Kinos you have seen at least a dozen times
Kinos you have seen at least a dozen times
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truly based
This is the movie I've seen the most, it was the first R rated movie I saw too.
>you think that’s kino you’re watching now?
Star Wars Trilogy
Little Shop of Horror's
Addams Family
Die Hard
The Three Amigos
Why those? because I had them on VHS and if you had a movie on VHS you fucking watched that shit.
Zoomers wouldn't get it.
>capeshit-tier list
you are not any better than zoomers
They're just the movies I had as a kid.
seen over 10 times. forced my bf to watch for the first time tonight and he thought it was "okay"
Over 30 times
So fucking good on it's own.
It's the only one in my head-canon.
There others never existed and the humans had won in the sense that they could now control the system as much as the machines could. The tide was turning and the machines would come to terms.
Reloaded went all "naw fuck that nothing was solved everything is worse." I say, fuck you.
Did you read the books as well?
There is no goddamn way a guy is going to respond to that the same way. You're delivering a ridiculous power fantasy to women with that series. At least my sisters will admit it but they're highly educated.
It's an intensely unbelievable female fantasy.
What would you have said if he showed you 300? "Eh, it was okay" I bet. It's a ridiculous power fantasy that heavily directs itself towards one sex. At least 300 had the sense to make the queen cool, but that was already in the comic it was based on.
Conan the Barbarian.
It is my favorite movie. There is absolutely not a fucking better movie. Set design, everything is so, fucking perfect and genuine. Fuck that dumb remake with Ron Pearlman getting his face melted or whatever.
tits or gtfo
Underrated as fuck. Great movie, user.
Mission impossible 2
does neo gaining root access really that big of a deal?
from the end of the first movie, his superpower is shown to be just being able to fly, the matrix is still controlled by the machines
Humanity's whole problem at that point seemed to be their misunderstanding of the system, what it was and how it existed. Neo, being the one, had actually finally figured out how that code, and that system functioned. Being the ultimate hacker or whatever.
Not only could he identify it, he could use it, like a user uses a computer. It's worse than a virus, it's basically like somebody taking over your desktop and you watching as they perform their own functions.
Almost 10 years. Where has all the time gone.
This movie is so amazing especially in 3D
Yess I can't believe people don't acknowledge these because if you add the Animatrix in then you get to see the whole picture to come together
Agreed if all you had was VHS you watched those over and over and over- I vividly remember the ka-chunk of the tape going in
Do you get it yet? I've seen it like 3 times and it still makes no sense to me.
There are guides to it if you want to give that a look
I'm with you but I considered matrix and animtrix just as equal. some of the shorts in animatrix are incredible, at least to me. beyond/world record/kids story in particular
it also adds backstory that doesn't ruin at part of the matrix, at least in my eyes
The Green Mile
>not Tango and Cash
great film.
first movie is actually not bad the visuals and music are cool and the director and actors really played up the creepiness of the love story. it's a decent watch.
neo is the one he'll sort that shit out
I have not seen it once
The animatrix gets a pass because of how it gave light to some really fucking good artists. It's too good not to be in the same realm as the original movie. The sequels are their own thing as far as I'm concerned.
I love them for what they are on their own basis. They took insane degrees of set-building (that highway in the second one? that was literally built out in the desert by people) that are utterly baffling from a set design standpoint. Who would do that? They fucking did.
>his superpower is shown to be just being able to fly
nigga what
BlackedRaw - Pass Me Around
*filters u*
The first three movies
>muh magic suit movie
Well, at least I know how young you are.
you should, it's beautiful. there's not a single bad performance in it. it's better than the book.
what is it about this movie, that makes it so kino
ezma and kronk
unironically a great satire of consumer culture and the late 90's early aughts music industry.
>that weird line where that guy says his worst fear is that his sons will never understand him
I'm not even a father and I feel for you my dude...
>first movie is actually not bad the visuals and music are cool and the director and actors really played up the creepiness of the love story. it's a decent watch.
agreed it has a great atmosphere
Saw her 19 times in theaters
Spic tier
A huge amount of work and effort went into it. If you love it you should really check out the Sweatbox if you haven't seen that yet.
Depending on your age.
It was actually a pretty popular thing to trick out your car like that before like, 2010. Then it became leave it the fuck alone and keep it fresh.
I had a 1993 accord sedan that was a beast, I will tell you. Turbo, cold air intake, full sound system. Fuck you man I was a pretty cool high school kid in 2005.