So, I'm watching The Social Network for the first time and I have a massive question. How accurate is this movie, exactly? Is Mark Zuckerberg really this massive of a fucking know-it-all, self-centered, status obsessed asshole?
So, I'm watching The Social Network for the first time and I have a massive question. How accurate is this movie...
Probably worse desu
He thinks hes the Augustus Caesar of the modern era, what do you think?
The stuff he wrote on his blog at the beginning was real.
And yeah, he's a huge prick
>Zuck: Yeah so if you ever need info about anyone at Harvard
>Zuck: Just ask
>Zuck: I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS
>[Redacted Friend's Name]: What? How'd you manage that one?
>Zuck: People just submitted it.
>Zuck: I don't know why.
>Zuck: They "trust me"
>Zuck: Dumb fucks
>•Instant messages sent by Zuckerberg during Facebook's early days, reported by Business Insider (May 13, 2010)
Is that a direct quote? HAHAHAHA No wonder this dude literally had to make a website to force people to be his friend.
From all accounts he's a total pos. And really emotionally distant. Like he just can't into human.
This makes him sound like a literal sociopath. How he has a wife and a family is beyond me. Imagine being his neighbor.
He made a billion dollars and still had to marry an asian.
Im watching the beginning and he just casually says to her shit like "Im gonna take you yo meet people you wouldent normally be able to meet."
"What do you mean that's snoody? The only reason we're able to drink here right now is because you used to sleep with the door guy."
All in a calm, serial killerish tone.
HAHAHA This dude isn't human.
His neighbor lives a long way away. He is on a compound with massive security, high fences.
And he's always been with that chick. Apparently they click. Shes ugly, on the autism spectrum too. They were made for each other.
Not a direct quote but it's not a secret
I mean, the shit he says about people, posting it publically on a journal website with their full names and shit like a gossipy high school cheerleader would do, I just cant imagine being around this dude. Say one wrong thing to him and he blasts you sky high on the internet for the world to see.
This dude really forced everyone at his college to be on a hot or not website without their permission. Does he get his ass beat at any point during this movie? I really wanna see him get hit for the shit he's doing so far. Im not even 20 minutes into this movie yet, either.
Thats just embarrassing.
Think it's the whole family desu. His sister has a journal where complains about how there are no Romans of colour in classical studies so go figure.
The first half of the movie is the only interesting half, and no he never gets his ass beat.
Their father probably trained them that way. Hence why he was so obsessed with being better than everyone else at his college dispite being a shut-in nerd that talked shit about everyone behind a computer screen. Now I know why reddit likes him so much. He's all about doxxing the living fuck out of people.
And yet he owns the most popular social networking website where people have intimate conversations and thoughts with close friends and family members. I bet he browses everyones profiles and laughs at them when he gets bored.
I personally want to beat his ass now and Im not even involved in any if this shit.
Probably, and in fairness they've both done well, far better than I likely will.
But it is funny that he's so obsessed with octavian. And yeah we've come a long way from never tell someone your name online.
Gotta give it to him, motherfucker deals with a break up is a crazy based way.
it's actually lack of sex
Holy shit. I completely forgot that being such a major thing taught to everyone when I was a preteen learning about the internet. God, thats like some George Orwell level manipulation.
>net worth: $55 billion
seething incel
Boggles the mind. And now you get people announcing when they're going on holiday.
The elite will be the first in line to burn in the lowest level of hell, user.
Not only that, announcing where theyll be in the next couple hours completely alone. To the public. Makes me wonder if theres a shit ton if stalkings/killings related to this phenomenon that just go right under the table to keep the public ignorant.
I wonder what would happen if I reopened this site and datamined all of facebook to provide a picture of every single user and essentually recreate the same fucking thing Zuckerberg did that got him in the shit. Oldschool Yas Forums raid style. Would he have a hitman go for my head?
So, someone passes him a note in class calling him a dick after that whole fiasco and it hurts his feewings. And with the sad music Im supposed to feel sorry for him
"Aww but he just wanted to be liked, user!"
Yes. Poor Mark just wants fweinds. He doesn't do anything to, you know, earn a friend. But girl in class mean to Mark. No bully.
It's kino and you're a retarded pleb. Try watching more than 10 minutes of a movie before getting bored and starting a thread you adhd zoomer faggot
According to projecting Redditors, sure.
