeans couldn't be more different.
Do you honestly believe the greediest corporations on the planet all over the world would just shut down or make dramatic changes over just a media hoax bro? Money makes the world go round and somebody would say something seeing as it's on this scale
How does he know which gods are mine?
Enjoy burning in hell
Infinitely based. I'm a Christian, and to me Islam is my second favourite religion after Christianity since they accept the virgin birth and Jesus as the Messiah, but not as the Son of God, which is better than most religions do, and I would probably pick Islam over any other non-Christian religion but Christianity will always be No. 1 for me.
Absolutely based and Christpilled
I'm a Muslim and my best friend is a Christian, the actual enemy is clear
Yeah, fuck Hindus
Yes. Was that suppose to be a hard question? It wasn't.
>but 2+2 does always equal 4
Not so fast.
I was hinting at a more... ominous foe. Hindus only matter in the subcontinent, whereas the group I have in mind.. is a bit more international
When exactly did Yas Forums become so full of Christfags? The difference between 2010 and 2020 is astounding. Is it because the internet has been flooded with retards thanks to social media and mobile devices?
>When exactly did Yas Forums become so full of Christfags?
The exact second atheism became mainstream on the internet.
Based. Yeshua is our savior and most high.
>there have been nearly 3000 gods
try 33 million westcuck
The greediest corporations are the wealthiest so they can weather the storm while small bois have to sell off.
people now realize how vapid and destructive atheism is
You'd be fucking surprised how much of our "institutions" are just a house of cards propped up by pure delusion.
Stock is literally just speculation and people assigning value to it.
>people now realize how vapid and destructive atheism is
You say that like there was a long period of mainstream atheism, which isn't surprising since you're a retard Christfucker.
>The exact second atheism became mainstream on the internet.
That's retarded. Atheism is way less mainstream on the internet than it was 10 or 15 years ago when the internet was just nerds and not literally everybody.
Well Mr Gervais, there have been many civilisations in this world, each with their own fun little gods, hence us reaching such a high number, but where is the civilisation atheism built?
You believe in evolution, correct? Therefore you accept that atheism came before religion by necessity, correct?
So where is it Ricky? Where?
Retarded contrarians who think that by believing in Middle Eastern myths they're sticking to the liberals.
Why are militant atheists always completely retarded.
"I'm a pragmatist, i don't believe in fairytales."
Dumb nigger do you not understand the practical implementation of religion?
>practical implementation of religion?
yes but the non-retards are supposed to get that it's a meme. A meme for plebes. Don't actually DRINK the kool-aid, user.
Yeah there has, all the commie countries. All you atheist retards think things will get better without religion but fail you see its fulfilling some role in society and without it something else like communism will full it.
Morons flooded the internet and corporations soon followed, it's why everybody has this obsession with masculinity, fitting in and not being a soiboi now, because IRL the only thing they care about is how they're perceived by others because they're pathetic losers. Corporate influence has reached its tendrils to every corner of the internet, so different-thinkers (and yes that includes atheists), weirdos, icky words like fag, and everything that doesn't follow some easily-digested normie- and advertiser-approved mold has been banished. The increase in traffic and ease of access also brought in literal retards who were too stupid to use a computer, which is how you get wojack- and frog-posters and modern Yas Forums and the increase in Christfags.
Old internet and old Yas Forums will never return. You will never be able to easily converse with relatively like-minded people. Everything is worse now, and it will just keep getting shittier.
Ive seen people unironically say that it doesnt count because christianity is the most likely religion or some shit, lmao.
If this is what Christfags actually believe, then holy shit it's worse than I thought.
Slightly less mainstream on the internet, way more mainstream irl
>way more mainstream irl
Not even
>Dumb nigger do you not understand the practical implementation of religion?
Yeah it's to control the masses, duh. That's the whole problem with religion, you faggot.
>way more mainstream irl
Do me a favor and leave your city at least once in your life.
>not at least a Socialist
You failed. Jesus literally said to sell all your belongings and give it to the poor.
100% of people on the internet who claim to be religious are shitposters and memers trying to bait people into arguments so they can post soi-fedora memes.
There has never and will never be an actual religious person on Yas Forums. It's all fake.
>le attacks Christianity but ignores Islam man
>That's the whole problem with religion
Not really a problem. Most people need to be controlled to a fairly extensive degree so that they don't act like animals. Midwits like you don't seem to understand that you're supposed to use the people's religion to suit ends that meet the needs of society rather than screaming at them about how dumb the idea of a god is. Notice how mainstream leftism has largely abandoned your tactics and moved on to co-opting it? Here's some evidence:
A picture of a loser in a fedora changed everything.
Ideally, but practically this is kinda facetious with how socialists like to liquidate us n all that
If these a non blood thirsty atheist state then please name us one, but until then I say keep the religion.
Socialist isn't about give to the poor retard its about have no property at all. Hard to give when you have nothing to give. On top of this its a meme idea meant to fall to bring in communism.