
for me it's ruth, darlene and wyatt

fuck the rest specially wendy

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I tried so hard to not hate this dude he wasnt bad but he moves this season from a 9/10 to a 81/5/10

BUT THIS SEASON is the best thing in the last year

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for me it's the old guy who lives in their basement

For me it's Wendy's feet.

First season was great, second was okay, third is total garbage

I'd fuck the living daylight out of Ruth.


need more shows like this less about wrong & right & more about achieving your goal & winning about crushing you enemies then stoping to think if you did the right them then saying YES I AM GOD

Ben is alright too, he screaming at Helen was amazing

Haven’t finished the season but hope this dude ends up shot and killed

Shit taste. 1>3>2

>darlene is actually super hot

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im on episode 5 place tell me her daughter get brutally raped or killed

> i know she is just acting like a normal teenage girl BUT COME ON what wasted time they spent on her they could have spent on kimmy sex scene

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Helen is like a cautionary tale for men.
>don't marry a gigantress who thinks their career is important
>she'll take your kids
>and likely have you beaten with no repercussions on her end

1. Ben
2. Marty
3. Jonah
4. Ruth
5. Helen
6. Darlene
7. Erin
8. Navarro
9. Shrink
10. Wyatt
9001. Wendy

forget the brainwashing of /pol & think of her like a real person think abiut it like you were her & you wanted power over everything else & having a husband & children are just bonuses things you get to play with

#1 Wendy why are you all so intimidated by na i wont hit so low

really why do you think she sucks she is the best characters in this whole show if you stop looking at her are the money & wife first

This season was unwatchble. Why did Netflix fuck it up so bad? Just absolutely horrible what a waste.

Umm, okay.
Anyone who thinks like that is going to be a shit wife.
And she is.

Get some taste, this season was wa better than 2

>going to be a shit wife.
why do you think being a wife was her first priority when she is in the business of POWER it looks like she dont give a fuck about men romantically or sexually

>Get some taste
this season is one of the best seasons on tv in recent tv history

this, any good scenes of her?

So glad we agree.
Helen was a huge bitch and basically a cautionary tale of who NEVER to marry for men.

Shut up r*ddit

I still don't know why you and every other YouTuber claim this. It was no Mindhunter S2

shes entirely irrelevant all season

She sits down to watch birds shit all over her rival's car and you can see some nice legs uuh aah I'm gonna cummmmm


didnt watch season 2 thansk for reminding me

I love how in an attempt to make women lead the show the neflix jewish tranny writers actually make the entire show about how fucking horrible women are and how you can't trust them because they are incompetent.

He kills Ruth in a bipolar rage

Buddy was fcking kino

Tfw you realise the series will rinse and repeat S1 until Marty's inevitable death

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This show is shit

Her mom gets shot in the head in the last 10 seconds of the season lol


What happened to the maid who lose her teeth

why would he kill her

Should've shot Wendy instead. God what an insufferable character

Because he is CraAaaAAaaAzyy cartel boss

>Marty that high
this is the first show that I keep watching (and I actually like) that I fucking hate the protagonist (both now since Wendy got a big role)

was my protagonist fuck marty

> The Iron Fist dude shows up yelling fuck you to a classroom

Absolutely based. I'm just getting started on season 3 and I can already tell more kino is coming.

>mfw I keep rooting for ruth to win, anyone but the byrde
feels good, even fucking darlene

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I liked him, but it helped that his introduction as a character was based as fuck.

Why didnt he get in trouble for that


Best character. Wish the car wasn't like a $250,000+ meme tho

He got fired but you should be asking how did he become a teacher in the first place

Does Marty get to plow Ruth this season?

So you're a dumb cunt too?

What's the feel to have a hot sister?

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Anyone can become a sub with a degree. But thats like jail time crimes not just being fired

Season was a whole lot of nothing
>women power for like 3 episodes
>bipolar guy magically turns into a retard off his meds(the whole apologizing everytime hits kind of close too)

The only thing good about this season was ruth being a bitch turned me on

If you argue against this you are a netflix shill

>his first complaint is about women

put down the video games, stop discussing childrens media on reddit and go outside

Ep 2 through to 8 is pretty much filler

>that obvious reddit spacing
Nice try bucko

She looks bogged

Back to r*ddit

Couldn't wait for it to end after episode7. Drags like hell.