Did movies influence this fashion style?

Did movies influence this fashion style?

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how are those pants bad

imagine wearing pants

THIS is the true incel outfit.

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I went out and bought these clothes on the strength of them featuring in my favorite movies so yes

Normie jeans are never bootcut.

>full break
>horrible fit
incel detected. Learn how to dress faggot

im that but with baseball shirts and vans

>I wear glasses and used to wear brown Merrells


Who tf wear Jeans that arent fading at the knees?


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People who get laid. Fading on jeans is only appropriate from actual wear.

What the FUCK are "virgin jeans"? Those just look like regular jeans.

If you don't want to go full gay jeans then at least be presentable. Boot cut was bad even when it was popular. A normal straight cut denim is all you need. Classic Levis 501. Not too skinny, not massive boot cut faggotry. 511s are not bad.
What board is this?

You sound like a homo

That's not a full break, that's way past a full break. Jeans look fine with a full break, what we're looking at here is just jeans that are too big in all respects.

Why do you redditors always love spamming the same threads over and over? What kind of mental illness is this?


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>he wears a plain tshirt
Have sex virgin

You have to be 18 to post here faggot

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fuck you bro bootcut is coming back

Bootcut? Even then, incels don't wear bootcut jeans. This isn't 2004, you'd have to really go out of your way to find this cut. Incels would be more likely to wear super basic "straight leg, relaxed fit" Wal Mart jeans

We had this thread yesterday

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here to help the virgins ITT out

pic related is a pair of non-incel jeans

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Incels really look at a pair of baggy jeans that make them look like clowns and say theyre fine

I have bootcut jeans but then again I also wear big dirty squaretoe boots most of the time so whatever

/fa/ggots are even lower than incels.

is this just an anti white male/conservative meme? they put the american flag in as cringe even though its great as fashion, new balance shoes are awesome too. they just mix this with the first two things to shame conservatives or associate them with simp types, which is generally what leftists are.

>no jaw or chin
so brutal, thank god i have them

This, but denim.

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Incel, but fuck.

So OP I take it you wear dress shirts every day even while sitting on your fat ass while posting threads like this in the hopes your low self esteem might be raised enough to stop you from ending your pathetic life.

who said anything about being conservative? projection much?

Nah, US flag is /fa/

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>they put the american flag in as cringe even though its great as fashion
flag code specifies that the flag should not be put on any sort of commercial property
you're not patriotic you just look like a wigger

>new balance shoes are awesome too
They are. But not those banana shaped white leather monstrosities for diabetic dads

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>using the flag as a fashion statement
Fake patriots like you are disgusting.

New Balance is comfy as fuck

>flag code
shut the fuck up you gay ass nigger loving boomer

im an incel and i were crocs so this is false

Grow up cunt


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What's exactly wrong with this? It's just casual clothing on the go

Too bad RL quality went to shit recently

Type in proper sentences retard.

What are some Yas Forums approved kino shoes?

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No you must be dressed in a suit even when at home shit posting on Yas Forums according to OP.

This isnt the boy scouts you queer I can touch a flag without having to take it to you to burn it.

>running shoes though 90% of people who wear them are underweight or overweight
>boot cut jeans with tennis shoes
>shitty glasses
Nothing wrong at all

He looks based

>You see these normal, common pieces of clothing? Well they're actually INCEL-related clothing!

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>he wears virgin clothes
oh nonono

Only social rejects still wear shit like this

Zoomers always must be wearing trendy brands and have perfect hair in case someone wants to make a TikTok or some shit

These threads are always hilarious. All these incels going "w-what's wrong with my-uh I mean these clothes".

ok Tenda

>tfw incel and only the T-shirt thing applies, in hot weather
Haha just you guys try to detect me

That's exactly how I imagine OP. Some fat, dirty non white NEET with glasses wearing a t shirt.

Or you could just wear pants that fit properly, shoes that are more versatile (not that hard, fucking black Vans or Converse would do just fine) and not wear glasses made for 80 year old grannies

There's nothing wrong with wearing a plain t with denim jeans, just replace the shoes and nothing more

Why are incels so defensive about the fact that they dress like children?

What are the brown shoes supposed to be?

Damn hes got them Boyega hips. Thats rather unfortunate

Definitely not Tigers lol

you've never lived in the south


What's actually childish about the clothing?


I hope this fucker dies from the chink flu.

What are good shoes then?

Im wearing shorts because its hot in my country. Only fags wear shoes inside and I don't need glasses.
Now go neck yourself.

They're the sort of clothes that children wear but are usually outgrown by the time you're in your late teens if not earlier.

Quick someone post the /fa/ggot meetup

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>fashion is for fags. I dress for comfort!
>goes outside looking like an absolute retard
>wonders why he can’t get girls

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Why is it always incels who always use the word 'incel'
Is it projecting?

They look based

You're literally lying. These clothing items are completely common and anyone that actually goes outside knows it.

Only based ones are Neckbro and Dylan

>t. incel

I'm assuming you mean aviator style glasses, right? Fuck you. I like things not being fisheyed because my prescription requires thick as fuck lenses if you don't spread them out. Also, fuck not having peripheral vision.

>They're "outgrown" because I said so

So do you have any ACTUAL arguments?

>right wing fashion

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He probably is. That's why he tries to shame incels.

Those guys look like coolguys who'd be fun to hang out with.
These guys look like catty bitches. Literally women with penises, including probably actual women with penises.

Ah yes only social rejects wear t-shirts.

No, it's my observations of myself, everyone I grew up with and society in general. Nigga if you want to keep dressing like a 10 year old boy, I'm not going to stop you. It's probably cheaper.

Do people really think super loose Walmart jeans look good on them?

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>Those guys look like coolguys who'd be fun to hang out with.
This says more about you than anyone else.