How does he still look this good? He's 50 years old
How does he still look this good? He's 50 years old
dunno but I wanna give those tits a right good fondle
Asian genes
imagine him pounding your boipussy hahahaha
What do you mean? That makes you look younger?
Whoa he actually has hair? I fucking hate in the Bond Films how fucking short it is, it looks like he is bald. Casino Royale and Quantum his hair was fine. After it looked bad.
Happy wife, happy life.
I wish I had blue eyes
Steroids. TRT.
He's a rich actor... easy access.
Same as every other fit older Hollywood guy, getting paid to work out and take steroids.
His face looks like absolute shit.
im 30 and i look better then him
it's not easy being the most desired race on the planet
he has had tons of plastic surgery
As for his body, nothing special about that at his age. These guys are all 50 or older.
Genetics + Steroids + Effort can maintain a great physique well into your 50s and beyond.
The main thing is get on testosterone, or else you are fighting losing battle. HGH helps too.
She was so incredibly gorgeous in her youth.
A good trainer and money help for sure.
Only a matter of time before Yas Forums‘s body dysmorphia crept in.
he has the best nutrionists money can buy and the kinds of designer steroids only available to pro athletes. combine that with a physical trainer who tells him exactly what to do, its not too surprising.
Its a ton of work though, he's paid a shitload of money and that's kinda why.
Compared to who? You? Post face
They all look grotesque
I don't get what you mean. He looks around 50.
>> Only a matter of time before Yas Forums‘s body dysmorphia crept in.
You are projecting kid. Op asked a question, I simply answered him with facts.
Are you a fat slob or something? Needing to talk shit about other guys physiques to feel better about yourself?
>professional photography
>zero flaws
It’s called photoshop
This looks like something from a gay firefighter's calendar.
>Getting this salty
Yup, Yas Forums.
just annother fatty
It's absolutely amazing how americans are so fat and ugly that they think a guy in his 50s being in decent shape requires wizardry of some sort. Go to South America or Europe and you'll see plenty of guys looking better than him on any beach. You're all just lazy and uneducated.
Shut up you tiny-dick little bitch. America > you.
All action stars hop on gear/test/HGH whatever once they hit their 40s.
no wife, end your life
kek sure
>He's 50 years old
So what? it's not at all impossible to be fit at 50, especially if you're a world famous multi-millionaire celebrity whose bread and butter largely depends upon it. And despite his physique he's really not that good looking of a guy.
Yep this is definitely TRT body.
I am also on TRT, everyone that works out looks like this doesn't matter the age.
she still is
that is the dumbest shit i've ever read
wtf im gay now
I hear HGH is pretty magic
>I'm 20 years younger but I look better
Literally obsessed
Brad Pitt is older and mogs this guy.
After the age of 37-40 your t levels drop massively.
So yes, a body like that in your 50s is unattainable if you don't jump on some light dosage of trt, which any man should do in his 40s anyway.
he's not the best 50 y.o daddy out there
Or you could just work the fuck out of your legs on a consistent basis and get a big, natural boost of test that way.
>A multi millionaire celebrity with access to the best healthcare, diet, drugs etc.
>you have unlimited time and unlimited money to look good.
>sprinkling in some natural hermetic advantage to boot.
He’s literally paid to look as good as possible. If your job was to look good you’d be in the gym with a trainer 30 hours a week and have a private dietician control everything you ate
>the best diet
don't eat sugar and alcohol
>no alcohol
Yeah. You can duck off
Every time man deflowers a woman, his life expanded by 10 years. So Daniel Craig has done that plenty, which explains everything.
I think Rachel Weisz has been sucking the life from him for awhile.
As a depressed alcoholic poorfag, all I can consume is sugar and alcohol because it numbs the pain of being a depressed poorfag
>don't eat sugar and alcohol
Don't fall for their lies. The dad bod is epitome human condition
Your shitty diet is part of the reason you're depressed
Fattie cope
Homie, I was diagnosed with clinical depression back when I Yas Forums, in the military, and reguarly eating clean. Hell, I've been eating clean and working out constantly again since this quarantine pandemic for the last couple of weeks and I still feel like shit all the time. A person's diet hardly has anything to do with their mental health.
Dietlet cope
Imagine starving yourself, over working yourself, all for nothing.
Yeah compared to OPs pic he looks like shit here. I remember too at an awards show his face was very bloated too. recently he looks like peak again
Literally every doctor will tell you that diet and exercise affect depression and that alcohol will make it worse, but suit yourself. If you were in the military there's probably something deeper wrong with you anyway
Does Jude Law qualify for the dad bod. He's doing well for nearlly 50.
Yes thats peak dad.
Money, makeup, stress free life, virgin blood.