>Are You Winning Son?
Are You Winning Son?
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>mfw this thread
Whew, that's sad
is that a boy?
uh how old is she bros
What a punchable muttface.
This doesn't make sense since you're on Yas Forums you fucking board hopping mid to late 2010s newfag
is that daddy? damn. hes fucking jacked
her name?
I like how this fellow who comes through the door is completely naked.
LMAO imagine how hard her simps were seething
who's the whore? any nudes?
probably 30
I'll rape her
How come janny got so scared after the threat of reporting his bosses to the fbi for taking money from the CCP?
we can see our girls interact with other men without seething
at the end of the day, we're the ones making her happy
You'll need to elaborate
w-what happened next?
Which way white man...
>poki 870
I love that stream of rage in the comments
Eh, makes sense
what are the comments saying
lol dad seems like a complete Chad and that's what his Chad genes created. Genetics btfo
>19 years old
phew dodged a bullet there
I think that dude his his boyfriend.
>Are you making that EZ twitch money my daughter? Good...
who this?
That's her boyfriend you idiots.
was he ten minutes early for the adult stream to start?
It's actually HER step father.
is that seriously a dude? fucking christ what is wrong with zoomers
How do I get a hot young trap to make into my bitch?
You’d have to go outside first
The traps are on discord tho
I see
Clearly a 18+ roastie with heavy makeup, stop being retarded
no, it's a girl
Great thread faggot
why did he do it
welp, hope she doesn't have a penis...
OP not faggot but great guess
>roastie trying to be cute
I can't stand this shit, it's fucking ridiculous, cuteness is exclusive to little girls.
thanks user
and twinks
i fuck and suck
Despite all the effort they and a team of surgeons have put in, as well as countless surgeries, hormone replacement etc., it is still extremely obvious that this is just a man pretending to be a woman.
yes. but I'd still mercilessly slam its boipussy
You guys are fucking stupid. It's so obvious you never interact with people let alone women. All your understanding of people comes from anime, same as these tranny faggots, that's why you're the only people that can possibly fall for it. I know some of these posts are bait but the ones are just really that fucking stupid are enabling this bullshit with your unwillingness to socialise and understand how human beings behave. Fuck you loser, I'll fucking kill if I ever see you, I'll know exactly who you at because the stench will leak through the layers of grease and crusty dried out sweat covering your filthy ugly bodies. Fuck you.
What the fuck did lat dhuzud fucking ghashn gus izish, lat sma bitch? i’ll brus lat know izg graduated piilak ob izub rak ishi the navy seals, agh i’ve been involved ishi numerous jishotasaun raids mab al-quaeda, agh izg brus tala 300 confirmed kills.
izg am trained ishi gorilla lufutaum agh i’m the piilak sniper ishi the ghuk izishu armed forces. Lat are asgaja u izish naan dhuzud oshadhur kak. Izg will wipe lat the fuck jashat sha precision the likes ob amut has narku been seen ugil mab za dha, shon izub fucking words.
lat us lat can get kraat sha saying za shit u izish tala the internet? us urzku, fucker. As we flas izg am contacting izub jishotasaun network ob spies across the usa agh latob ip kul being traced dath rad zatal lat maaz prepare for the stuh, maggot. The stuh za wipes jashat the pathetic sma thing lat bugd latob kibum. You’re fucking vadokan, kid. Izg can be anywhere, anytime, agh izg can azat lat ishi tala iet bur ways, agh that’s dhuzud sha izub zogtark hands.
nar tug am izg extensively trained ishi unarmed combat, naan izg brus access u the ghuk arsenal ob the united states marine corps agh izg will ushd it u its full extent u wipe latob vesall pugh bo the thak ob the continent, lat sma shit. Ghung tug lat could brus known what unholy retribution latob sma “clever” comment was gus u thrak ghaamul mubi lat, maybe lat brishzel brus mabaj latob fucking laam.
naan lat couldn’t, lat didn’t, agh rad you’re paying the price, lat goddamn flagit. Izg will shit tarbam uluk tala lat agh lat will drush ishi it.
you’re fucking vadokan, kiddo
i unironically coomed to her and i don't know if she has a penis or not. so does she have a penis??
Literally what did he mean by this?
No you wouldn't. If you're too much of a pussy to take a chance with real women who make up 50% of the population, you will never capitalise on the extremely rare event of seeing an actual tranny. You're not an opportunist who takes risks and gets rewards, you're a little pussy who sits in his comfort zone fantasising about increasingly pathetic goals you convince yourself that you with your shitty track record might actually be able to achieve. But you won't, youre the type who never improves, never progresses, never achieves anything. You will live and die alone unless you stop being a faggot.
did he die
First on my kill list. Stay in your basements for your own safety. I hope you become self aware before mummy and daddy get sick of supporting you or it's suffering for you.
guys can't get that small and feminine
it's a female
lol people are really mad itt
>tranny discord spreading misinfo again
so thats why hes half naked yea that makes sense
>take a chance
This is about taking a male and dominating it so thoroughly it conforms to my every whim and fantasy.
someone's projecting
>falseflagging tranny trying to make himself feel better
Interact with more people.
Added to my list
Reverse psychology won't work on me or anyone else, trannylovers. You're going to die soon so stop wasting time trying to change my mind, it won't work.
She looks so much like Monroe.
>are ya winnin, son?
Can't believe she finally released a hardcore vid
Yas Forums blown the fuck out.
You couldn't dominate a load of dirty laundry let alone a "human being".
That you guys are so under-socialized that you can't tell the difference between women and trannies.
she's a 9/10, needs bigger tits
>4403464 donation bar
idk what currency that is but it looks like a lot of money jesus
They are slavs.
Woman, please. No one wants you.
He heard somebody in the elevator say "child support" but an investigation revealed they were talking about car seats
its 44034.64 rubles, so about $572.45
Sn*aky isn’t even a tranny. His gf just pushed him into it
C9 is winning without him though, so tells you a lot about trap skills at vidya
that can be over 18