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Other urls found in this thread:


die in a fire, op

cry more, reddit

Attached: 1348548763633.gif (330x330, 2.88M)

What the FUCK
It's happening again!!

tut tut tut

Where the fuck is this from

Best poster on this board


Attached: TuTuRu.jpg (1280x720, 114.89K)

Another dimension apparently.

>Where the fuck is this from
Being this new

Attached: 1396891646204.jpg (400x300, 29.18K)


Very helpful thanks

Please ban this whore forever. Thanks.

lol, fuck that faggot ass janny trying to kill these threads


Attached: janny.webm (800x450, 1.45M)

I hate this bitch's face.

Is bashirfaggot having another meltdown? What threads are being deleted?
Boardwalk empire.

the custodial staff has been abhorrent lately

Why are women in the past so flat?

Attached: 1585281107071.gif (217x217, 1.46M)

>characters who got killed off way too soon

Attached: MV5BMjQxNWEzY2MtZTA0OC00MzZjLTliNmItZjVmNjdjYzg0NjFlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjgyOTI4Mg@@._V1_.jpg (900x473, 61.62K)

We weren't adding estrogen to the water yet.

Your face has been abhorrent always

Their wages should be cut immediately!

tut tut tut

they weren't lard asses, which is where non-plastic giant breasts come from

All the hormones to the animals to make super chickens the size of cows that they farm. Any girl that eats chicken on a regular basis will develop way earlier than regular girls/women.

ah, a stale plebbit meme
the only thing of value to ever come out of Boardwalk Empire

Imagine being a Jannie during a global pandemic.

Attached: Untitled13.png (159x167, 49.08K)

>tfw when I see a tut-tut-tutposter

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the 20's sucked.
I'm glad everyone died of influenza and lost all their money

Dumb faggots in the thread talking about a show filmed 10 years ago as though it's a documentary from 1925

I'm surprised they get paid at all.

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It led to great Kino.

Attached: 2019_35_hitler.jpg (1278x800, 110.24K)

Will the 2030's gift us a new Hitler?

I hope so


wtf why does Yas Forums hate flapfu now? she's classic Yas Forums.

>when you see this gif posted on Yas Forums for years and think he is just some extraa but then you actually watch the show and realize he has a speaking role

Attached: 1584154965151.gif (281x281, 1.5M)

What's in the glass?

gamergirl pee

this sudden resurgence of this ancient meme has reminded me that I still have to finish Boardwalk empire
fuck you

>The 20s sucked
>I'm glad everyone died of Corona and lost all their money

the last 2 seasons are horrendous and not even worth watching

Be the change you want to see

4 is based, Frank Capone is one of the best characters in the entire series despite being only in 5 episodes.

5 is shit, yes.

boardwalk empire, took me years until i actually watched the show

You sound like a fag

>Imagine being a Jannie during a global pandemic.

Attached: gag.jpg (306x415, 25.69K)

Jesus christ, I want to bash her skull against a rock

>gamergirl pee
may kung flu kill us all

Attached: pee.jpg (1346x885, 109.18K)

What a steal

u do

>You sound like a fag

Attached: redditor.png (762x988, 853.34K)

only essential people are allowed to work someone should report mook to Trump

moot hasn't been around in years, Yas Forums is gook owned now

>uses a Reddit meme

Attached: 148501-07e3853a7fcec1ef5e1f323c91229078.jpg (157x200, 10.42K)

i love how these never became webms

i love how jimmyfags are still seething in 2020

t. janny

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simp sneed

awww did you need attention sweaty?

Back in the day it was ok for guys to like their women with the body of a 12 year old boy.

Can someone explain this meme to me?

faggot spammers are not memes

It's that newfag syndrome where reddit has a great time in a certain thread so it has to exist at all times regardless if it's and endless rehash. Sort of like there is always an Asian thread on /b. There wasn't always one but some newfats arrived and thought that's how it is, 99.9% fail to keep it going. So unwittingly, they are already losers.


which is why i said mook you fucking retard

here's your "based", now stop replying to your own post you fag


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imagine being this new

Just imagine it guys. Are you imagining yet

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it goes back like 8 years before this place took a nosedive

it was always promoted by faggot spammers, kys


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why the focus on this extra?

stop asking dumb shit your literally re󠛡ddit holy shit

that's not proof

maaaan those were the days

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I don’t know user, you tell me?