any girls here?
what's your favorite kino?
Any girls here?
Other urls found in this thread:
all women are whores
omg my god i like love painting my nails teehee
>when you want to follow a hentai artist on twitter for their art but all they do is post about precure
wtf bros
I just sharted in my tampon. Wanna sniff?
I've only ever seen one confirmed femoid outside of /soc/. It was on Yas Forums and I was extremely triggered and had to drop that board.
All boys are cute :3
based but also incel
aw, thanks roastie!
Said no woman ever.
I like cute girls.
good morning I hate women
actual girl here, nothing screams "Im an incel please give me attention" better then the chad image. Might as well go paint a billboard saying "I'm human garbage and everyone in my life is ashamed of me and I need to project on the interwebs"
>woah this guy made a joke, better take the lord's name in vain!
Unironically get laid
thats a faggot
OP here, forgot to mention when I say girls I mean absolutely NO trannies under any circumstance
She looks quite strong
>actual girl here, nothing screams "Im an incel please give me attention" better then the chad image. Might as well go paint a billboard saying "I'm human garbage and everyone in my life is ashamed of me and I need to project on the interwebs"
ok jewfaggot
>why yes, i'm an incel, how did you know?
and that's a good thing!
is that cosmo?
That's cool but I sure don't care
2 shekels have been put in your account
Wow... so true...
>"I'm human garbage and everyone in my life is ashamed of me and I need to project on the interwebs"
ummmmmmmmmmmmm you boys better behave yourselves!!!!!!
She's a cutie
You're not a girl.
>implying you wouldn't
Chad here, don't believe this lying roastie. All men are kings.
ladies...............was this kino..?
lmao, literally no women have responded to this thread. It's all just incels hating on bitches.
>calling queens bitches
Looks like we found the real incel here gang.
I wouldn't, and that's the best thing.
I'm not gay but I wonder what I would do with a completely passable mtf like her. She's probably getting pumped by chads and paypigs so its irrelevant but jesus imagine a gal like her approaching you in a bar. There's almost no saying no at that point, I'd be putty in her hand
i masturbated 5 times today and now i am exhausted, this is all womens fault that they wont have sex with me
What are you gay?
This thread is just a tranny magnet right? Real women don't use mongolian basket weaving boards
Just accept your gay
>uhm dilate sweetie
Has this ever been debunked or is it airtight?
I feel that user
It's been true since the beginning of time 6000 years ago.
It's not gay to like cute girls
based Christian
I met a girl on this site once. She used to be a man. And before that a girl. But, technically, when we met, he was a man, so then I fucked him into a her. I then proceeded to see if I sexually confuse her in as many ways as possible. At first, I penetrated her vagina after her reformation as a woman. Then, I started to ass fuck her. She was hesitant to do this, but because she was already psychologically damaged from her troubled upbringing (her sister was sexually abused by her step father and she was sexually abused by her mother, specifically), I knew it was possible by getting her off by other forms of pain. So, we moved to light bondage. Then, hardcore bondage. I made sure to switch very easily from Sub to Dom, from Masculine to Feminine in demeanor to subliminally make her position feel more erratic, whether she herself was one or the other being constantly changing in the dynamic to make her mind more malleable to suggestion. Once she was getting off on pain, I knew she would be into anal. But I never started gently. I would ravage her anus. But then I made HER fuck my anus. And again, I would switch my roles as Dom or Sub. And in doing it, I'd make her question her own self by having her roleplay as the macho-man she once wanted to be, but then be the fine dominatrix, and so on. When I introduced pet-play out in public, I made things really confusing. As her master, I would buy her many varied clothes. Guy clothes, girl clothes, boxers, panties-- all of it. And she'd have to wear what I'd tell her. And she'd have to speak like I'd tell her. And when we started going to the gym last year to get fit, I'd buy our supplements. But I'd always play with hers. More testosterone, more estrogen... And slowly but surely, she broke down. She had no idea what she was. She wanted to be a He so much but a She as well, nothing in between. She'd start to wear freakish combinations of male and female clothes, fuck like an abused animal, and it was great. Then I dumped her.
no u
you sickos will be wiped the fuck out
the only girls here don't have ovaries.
>person calling for the death of people is calling me a sicko
I just like cute girls bro
Don't be such a fag
That thing has an xy chromosome.
>Im an incel please give me attention
That girls needs to have my dick in her ass
yes she does!
Does /cgl/ really have girls?
Its Over for us incels
The only places on the internet with actual women are shit tier normie sites like facebook and twitter.
not only you will never pass, you will also kill yourself before hitting your 40's
Is this true?
Of course.
Name 11
Trannies arent people, they are more akin to monsters borne from imagination