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>Not dropping at Moffat’s systematic destruction of the franchise

S01-10 + Specials of nuWho:

>Taking ten minutes to talk to the audience about giving the old man a chance is retarded though
Fucking this.
Depriving us of the Doctor in a regen episode is demonstrably the worst option
The structure was 10 minutes of Clara being disappointed the Doctor is old, then 3 minutes of 12 doing the usual post-regen spergout, followed by 10 more minutes of the forced meme lesbian crew lecturing Clara and the audience about trusting the plan or some shit, and it went like that until they finally confronted the Ship of Theseus robot.

Moffatt already paced a perfectly fine opening with 11th Hour. Deep Breath was just trying to outdo Christmas Invasion while falling into all the same mistakes

how is the kris marshall timeline doing?

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Twelve should have been Twelve from the start. None of that stupid "Big, sexy woman!" shit. Maybe he was worried about how jarring Colin was compared to Davison, but as long as you don't outright slag on the last guy and try to murder your companion then it should be fine.

Every time I see the thirteenth doctor I can't help but think of Adrien Agreste.

were good reads. :3

Jodie somehow manages to be the Peter Davison and the Colin Baker of NuWho while showing absolutely less promise than either of them.

>they made a pozzed below average white girl the doctor
What the hell? Since when did this happen? Also I wouldnt mind if they got someone either A) hotter or B) professional but this shit is dumb

How is she the Peter Davison though?

Blond and boring?

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That's what I was thinking. I'm not a big Five guy but he's way better than Jodie.

Trans companion when?

Blond, boring, and vanilla. And I say that as someone who doesn't mind TV Davison and thinks he is underrated in Big Finish.

A few years ago. It's old news. Now the Doctor was originally a black girl the imperialist gallifreyans colonized and stole regeneration from.

PLEASE never. Or bring back Kameleon just to dunk on all the freaks who need to Frankenstein themselves to try and change what they are

> tfw 2020 is ten years ago

He's better in Androzani than the rest of his TV run. He's less wet in that one.

I don't dislike Davison, but he is very much "the boring Doctor" when you put them all together. Sometimes that works to his favour. There's more of a human vulnerability about him that works well in stories like Androzani.

Don't worry, we'll all be dead in ten years.

Her first order of business is "Don't be the last guy" and that results in vanilla.

Davison was actually good though.

Davison has gone on record as saying he didn't know how to play the character until his last story.

Kamelion might've been good, shame he's cursed.

A transgender companion would make for a good dynamic now that the Doctor themself has been both man and woman.

Probably the fact that he was babysitting a family of companions the whole time. Once his focus shifted to just Peri it all seemed to sharpen up a bit. He also has a really good solo dynamic with Nyssa and Turlough in the audios.

Name one thing that will be "interesting" apart from that. Because that can barely carry a B-plot, let alone an entire character arc.

I can't believe how good NuWho was bros.
From Series 1-6, everyone I knew watched this show, it was a sacred weekly tradition.
Then Series 7 was the 50th anniversary and it was so fun to be a fan yet the show was definitely starting to dip in quality.
Series 8 was so shit I couldn't believe it.
Then Series 9 was a return to form, suddenly the show was back.
Series 10 proved that 9 was a fluke and that Moffat had clocked out, only writing one good episode that year.

Now Chibnal's era is absolutely SOULLESS.

I just want Doctor Who to die again, it's too painful this way.

Look at it this way: it would be a lot better than what we have right now.

It'd be kind of like hanging around with a LARPer when you've actually done the thing in question. it would just get on your nerves

It really wouldn't. You must realize how desperate that makes you sound? That's how this shit snowballs into the shit it's become now. These people are sick and don't need to be coddled to.

If it was a MtF companion, we'd have a lot of time sensitive stories where the Doctor would have to save the day quick so that she could get back to the TARDIS for dilation hour.

The Doctor's advice to tranners
>trust me, you don't want to be a woman
Would they have the guts?

I'm waiting for someone to make the connection between trannies and the Cybermen and how surgically "enhancing" yourself is a mistake. Even the Daleks are mutated freaks who are prone to suicide.

>41% of the Daleks

People used to think of homosexuality as a "sickness", I'm sure you wouldn't like that, would you? It's much the same with trans people.

Who would you have had take over instead of Chinball?

I feel like once this trend passes, and it will, there's going to be a lot of blow back in the culture, that such insanity was allowed to take place. It'll be like looking back on those hippie cults, who ended up mass suiciding.

They are not the same thing, no matter how successfully they weasel their way into the gay community despite not belonging in the slightest.

They were right then too.

Edgar Wright would be Russell T. Davis 2.0. But the domestic stuff would be way better.

Do you think there's someone out there who wants to fuck the female Doctor not knowing who they were once before?

It'll be interesting to see how people view that I Am Jazz show in 10 - 15 years.

So you are ashamed?

I'm ashamed that society refuses to deal with the mentally ill.

Have a story involving male brains being placed into female bodies or vice versa, on an individual or group level. It's a sci-fi show, for fuck's sake.

Time Lords actually make a terrible analog for trannies, because their biology actually changes 100% without needing surgery. It creates unrealistic expectations and misinformation. It's like people in wheelchairs looking up to racecars.

Homosexuality and transexuality are both mental disorders. They're no more "identities" than other mental illnesses. Honestly, I would love to go to a schizophrenic bar and march in a schizophrenic parade, but we treat schizophrenia as a mental illness, just as we should homosexuality and transexuality.

Do Time Lords even care about genders? I just assume they just go with the flow.

As am I, mental health is not being given the attention it needs by the world at last, much like the struggles of trans people.

*at large, not at last

That's so true. We really need to bring back the mental asylums.

They did until Curse of Fatal Death, when the concept of cross-gender regeneration was first introduced.
As a joke.

Who's laughing now.

Unironically Moffat.

I think the whole idea of Time Lords changing gender is rather flawed myself. Disregarding politics or whatever don't you think it would make relationships a struggle? If your wife gets shot one day and wakes up with a dick what are gonna do then?

Cross-gender regeneration can work. I mean look at Missy/Master and.....well you get my point.

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Kind of like a tripcode?

No, that was fucking dumb.

oh dear you've confused a name used for a one post joke that doesn't even have a tripcode for a tripcode
please lurk more next time before discussing concepts you do not understand

It should be considered an abomination/impossible to do under normal circumstances. The Master has had a history of fucked regenerations so fine, he could have been screwed up enough to be able to do it. It was never going to be interesting more than one time.

t: Tripfag


Missy > Delgado > the rest

>not knowing what a tripcode is
Lurk more, newfag trash.

Missy was great.

watching remembrance of the daleks
ace says a van is a "tv detector van"
what the fuck is a tv detector van

is this what schizophrenia looks like?