What is the allure of Tik Tok? Why is it so popular? To be honest Vine was a lot better

What is the allure of Tik Tok? Why is it so popular? To be honest Vine was a lot better.

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idk but the fact that all the videos don't fit on my screen when i open them makes me very annoyed

It's entertaining and it makes older roasties SEETHE.

Don't look at what this chick looks like without makeup

nice chin BITCH

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Vine was about funny shit. Whether you think most of the jokes landed or not that was the point: jokes.
TikTok is for whores.

Who is that spic and why do you whitoids keep posting her?


uh hello simp department?

Vine was indeed miles better, I don't even know why they closed business

How big is his cock?

she still looks cute. Yas Forums just hates her.

>vine was a lot better
god i wish all people who felt this way would die in an unimagineably painful and terrifying way. I hope you suffer and burn in hell for all eterneity. Fuck vine it was so fucking annoying. Literally not one good video out of the millions that were made. At least tik tok has cute girls doing cute dances.

I'd fuck with both desu

hehe i bleached my skin and drew on blush hehe

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You haven't used Tiktok then. There is some funny shit on there but you have to look.

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Vine, for all it's faggotry, demanded a degree of creativity. TikTok demands only the desperation of soulless vultures to be noticed.

Why do people keep posting her, there's a lot better ethots out there

>what's the appeal of young slutty girls wearing slutty clothes and doing slutty dances
you gay

absolutely soulless

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Still cute. This is the chick that destroyed incels, lol.

Normal people who don't have low standards hate her.

No need, you're going to show us some of the funny stuff, aren't you?

only roasties and boomers hate tiktok

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I downliaded and saw some hot girls dancing around and making me frisky. I realized they were probably teens and that im middle aged with 2 daughters and quietly deleted the app.

>have plastic surgeries and wear makeup to look more white

Link me a funny tik tok never seen one. Vine was funny

Normal people literally don't give a fuck. Only a fucking loser would hate someone for being cute, or a Bernie supporter.

nice larp roastie

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I don't even care, I'm there for the same reason I was on Vine: hot boys showing off.


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vore is the hottest shit on the planet women like this are pinnacle of female narcissism psychosis and sexuality and I cant stop cooooming to it

The only true waifu is NNC

we both know you'll just be a contrarian no matter what gets posted

Make-up should be illegal.

Probably a mix of longer videos allows girls to dance and do other provocative things and a generational divide from using vine in your college years.

All she did was put on make-up.

It's honestly sad that simps think this is a revelation. Yes, females wear make up. If that picture included her body you would still want to fuck.

What the fuck....

cringe ass bitch fuck you nigger

You guys remember vine? TikTok is just another desire trap for young people to express themselves and promote themselves.

There are a lot of girls that wear childish or perverted clothing and make these weird juvenile dance moves to indicate that they are young and virile little wenches. Some are hot. Some are just sad.

I saw an interracial couple one time trying to hop on a trend. It was fucking CRINGE.


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She is shoot ugly. Why are people so infatuated by her?

What the FUCK is this called? Don't tell me this is a thing

i wish i didn't click that link

oh jeez...

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who is this i need an online handle

Uhh.. wouldn't that ratto try to eat its way out of her internal organs?

shut up

Are simp and incel just interchangeable now?

based pederast poster

God I wish that were me

If you like tik tok you're a zoomer simple as that.

is this really the same person?

ok, boomboom

I actually meant incel.

I've been fascinated by this one girl who thinks she's fucking hilarious but she's a total trainwreck. Every one of her vids is like random LOL MY BUTTHOLE IS SWEATY LMAO. I don't know who to share it with.

Dunno what trickery this is but I've worked with mice and they are bitey as fuck so I'm sure she's trying to trick me

>tries to look white
>becomes ugly
>better off looking when she was a mexican


Is this before and after? My god, my dick.

There are literal boomers and elderly people making funny shit on tiktok. Get with the times, virgin.

>vore is just a harmless internet fetish they said
>they wouldn't actually harm a living thing they said
Reminder that sexual deviancy will never just be contained to the internet.

For me its b__________s

simp describes the left and incel is used against the right

Zoomer porn is so weird, these vids are like... live action SFM porn is how I would describe it I guess. You kids really fap to this or is it another one of those multiple layers or irony things?

He's 17 this year, that's legal where I'm at.

I miss vine lads, it was stupid but funny

Everything about this bitch is fake

That face is fake
Those expressions are fake
The dance is fake
The attitude is fake

Yet simps will eat it all up

jesus christ

>t. Zoomer

Is that the woman who made the "okie dokie boomer feel the bern 2020" video that twitter was obsessed with for 20 whole hours?

its not porn you fucking coomer

tik toks are just vines, they're short videos, usually with music, that are funny or entertaining.

>Television & Film

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