ITT: We discuss the television show World Peace, and post MDE kinographical clips.
ITT: We discuss the television show World Peace, and post MDE kinographical clips
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Sam Hyde is a pedophile
Big if true
MDE has a series dedicated to harassing pedophiles though.
You people are as bad as barneyfag.
omg that is so scandalous youve ruined his life and career!!!!!
omg that is so scandalous youve ruined his life and career!!!!
wtf i love Sam now
This new guy is a complete hack.
Yeah. He comes off as completely insecure.
The absolute state of pedo apologists
Frank Hassle is just Sam ver 0.2
real schizo chads prefer Chuck anyway
Don't judge him by OP's video it's easily his worst.
You sound like one of those schitzos that thinks everyone is a pedo reptilian cultist
Sam needs to stop hanging out with his unfunny sperg fangirls, that dude isnt funny. Literally an autistic guy repeating mde lines in public
that guy is trying so hard to be sam. ive pirated a few hydewars videos and he even copies sams mannerisms, style of talking and joke formulas. sad.
He's like Sam in his prime though. Sam right now is a shadow of his former self.
I'm judging him by the few videos I've seen of him.
He's just being a douche with no wit or charm or humor, and it seems like he doesn't even know why he's doing it other than to remain in Sam's crew since he has nothing else going for him.
this guy is nothing like sams best and early content. sams early best stuff was his vertical vlogs or early MDE where nick and charls were involved in the writing, some of it was also jan rankowskis (parkourdude) stuff
hi frank
he moreso apes longmont potion castle
Wow lmao the guy in OP's vid fucking sucks, just pack it in already Sam.
This guys channel is cringe, all he does is act like a neckbeard, trigger people for no reason, and use Sam Hyde's editing style. He's like a parody of a Sam Hyde fan
>if I record my sperging out in public Yas Forums will praise me
Surveillance Camera Man is the exact same but actually funny and original.
theres lots of absurdist humour that MDE is influenced by, but to pretend this facsimile of sam is inspired the same sources as MDE and not MDE itself is stupid. so many zoomers started making mde imitating videos, like that icarly gibby kid.
it's evident nobody cares at this point
tranny discord has lost lol
iirc surveillance camera man is zach something who worked on HTBUSG
>implying anyone here gives a shit
No Nick, No care.
this video sucks and is unfunny. that guys is a douchebag. sad.
this shit is so bad and cringe unironically, hope sam cuts ties soon when it goes nowhere
this dude is like IRL stgggs
Remember when MDE made an album?
This guy sucks. Stop shilling this unfunny fag.
Boxed Life was kino
you can tell sam is low-key embarrassed by this guy but keeps him around so he shills HW threads and sam reaction face pics because nick and charls want nothing to do with sam, nor any other previous collaborators.
I think sam is too nice to let him know his shit stinks
Is it just Sam's beta orbiter?
That's surprising, 'cause Sam seems like an asshole. I like his work but he doesn't really seem that hesitant to treat people badly.
i like charles and parkourdude91
>too nice
Sam should make a video where he tells him that he sucks.
Then might actually be funny again.
sam just benefits from the relationship by having cheap work and shilling
"look guys, im just like sam"
This guy is a fag. I hate people that get their jollies fucking with people just trying to live their lives. A grown man acting like a little girl.
This is pretty good in a way he didn't intend.
>frightened, he changes his tone and runs after asking "...ii-i-I guess I should go now, huh"; surprised that the man he's harassing is calling the police
I hope he fucks with the wrong guy and ends up permanently hurt. It almost seems like he's too autistic to understand what he's doing or how he comes across.
It's a lot funnier if you've actually been to a hippie faggot shithole of a restaurant with "family seating".
Couldn't this guy get charged for wasting the police's time? That's what I don't get about channels like this, isn't it just a collection of evidence against you?
what the fuck is family seating anyway/
Charls Carroll > Andrew Ruse > Sam Hyde > Nick Rochefort > Joel (Trapped) = James Price > Karush >>>> The new methead that Sam rolls with > Don Jolly >>> any guest ever on KSTV >>> Eric Andre's left nut > Frank Hassle
feels like a myg0t guy who missed the boat on the IcePoseidon hype and is trying to do the same thing that people like Arab Andy did 10x better
Sam clearly keeps him around cos he's alienated everyone else from him
>Frank Hassle
ill stick to chuck and baldanders
"hey guys not even pol or tv like me, that means im edgy and im totally indifferent to their opinions. not my shill threads btw (and definitely not someone else in sams office i swear)"
So restaurants think they're hot shit because Guy Fieri came there once, so they get off on inconveniencing their customers (Sorta like Jiro Dreams of Sushi). One of the ways they do this is "Family Style" seating, where everyone is forced to eat at a communal picnic table next to complete strangers.
Some restaurants have huge tables that multiple parties share. I think it's a southern thing mostly.
man that takes me back *crack *sip
that shit is so boring
This faggot keeps tweeting Yas Forums screenshots, he did it last week as well.
>deez threads are totally organic hurr durr
God I hate fat people.
i'll stick to chuck and his persian wife
These are great and I pissed myself laughing at some of them but if that happened to me I don't know what I'd do.
No matter what people say the world star hip hop live-leak transition was pretty funny
every man pure of heart deserves a hot Persian gf, or MENA baddie at the very least
Yeah, if Charls and Andrew made content as semi-regularly as Sam and Co., they would blow them out of the water. Videogame streams don't count as content.
at least charls is not gay and doesn't try hard anymore.
Sam just jews everyone and his gay entourage are like split versions of his personality
more than 4 I guess
The editing is always great, Frank's charisma doesn't match it though since it's practically non-existent.
you can tell its this fatasses first visit to a gym and healthy relaxed fit guys dont want to be bothered by him. gyms are bout myob
>posting clips from sams youtube channel
nice try mr pregnant is cool though
Persia is the cradle of civilization. If only Xsayarsa had won the Peloponnesian war against those greasy boy fuckers, we would be in space right now. Sadly, they won, and now the Persian state is on the backfoot against retarded barbarians like the great Satan (USA).
Dude you just posted cringe
>man that takes me back *crack *sip
Stopped scrolling through the thread just because I saw you greentext it. Yup, those really were the days. Back when trolling used to MEAN something, ya know? *sips* aaaah
>you can tell sam is low-key embarrassed by this guy
this is a vibe i've been getting from watching his vids but i thought maybe it was just me.
Im glad he's doing good and is happy. Shes a cutie.
That's a nice attempt at memeing, but Frank we have reviewed your content and found it wanting.
You can cope, deny criticism and fail to ever improve, or you can lose weight, become funny, become independent of Sam and have your own personality.
If you'd like to "dunk on" or prank small family businesses and individuals minding their business, then do it, but when your attempt at comedy fails to land don't blame the audience for feeling sympathetic with those who had to suffer your excruciating cringe. At least be funny.
If I were eating my lunch and an obnoxious ogre like you came to film me, of course I'd be annoyed.
he cut so many bridges at this point, he's stuck with what he can get. he's got a group of fans editing for him for free(probably). his entourage is basically just fans at this point.
Dude, imagine taking advice from guys that look like this.
>they don't know
Cam is hats