Even ignoring the Facebook aspect I think there must be a huge upswing in that shit fullstop. The breakdown of local communities doesn't help. If you don't know your neighbours why bother wondering who that guy hanging around is?
Id say Yas Forums and Yas Forums would align with that opinion, though.
Not only that, youth have seemingly began running wild. The shit I see being posted by whatever gen follows zoomers is mindboggling. To have a whole generation with a secret life tucked away from their already lax disciplining parents canNOT be good for society. Makes me wanna move to Japan where if you look at an elder wrong your family disowns you. I know thats an extremely conservative viewpoint, but I try to imagine the opposite of that and it makes me sick, user. What happened to America? Was the internet REALLY such a great invention?
rent free
>You don't get to bring friends
Seething samefaggot
Can't say I'm familar enough with younger folks so I can't comment. The zoomers at work seem Suprisingly stable as far as relationships go which suprised me.
Mind you I'm not American so it's a different situation.
UK has its faults, but America has bad issues with not structuring their youth at the moment. I see 12 year olds dressed in shit a 21 year old would find provacative calling a grandma a cunt for taking their ipad from them at the supermarket. Thats about where we're at over here. Im sure youve seen the news about our zoomers caring more about partying than public safety. I used to think Darwin'z theories were fairly correct until I began witnessing this behavior.
>god I fucking hate Yas Forums, that's why I come here to defend reddit every day
Imagine being a child who can't enjoy a movie with a flawed protagonist. If your only benchmark for a good film is that everybody who's nice gets a happy ending and people who are mean get le epic comeuppance at the end, you should just stick to your marvel capeshit and harry potter movies.
Not a pom either. I hear chavs are pretty similar to that though.
I think it's just societal collapse. For all the memes I think there is something to the whole rise and fall of empires theory. We're just unfortunate enough go be living at the beginning of our own.
Well said, friend. You also seem well read and aware of the world around you. Apparently a rare trait now. Hopefully we'll find our way to prosper through all of this. If so, Ill see you on the other side. Cheers.
Except this is a biopic and you're currently his bitch whether you like it or not. A bit more is at stake than a fucking psudo arthouse "bad guy is the main character" movie, you god damn hampsterwheel, marvel worshiping normalfaggot.
Same to you mate. No point worrying, you can only do what you can and enjoy the good times where you find them.
>this is a biopic and you're currently his bitch whether you like it or not
If you believe biopics are remotely accurate or true to life, you're even more naive than I first thought. And my enjoyment of this film says nothing of how I feel about the autistic alien who sold people's personal information for billions of dollars.
>flawed protagonist = pseudo arthouse "bad guy is the main character" movie
you're a moron.
>marvel worshipping
read my post again, dumb dumb.
>Now I know why reddit likes him so much. He's all about doxxing the living fuck out of people.
What? Reddit hates fuckerberg.
Exacpt he's the main focal point and its been proven that about 90% of this film actually happened besides minor talking points.
>then again, seething
every1 giving his shit away and using fb+all these things deserves to be called dumb fucks
who would know better that zuck himself
You seem to think the film is this propaganda piece trying to excuse everything he's ever done and sympathize with him just because he's the main character. That's an absolute brainlet take. One day you'll realize films aren't trying to trick you. If you find a character unlikeable, maybe it's because they intended it like that. It's not this propaganda piece you idiot. It makes him look like the douchebag he is.
Imagine having to suffer through 10 years of people posting how great this movie is on /g/ and Yas Forums.
Movie fucking sucked, lads. It's not good for a Fincher film, and who cares about facebook. Jew-sie Eiseinberg can't act either.
You actually sort of game me the justification to hate him without feeling like I was supposed to not to.
Actually, thanks user. Sorry for taking the defense at first. I gotta remember this is Yas Forums and people are brutally honest about things.
>Hence why he was so obsessed with being better than everyone else at his college dispite being a shut-in nerd that talked shit about everyone behind
reminds me of a femcel from college that i know
It's not that he can't act user, he's a typecast actor. He's good at playing one kind of character and thats it. Why do you think Michael Cera is compared to him consistantly?
You're welcome
If Mark was a woman he'd be a sorority president. Screencap this for when we get a working multiverse portal going.
Im also drinking, for what it's worth, so I get into irrational trains of thought when I do.
>Zucc: "All women are whore"
Wait, is Brenda Song supposed to be his "future wife" in this movie?
from the movie it clearly shows he and his friends aren't obsessed with race