I get a 5000 dollar fine for throwing a party

i get a 5000 dollar fine for throwing a party

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Good job retard, also kinos for this feel

You deserve it

>my 21st birthday
>all attendees were below 30 and healthy
>nobody was forced to come
i thought america was supposed to be free?

You mean 5000 dollars in rubles? Did Xenya Sapchak find you? Did she at least give you a suck, that whore?

>i thought america was supposed to be free
*breathes in*

>be third worlder
>get caught throwing a party
>cops join in and we all have a good time drinking

GTFO normalfaggot

>i thought america was supposed to be free?
According to who? Who's going to enforce your freedom?
Hint: the answer is in the Bill of Rights.

Free, if you are gay and jewish.


should be more desu

Based. Fuck zoomers. Cops only mistake was not immediately shooting you and all of your retarded friends and sprinkling crack on your dead bodies.

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Bill of Rights will be replaced with just an ordinary bill very soon.

i cant even afford this
im literally bankrupted
i have about 2000 to my name and no income for the coming months

Did they warn you? and did you alert your neighbors beforehand?

>Good job retard
fpbp literally what i was going to type

The cops are probably too busy to actually enforce it but they're trying to show they're serious when they mean stay inside ig

Appeal it.

Just lawyer up and they won't be able to stick it on you. Fuck cops

This is it, the gubmint is infringing on your freedom!
This is the moment you've been keeping the gun rights for!


As someone who had to spend his 21st alone and coping with being raped, get fucked. There's more to life than parties, you absolutely deserve that fine

weird fetish projection going on here

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Lol fag

And you deserved to be raped

you brought this on yourself

>go to party
>get raped
>get mad at everyone else having parties and not at your own self for being in that situation at all
Learn to take responsibility for your own safety, bitch faggot.

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PM me your info, I'll see what I can do

thanks for the compassion, nigger

This but unironically

unironically your right to free assembly was violated and you can sue

Zoomers are the new blacks

The end is inevitable, boomer


Hmm... Sorry, Nope. I can’t seem to find compassion for people who ignore fair warning to not host major gatherings in the midst of a serious pandemic and endanger the public.

Spoken like a true Redditor. Hopefully people like you get wiped out by the virus while chads continue to party on.

as I said, there were only healthy young people who no comorbidities at my party
i was turning 21, which is the most significant birthday in an american's life. i was just trying to stay litty as the Rock would say. now im bankrupted.

Don't spend the money
Just show up to court to fight it, the date won't be until after everything calms down anway. The judge will either throw it out or reduce it by a lot because $5,000 is an insane fine for just a party.

sue the christ out of them. freedom of peaceful assembly is in the constitution.

lmfao they can't make you pay that. get a lawyer dumbass

>5000 dollar
Where the hell are you at? Califagla? It's only a $500 fine in based Texas.

hey dumbass every single one of your queer party friends can infect or get infected to and by other people stay home and tik tok how sad you are

It's a fake bait to lure in the authoritarian bootlickers. If Uncle Sam rounded people up and gunned them down, they'd cheer in approval.

*cough* Sluuuuup hmm good soup

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Die, boomer

You’re a fucking moron. Why do you think babies get vaccinated despite having healthy immune systems? It ain’t because they’re the ones who are actually at risk of dying, it’s so they don’t infect catch diseases and spread it to people who are. Nobody is worried that you and your dumbass friends are gonna die from Coronavirus, the issue is that you and your dumbass friends could potentially spread the virus to other people.

didnt the CDC say like 80% of americans will get it? so why fine me?

the virus has a 14 days incubation period with possibility of being asymptomatic
you could have very easily killed someone's parents, or yours for the matter

And now you're getting a ban for being off-topic

Idiots like you are why lockdown had to get so bad. Suicide and save lives if youre going to be a selfish prick. I hope you parents and grandparents die of coronoa first. And everyone at that party except you. You get to live bed ridden with shriveled lungs.

Just don't pay it. What are they going to do? Put you in jail?

and lots of people die in car crash too
but if you purposefully run someone over it's you who killed him, not statistics

as far as I'm aware, only old people and fat people are dying
so because somebody decided to become an obese swine, i have to cancel literally my only chance at a 21st birthday party?

t. Boomer
Hurry up and die.

This retard doesnt know about asympthomatic carriers
Get fucked

No one should ever have to experience that, ever. In no way was what you went through any of your fault, and fuck the piece of shit that did this to you.

Asked for it, whore

Yes. Fuck you and your 21st birthday you insufferable faggot.

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looks at this homp simpiens


Who gives a fuck, disingenuous retard. Which news program are you from?

You mean had sex and regretted it?


lotta carefags ITT

you just set your own coronavirus death flag, bud

I like how every loves the government's boot on their face now that they're scared of a little virus

im sorry to hear that user :( what was the reason? honestly you should have ha the guests sign something saying it wasnt your fault if something bad happend

The clock is ticking, boomer scum. Crybaby posts like these only prove how much you deserve to be wiped out.

>reee quick kill the zoomers before corona takes me!
Lmao rip in pieces you piece of garbage.

i'm 21, a lifelong athlete with a bodyfat % of around 12. no comorbidities.
zero chance this glorified flu will bother me.

If people are so quickly to celebrate the loss of their freedoms, they they never deserved life in the first place.

>I'm 21 and want to party!

Extremely cringe, even though this story is completely fake! Kys!

Pics or it didnt happen retard. Where's the summons?

>only old people and fat people are dying
Yeah. Like a few thousand of them. Out of 7 billion people.
Just don't pay it. I'm sure once the world gets over their panic, they'll realise they can't fine you for that. Don't worry about it.

You have to be 18 or older to post here, little zoomies

Emergencies call for emergency powers. If it saves lives, I'm okay with the government enforcing a quarantine. The main problem is them giving that power up once it is no longer necessary.

want me to post some litty pictures?

>People like the government in the midst of a crisis

Yes. It’s literally the main point of having a government.

How about people just take responsibility for their own actions? Wow wouldn't that be crazy!

You could have bought a tiger with that money

Haven't you seen Revenge of the Sith? This is how Liberty dies. With thunderous applause.

Yes, if nothing else so we can laugh at you.

I'm 32 lmao you're a fucking retarded faggot if you're genuinely scared of this. Learn how to count above ten, dumb cunt.

The problem is the joyless automatons who don't view this as an unfortunate sacrifice, but instead have some sort of weird fetish for the heavy authoritarianism and the lockdown.

Only fat and old dying is what they thought weeks ago, healthy people in their 20s are dying to corona
Italy has 1/10 infected dying