Any global conspiracy kinos?
Any global conspiracy kinos?
The International
bill gates stepped down from Microsoft
Wow, we must tell president trump right now
i don't even understand what even is the excuse for 5g, like why we need our internet to go faster? it's fine as it is. why waste time and money on this?
There are CIA documents that prove they have the ability to remotely send thoughts into peoples' heads. 5G is going to improve that technology.
5g poisons the plebs
>create RFID
you mean the tech that has been around since the 60s???
I don't even understand what even is the excuse for broadband, like why we need our internet to go faster? Dial-up is fine as it is. why waste time and money on this?
He's still the majority owner. Learn how stocks work.
>Any global conspiracy kinos?
Just watch the X-Files.
Yes yes, they're setting up the control grid to mass euthanize us for the sake of "the environment", a further big subset of the population will be sterilized by 5G. They will become a race of subservient bug people who literally eat bugs to the elites who have the right connections and politics. The majority of the rest will be mid level merchants and administrators with chips. The true elites will then live like gods, instituting neo feudalism.
Why worry about it bro? You can't do anything. Just do some raping or a mass shooting. That's the only protest option you have. Otherwise, prepare to be euthanized or be a sterile bugman eating literal bugs. Your future has been stolen. Violently lash out or just shut the fuck up and enjoy the good time we have left.
This is the most frightening thing I have ever fucking read
Yeah, the same CIA that thought staring at goats would mind control them.
wtf my local jack in the bokkusu went only cash...
literal cum-guzzling faggots
Why can't we use monopoly dollars instead?
What's the matter? Where's your argument? You know it's true, huh? Faggot.
Being right-wing is a literal mental illness
>Just do some raping or a mass shooting. That's the only protest option you have.
These two sentences make this post glow in the dark.
Yes GOY! Everyone who advocates you protest with the only means left available to you is the enemy! Do NOTHING! Stay STILL GOYIM! Hahahahahahaha Yes! Stay still! It glows! Haha, do NOTHING GOY!
where's yours?
global conspiracies don't work
I bet your brain has been fried by 5G
You’re trying way too hard to fit in.
5G and what ever Gs come after that are for real time mind control, alteration of people’s memories of the past, biomonitoring, birth control, etc.
>caring about cash after 1933
absolutely retarded
locking down the world created a virus?
ITT: Niggers needing to take they meds
deep breaths
stay calm
it's not true
it's gonna be ok
there's some new switch games i think
i think 5g means
some VR games will be really great
why would they
why would anything bad happen we're
living in good times and
people are
basically good
bad people get rooted out from systems
gonna be fine in the
new world
we're gonna be
even better
Actually, according to the data, eating bugs and living in a pod is optimal.
if he steppen down den im steppen up
Who the fuck still uses cash anyway? The only time I ever do is picking up weed.
The Zeitgeist
If governments could ever actually work together and coordinate effectively enough to do anything remotely close to something like this we would already live in an utopian society.
it will be faster and more reliable because there will be more transmitters the are stronger and smaller so there will be more coverage
haha it's fine
it's fine
why would they???
getting shots just makes sense when this technology exists
it just makes sense
what if you got the flu, or worse yet
you didn't contribute to herd immunity
don't you care about herd immunity?
Been a while since I've watched this but the discussion about barcodes has always stayed with me for some reason.
herd immunity user,
don't you care about herd immunity?
are you seriously that much of a FUCKING ASSHOLE?
hahaha it's fine
i don't need my meds
why would i?????
Are you not familiar with the book of Revelations of St. John, the final book of the Bible prophesying the apocalypse?... He forced everyone to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead so that no one shall be able to buy or sell unless he has the mark, which is the name of the beast, or the number of his name, and the number of the beast is 6-6-6... What can such a specific prophecy mean? What is the mark? Well the mark, Brian, is the barcode, the ubiquitous barcode that you'll find on every bog roll and packet of johnnies and every poxy pork pie, and every fuckin' barcode is divided into two parts by three markers, and those three markers are always represented by the number 6. 6-6-6! Now what does it say? No one shall be able to buy or sell without that mark. And now what they're planning to do in order to eradicate all credit card fraud and in order to precipitate a totally cashless society, what they're planning to do, what they've already tested on the American troops, they're going to subcutaneously laser tattoo that mark onto your right hand, or onto your forehead. They're going to replace plastic with flesh. Fact! In the same book of Revelations when the seven seals are broken open on the day of judgment and the seven angels blow the trumpets, when the third angel blows her bugle, wormwood will fall from the sky, wormwood will poison a third part of all the waters and a third part of all the land and many many many people will die! Now do you know what the Russian translation for wormwood is?... Chernobyl! Fact. On August the 18th, 1999, the planets of our solar system are gonna line up into the shape of a cross... They're gonna line up in the signs of Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, and Scorpio, which just happen to correspond to the four beasts of the apocalypse, as mentioned in the book of Daniel, another fuckin' fact! Do you want me to go on? The end of the world is nigh, Brian, the game is up!
Song from 2013, here's the lyrics:
"The Virus is harvesting, what do you mean H7N3. Begin life in a lab, in the first war of vaccines. Million die in the first week in the pandemic dreams. Reality black death, smallpox mutated disease. Flu shot propaganda for all population & troops. Avoid the plague, it might have seeped into the room. It's now airborne with firestorm signal our doom. The dead returns with a pissed off zombie mood. The sprinkler system equipped with AuAg where they round up survivors in a cold facility. Watch the process of terror from the hill near the stream. I remain in a gasmask I still filter my water clean. This isn't past tense or the plague of athens. Couldn't be eradicated like smallpox in action. Avian influenza in the jetstream is how it happens. 2020 combined with CoronaVirus bodies stacking."
Herd immunity just happens pleb
it is not because of any special government plan
yeah i should just take drugs to change how i think
i mean i'm clearly not thinking about the right things
i should be thinking about
genderqueer gifs from boardwalk empire
vaccinate the whole group or you don't get herd immunity, this is the danger of anti-vaxxers.
are you pretending you haven't encountered that meme?
Herd immunity does not need a vaccine
it will build up naturally over time
so you're responding nonsensically to distract. i c
No OP was claiming the Herd Immunity is a goverment meme to try and kill people
I am just pointing out that herd immunity is something that happens naturally in a given population over time
Is that from the film, I can't remember?
but that doesn't fucking matter
you are responding nonsensically too. that doesn't matter
the point is normies think herd immunity comes when everyone gets vaccinated, otherwise unvaccinated people get it and it mutates, invalidating everyone else's vaccine.
what the fuck?
I unironically believe this
What are you on about?
there is no vaccine
Thanks user, spot on!
funny cartoon make good post
wins crowd >:)
>5G is a global conspiracy
goddamn, y'all are stupid
and you think there never will be? even if it's not for specifically COVID-19, that there will never come a day?
you're so disingenuous. what a fake
i mean 5g is basically powerless. you literally can't do anything with it.
it's actually weaker than the internet we have now. it offers no new functionality at all
5G is a mechanism for Chinese intelligence agencies
You are the one one step ahead of reality, nothing I have said is untrue, everything you have said is paranoid speculation.
I thought you cared about herd immunity?