what was his fucking problem?
What was his fucking problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
he didn't like simps
He's very old fashioned, and pretty sexist. He's also mad at the world because his shins got blown off and feels like he's entitled to things because of his service.
he was too based for people to handle
No problem. He killed fiddy men.
chad who became a manlet
>hated Nazis and based Nips
He was a bluepilled soyboy CUCK who needs to go back to reddit
His son was a sissy.
what a great character
he was a simp
>married a stripper
>got her pregnant
peggy destroyed his legacy. i will never forgive her for that
Would a narrow urethra really save you from Vietnam drafting?
yes. the guys in your platoon expect man sized loads when they blow you
She was his nurse.
I'd be pissed too if I got my kneecaps blown off in a dumb proxy war
He killed fitty men
Literally nothing.
He was the real America personified and fuck all the haters.
>TOPSY, get meh gun
Based greatest generation.
What you're pointing isn't even simp behavior, cuck at most and even then you'd still be wrong.
You dipshits ruined the simp meme so quickly & unjustly. Calling anyone a simp who even as much as looks at a female, retards like you have made the phrase lose all meaning quicker than any meme thus far has.
You're the same type of nigga to call Idubbbz a simp instead of something reasonable like a fool.
In conclusion plz neck urself, you short-sighted, ADHD suffering, half hazardous spammer.
and a former stripper
Is Cotton the only person to have more than one kid in this show?
John Redcorn has at least two bastard children that we know of.
I'm rewatching King of the Hill now and I don't remember that. Was it revealed in one of the later seasons?
He also had a sister we never saw.
John Redcorn.
he killed 66 men oy vey
That episode where Peggy is trying to use Bobby to keep Joseph from getting with his half-sister is fucking hilarious.
Hank also has trouble bending down on account of his deformed ass so he'd be a shitty soldier all around.
He had severe PTSD and never got treatment.
She was a candy *striper*, which isn’t a stripper at all. Cotton bought her those implants after they married and that’s when she starts to look like a stripper
I'm no urologist but I'm pretty sure Hank's problem could actually be fixed. Not that he, or any man wants a knife near his dick unless they utterly hate themselves.
he's got no shins
>"You see Bobby?! Your daddys generations given back everything we've fought for!"
Based Cotton hated Boomers confirmed
best joke in the entire series
He was mad Tom Anderson gave him his son after the war.
Listen here Jack, I'm gonna set you straight. I'll only say this once so listen up, Fat. This virus isn't going anywhere. Let me repeat myself, this virus isn't going anywhere. Back in my day we didn't call it covid whatever; we called it the "Shanghai Shivers". OK, here's the deal, Slick. I used to know a guy, went by the name Cornflake Jackson. Ol' Cornflake used to play guitar down at the pool hall. He caught the Shanghai Shivers one year and let me tell you, if Cornflake Jackson says, "It ain't no thang" you can take that to the bank, Buckaroo. That's how I know you're full of shit. I'd punch your daughter straight in the mouth.
oh yeah Biden exists
The virus has completely wiped this guy and Bernie from everyone's minds.
If Biden really had that attitude he might have a chance. But he doesn't.
when they're living at the ymca she tells hank about picking up shifts dancing
Hanks wife forgot his sausage I. His breakfast
King of the Kino
Deedee was a candy striper, Luanne's mom was the stripper
It's that he killed fiddy men and you sit in your mothers basement posting in a chinese batsoup forum
midwit take
1: actual PTSD, mood swings included. see the episode Next of Shin in season 3 where he swaps from hallucination, to ditching his wife to drink, to being extremely kind to bobby and by extension hank in the bar when he gets a chance to let his guard down around bobby.
2: super defensive ego, pretending what he went through is normal (perceived weakness=big nono that gets you killed in his time). projects this onto other people like hank because he's worried about his ability to survive, and legitimately doesn't understand how society works after going through what he went through. the result is basically a crabby old man acting like the war is still going on because during a profoundly formative time for a young man (enlisted before he was 20) he was sent to japan to die
3: treats women like shit out of guilt and anger. he had to leave his real relationship back in japan in exchange for a wife who grew distant as his ptsd amped up in his middle age (Escape From Party Island). Deedee is part asian and an obvious attempt to reclaim his "glory days" ala existential crisis.
the rest is being from a different time and entitlement.
>Deedee is part asian
I don't remember that part, but the rest is some decent armchair philosophy,
She has a gook accent and slant eyes retard. How could you miss that.
>listen jack, I'll talk like the peroga virus played ten beats in half way hell
>I am Boe Jiden, and I play the harp
Cotton is an unpredictable bulldog. Hank is a well trained golden retriever.
I'm sorry, I have autism.
I thought it was his fucked up ankle
>that episode where he killed a guy
>a candy striper
I still to this day do not know what that is.
No tears, only dreams now.
hospital volunteers
>Deedee is part asian
old people gonna old
He's full of shit. She's a blonde bimbo. She talks slow just so we really get that she's dumb.
Ah. Probably could've figured that out.
Everybody who calls me jack is either retarded or a black dude that got way into the 70's. Or else he wants my money.
>listen jack
Oh right, the end of whatever you were going to say started right there.